Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

Name Ryhl th'Zeles

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain


  • 100 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 3:14am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 43

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Dark Gold
Physical Description A rich cerulean-blue complexion covers the rectangular faced Andorian. Silvery-white hair the color of an ice storm makes up his hair and expressive eyebrows. His face portrays his emotions clearly. Eyes of dark gold pierce with a strong, searching gaze.

Wrinkles are beginning to set around the corners of his eyes and around the sides of his nostrils. There's still something youthful about his appearance.

The Commander has an average frame, fairly tall and neither lanky or heavyset. Wide shoulders and a long torso give him an athletic appearance. Long strides and a fast pace make for a brisk walker.

His expressions often carry a sense of purpose. Ryhl often uses his hands while he speaks. His voice is not extremely deep, but has rich qualities which make him interesting to listen to. His manner of speaking can sometimes be unique.


Spouse Former Bondgroup: Sanoss ch'Thaarrehr (44), Sytte zh'Qirhess (46), Zilla sh'Kiannorh (45)
Children Thrita zh'Qirhess (19) - Mining Ship Security Forces
Tath ch'Qirhess (17) - Junior Medical Student
Father Tob ch’Thyllehr (Retired Starfleet Captain), Ryb th’Kaakret (Diplomat)
Mother Ithyraa sh’Vysrot (Retired Starfleet Engineer), Sava zh’Zeles(Tailor)
Brother(s) Thov th'Zeles
Kihl ch'Zeles
Sister(s) Vroro zh'Zeles
Other Family Zeles and Kaakret family

Orjheza zh'Kaakret - SFMC fighter pilot

Personality & Traits

General Overview Motivated and excited to work for the Federation, Ryhl began his career in Engineering. After rapid advancement in the latter half of the past century, a new generation of awe-inspiring starships represent Starfleet. It was this interest in technology which motivated him to focus his studies. Such drive carried him through the junior officer ranks and into candidacy for command.

All well-wishing thoughts would be for naught if Ryhl didn’t prepare to the best of his abilities and know how to execute. He often pushes himself to the brink, mentally and physically. A starship needs constant care and monitoring. Ryhl lives his life as if he is always on call. He must be mentally strong enough to work the long, stressful hours of the job. The Andorian keeps himself to the same strict standards that he was under as an engineer. The crew expects Ryhl to perform. He strives to exceed their expectations.

The frenetic Andorian understands the importance of bonding with others. He forces himself to slow down from the busy pace of an commanding officer’s life to spend time with those who interest him. He tries to be a team player. Ryhl understands that a starship is composed of people from different worlds, with various abilities. Working together to blend this diverse array of talent is what makes Starfleet such a capable exploration and military force. His task is to coordinate these skills and abilities into a synchronized crew.

Rhyl is most comfortable expressing himself through humor. He resists the urge to laugh often. He sometimes shares jokes with those close to him. It helps the Andorian break tension. His dry sense of humor helps him quickly bond to similar people.

There’s an energetic aura around the Commander. He tends to overanalyze most situations. This comes in handy on the bridge of a starship, but less so in his personal life. He tries to be a calm & balanced person. Sometimes he finds this harder to maintain, especially during periods of high stress or energy.
Strengths & Weaknesses Ryhl’s emotions can run away from him. He doesn’t handle loss or disappointment well. His anger or jealousy can get the best of him. Meditation helps him manage this. Some of this emotional instability is why Ryhl keeps distance between himself and others. This can leave a bit of mystery under the the Andorian’s surface. It is as if he forces this rift between those who get too close.

Managing his emotional balance is what prevents Ryhl from being the picture perfect officer he imagines. The Andorian loves his ship and crew, but often feels distant and isolated. Ryhl luckily has the ability to recognize this and force himself from this mentality.

Ryhl turns to escapism when feeling overwhelmed. He normally feels too busy to enjoy the holodeck, but turns to synthehol and friends for a laugh. Getting caught up in a good conversation while enjoying an exotic drink is one of the few things which can distract Ryhl from his responsibilities.

+flexible problem solver
+team player
+understands the need for balance

-sometimes distant, isolated mentality
-often distracted
-accidentally comes off as arrogant, further isolating him
-sometimes sets unrealistic goals and takes risks to achieve them
-the need for pleasure leads to vices such as drinking and gambling
Ambitions Ryhl has the goal of becoming a future flag officer. This is easier said than done. He still plans to accomplish this difficult goal. Steps along the way include commanding a starship and teaching at Starfleet Academy. His hope is to leave a mark on Starfleet, its officers and the galaxy.

He enjoys serving on unique, advanced vessels. Every moment in command of the USS Columbia is a blessing. Commanding the bridge is a privilege and an honor. It’s one that he strives to live up to every day. Being the best version of himself on and off duty is one of the officer’s major ambitions.

He also hopes to find a family. He’s at the age where he should be forming a bondgroup. Living up to the expectations of his clan pressures him to start a family. He still hopes Starfleet will keep him away from the family’s mining operations.
Hobbies & Interests Collecting rare musical instruments is one of his pursuits. He listens to music from different cultures, enjoying the subtle nuances between the alien audio palette.

Ryhl enjoys escaping to nature. Exploring new planets is a passion of his. In the midst of his travels, he has become interested in exotic alien plants.

