Welcome aboard the USS Columbia!
2396. Starfleet finds itself at the transition of one century to the next. Intergalactic diplomacy remains one of Starfleet’s top priorities. The Federation is tasked with representing the interests of its member worlds further into space than ever before. Enter the Odyssey class starship USS Columbia. It represents Starfleet’s expectations for 25th century operation.
The Columbia and her crew will patrol the farthest edges of Alpha Quadrant space. Breen incursions have increased rapidly in the latter half of 2395. Attacks ranged from Melnos IV deep out to Decos Prime. Starfleet expects the Columbia’s presence on the edges of the Alpha Quadrant will impact Breen aggression. The crew will regularly interact with groups like the Lurians, Cardassians and Ferengi.
Exploration is another vital role of the Columbia. The ship includes a team of colonization specialists actively in search of suitable worlds. The team stands ready to disembark and immediately settle a wide variety of climates. Powerful sensors and an extensive array of science laboratories ensure the ship is prepared for the galaxy’s many mysteries.

USS Columbia Content Rating

Language 2: Swearing is generally permitted. However, the language cannot be used to severely abuse.
Sexual Content 2: Sexual content is permitted. References and writing about genitalia and sex acts are permitted, but explicit detail is not. Fade to black, or mature tagging are recommended.
Violence 2: Violence is permitted.
Latest Mission Posts
» A very wrong turn...
Mission: Into the unknown
Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2025 @ 7:50pm by Captain Jason Elliot & Lieutenant JG Annika Wiseman & Commander Zera Tirado & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Daniel Martin & Lieutenant Eira Cortez
The alert klaxon echoed throughout the bridge, the deck shook as the sinister red lights filled the area as Jason and the senior staff stumbled through the passageway, Jason looked at the main viewer, the cylindrical corridor was filled with wreckage and chunks of asteroids. Jason ran through the door from the conference room too the main bridge, "REPORT!" he yelled at the top of his voice.
"We're stuck in some kind of wormhole like phenomena, being pulled at through the effect, I'm attempting to avoid debris in the conduit." an ensign called out from the helm,
"Hobb damage…
» Ships in the Night - Pt. 1
Mission: A new era - Time for change
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 7:27am by Lieutenant Eira Cortez & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose
After meeting with the CO ot announce her arrival on the ship and then getting her personal belongings stored away in her new quarters, Eira realised there was an orientation going on for the new officers that had just come aboard that she could, and probably should, attend. It looked like it was being run by an Operations officer which was to be expected.
The orientation itself was standard: take a small tour of the ship and see where the different departments were located, learn who the chain of command was, emergency protocols. However, having been on a few…
» The routine is about to get interupted..
Mission: Into the unknown
Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 8:24pm by Captain Jason Elliot & Commander Zera Tirado & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Daniel Martin & Lieutenant Eira Cortez
Ships log Stardate: 74073.32
Following a four week refit and additional two week shakedown we're currently on patrol along the boundary of the disputed zone with the Tholians doing routine patrols following the attack on the USS Jacksonville Starfleet decided to increase the patrols incase there is a renewed military threat. The crew has for the most part adapted too the changes and have largely embraced the system upgrades, there was some resistance too a couple of the new systems. While we have not encountered many ships in our patrol area the area is noted for being riddled with anomalies…
» Birthday
Mission: A new era - Time for change
Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 12:19pm by Lieutenant Daniel Martin
< Shuttle Craft Axis >
Daniel was very late for the dinner party aboard the Columbia but it wasn't his fault. In the rush to get to his new post Daniel had accepted a ride from his old marine buddy to his new post.
The only down fall to this reunion happened an hour ago as his friends wife Constance went into Labor. A very high risk Labor given they were having twins.
Daniel quickly washed up and began sterilization of the items he might need and as his friend paced sick bay Daniel prepared
Given the children were…
» A Dinner party
Mission: A new era - Time for change
Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 8:43pm by Captain Jason Elliot & Lieutenant JG Annika Wiseman & Commander Zera Tirado & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose
The low rumble of the rawkus sounds of twentieth century blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn echoed through the main floor of the well kept ancient house, in the kitchen the clank of a cast iron frying pan coming off of the burner, it's contents being slowly poured into a bowl with the precision of a skilled cook, the steam rose off of the vegetables. Jason set the pan into the sink. With some energy he slid over too the flattop grill checking the various protein patties giving the ones that needed turning over the proper attention. Jason set out…
Latest Personal Logs
» Coming Aboard
Posted on Wed Dec 13th, 2023 @ 11:16pm by Lieutenant Pharos Ventari
"Lieutenant junior-grade, Pharos Ventari, Personal log."
A heavy sigh as the Rechakan rested his forehead on the desk, before continuing, sounding slightly muffled.
"I made it. Two transports, a shuttle, and a two hundred year old warp sled that should have been decommissioned a century ago; two hundred and twelve hours of travel time, but I managed to catch up with the Columbia. I feared the orders might have been a mistake, that my assignment here had been in error, but they verified my orders, confirmed my identity, and let me onboard anyway. If it's a mistake, I'm not sorry…
» Captain's Log: Launch
Posted on Tue Aug 8th, 2023 @ 3:56pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
“Captain’s Log.. Stardate 7-6-2-6-8, point.. 8-0-5-4.”
“The Columbia has set sail.. and is underway to Campor III. Our crew really pulled together to launch in a matter of days. It normally takes closer to two weeks.”
“Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri has been absolutely invaluable to the ship, our crew and myself. There have been times when I ask the computer to locate the Commander, when I’m trying to reach her… Almost every single time, she’s been meeting with one person or another.”
“After meeting with several senior officers, we decided we will push through the Mutara Nebula. Lieutenants F’Rar, Lyngstad,…
» The Distance Between a First Officer
Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 3:33am by Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer's Personal Log, Mission Day 12, 2300 hours.
One thing I didn't anticipate when making the jump from Second Officer to First Officer when taking this position was the distance that it would put between me and the rest of the senior staff, much less the rest of the crew. Perhaps it's just because we're still a new crew and getting to know one another, but in my last two postings the senior staff was comfortable using familiar names with one another almost immediately. Maybe it's all in my mind, but I'm sensing some resistance to that, and it's…
» Back to Space
Posted on Thu Jul 6th, 2023 @ 8:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Dear Bradley, it has been a year since I was posted to Department Head school. I feel well educated now, more than ever before. I feel ready to take command of a Science division aboard ship.
After eight years on the Wayans and eight years at Starbase 51, getting a real assignment seems like a dream. I haven't had a chance to review who else is on the crew, but I will get to that soon.
I feel like a new chapter is starting in my life. I feel like I am about to embark on a great adventure. Being…