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Captain's Log: Launch

Posted on Tue Aug 8th, 2023 @ 3:56pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Edited on Thu Aug 10th, 2023 @ 1:05pm

551 words; about a 3 minute read

“Captain’s Log.. Stardate 7-6-2-6-8, point.. 8-0-5-4.”

“The Columbia has set sail.. and is underway to Campor III. Our crew really pulled together to launch in a matter of days. It normally takes closer to two weeks.”

“Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri has been absolutely invaluable to the ship, our crew and myself. There have been times when I ask the computer to locate the Commander, when I’m trying to reach her… Almost every single time, she’s been meeting with one person or another.”

“After meeting with several senior officers, we decided we will push through the Mutara Nebula. Lieutenants F’Rar, Lyngstad, and Razka attempted to modify our ship’s sensors to cut through the nebula in the way Mister Razka’s modified runabout can.”

“That proved to be too grand of a task. They were able to find a way to coordinate the Columbia’s navigation with the ping like system used by the Quath’Mar people…. Mister Razka’s kin.”

“Our sensors and shields will be affected by the nebula’s ionization. Our ship will be vulnerable. I do have faith that our ship can overcome any challenges which may present themselves. Starfleet instructed us to use this opportunity to plot a course through the large field.”

“I feel confident with Lieutenant Kas guiding us through his runabout, the Holana. Lieutenant Tomm is a certified professional as Chief of Tactical and Security. I look forward to working with him. Lieutenant F’Rar is another one of the Columbia’s major assets. Getting this ship prepared to launch so quickly is largely a result of her tireless dedication on the job. ”

“Doctor Takanashi is also dedicated. Although she is pregnant, she stills supervised the loading of medical supplies and attended the launch from the bridge.”

“Lieutenant Elliot is another interesting fellow. He’s our Chief Intelligence Officer. Commander Chalan informed me of a classified matter that she’s coordinating with Lieutenant Tomm, based on Mister Elliot’s reports. Increased readiness drills are likely to be the key result of these findings. We are fortunate to have an Intel officer with a knack for passing along relevant information.”

“Ensign Sava is another officer that stands out to me. She was posted on the bridge for send-off. I’m considering assigning her to the Alpha shift crew as extra bridge security. I sense she has a unique perspective that might prove useful.”

“Life aboard the Columbia is not all about duty and assignments. I found time to visit the Arboretum. Miss Lyngstad was there, as was the acting Chief Counselor, Lieutenant Drylo. I really must make more time to interact with the crew. I’ll try to be there when we make new additions to the Arboretum in a few weeks. Perhaps we can all plant and sew seeds together.”

“The wellbeing of this crew is my number one concern. Commander Chalan and I want to build the Columbia into an environment that fosters professional growth and personal development. Life aboard the Columbia will be fast paced and sometimes dangerous. We also hope it will be a place the Columbia’s residents and crew will enjoy.”

“We’re laying the groundwork for a family that can overcome the greatest obstacles… and reach the furthest stars…”


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