Connecting with his Andorian heritage is important to Ryhl. He does this in many ways. This includes meditation and the practice of Chako Tlaani. The term is a catch all for Andorian martial art styles. His particular techniques speak to his subculture within Andorian life.

Ryhl favors the bladed Chaka weapon. He also practices the fighting styles of Hleshvalath, a grappling technique, with striking elements derived from the art of Kharakom.

Personal History Commander Ryhl th'Zeles, a distinguished Andorian officer, bears the weight of his experiences and ambitions with grace and determination. Born and raised in the mining town of Uskit on the continent of Kathela, Ryhl's childhood was marked by the resolute spirit and strong work ethic ingrained within the Andorian culture. Growing up alongside his brother Thov and two sisters, he witnessed the toil and dedication his family poured into their mining endeavors, fostering a deep respect for the value of hard work and perseverance.

During his teenage years, Ryhl lived aboard a family mining vessel, immersing himself in the intricate workings of starship technology. It was within this crucible of mining operations that his passion for engineering ignited, as he eagerly absorbed the intricacies of the vessel's systems. The long hours spent troubleshooting and maintaining the ship's engines and equipment laid the foundation for his future as a skilled engineer.

Life aboard the mining vessels was militant. Ryhl was expected to live and train like a crew member from a young age. Martial arts were as important as science in his schooling. Neither field was young Ryhl's strong suit, but he invested time and effort into advancing his studies. The family ships did two things for him. It instilled a love of traveling the stars, while encouraging Ryhl to explore the Galaxy on his own.

With a burning desire to explore the cosmos and contribute to the advancement of Starfleet's technological prowess, Ryhl embarked on his journey at Starfleet Academy from 2375 to 2379. Fueled by his fascination with technology, he pursued a major in Engineering, with a minor in Operations. During his time at the academy, he also found solace and camaraderie on the lacrosse field, honing his physical abilities while fostering a sense of teamwork and discipline.

Ryhl's former bond group was a tight-knit and loving union that formed during their time at Starfleet Academy. Sanoss ch'Thaarrehr, Sytte zh'Qirhess, Zilla sh'Kiannorh, and Ryhl th'Zeles formed a unique and devoted bond, embracing the Andorian cultural tradition of familial and emotional connection.

Throughout their early years, the four partners navigated the challenges of their careers while cherishing the joys of parenthood. Ryhl, the youngest of the group, became a father at the age of 25 when his first child, Thrita zh'Qirhess, was born. Thrita grew up to serve on a family mining ship as a young security crewman.

Raising their children in a nurturing and supportive environment, the former bond group faced the inevitable trials that accompanied their Starfleet duties. The demanding nature of their professions eventually led to difficult decisions, and the group amicably chose to dissolve their bond in order to focus on their individual careers and responsibilities.

Ryhl's dedication and academic prowess propelled him through the ranks of Starfleet, earning him assignments on various starships. From his initial role as a Damage Control Specialist aboard the USS Cairo to his subsequent positions as a Propulsion Specialist and Engineering Officer, he honed his skills and expanded his knowledge within the realm of starship engineering.

Ryhl's exceptional talent and unwavering commitment led him to be appointed as Chief Engineering Officer and Second Officer aboard the USS Nightingale, where he made significant contributions to the ship's performance and efficiency.

As the Executive Officer of the USS Nightingale, Ryhl displayed his natural leadership abilities, guiding the crew through challenging missions and fostering a cohesive and effective team. His passion for the Federation's ideals, coupled with his extensive engineering expertise, solidified his reputation as a capable and respected officer.

Now, as the esteemed Commander of the USS Columbia, Ryhl embraces the opportunity to lead a vessel that represents the pinnacle of Starfleet's technological achievements. His unwavering commitment to his duties and his tireless pursuit of excellence propel him forward. Ryhl's dream of becoming a future flag officer drives his ambitions, as he seeks to leave an indelible mark on Starfleet, its officers, and the galaxy itself. While he strives to maintain a balance between his personal and professional life, Ryhl's journey is not without challenges. He grapples with emotional instability and the occasional sense of isolation, but he continually works on managing his emotions and forging connections with his crewmates.

Outside of his duties, Ryhl finds solace in collecting rare musical instruments, relishing the nuances of sound from different cultures. He understands the importance of finding moments of escape and camaraderie, often engaging in laughter and light-hearted conversations with those who share his dry sense of humor.

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles embodies the spirit of an engineer, a leader, and a devoted member of Starfleet. His journey, from his formative years in a mining community to his current command of the USS Columbia, has shaped him into a remarkable individual whose determination, expertise, and unwavering commitment to his responsibilities ensure a promising future for both himself and the Federation he serves.
Service Record 2375-2379: Starfleet Academy - Engineering Cadet, Minor in Operations
2379-2380: USS Cairo - Damage Control Specialist
2380-2382: USS Cairo - Propulsion Specialist
2382-2384: USS Cairo - Engineering Officer
2384-2385: San Francisco Fleet Yards - Aerospace Engineer
2386-2388: USS Monitor - Engineering Officer
2388-2389: USS Haddock - Engineering Officer
2389-2390: USS Haddock - Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
2390-2393: USS Nightingale - Chief Engineering Officer, Second Officer
2393-2396: USS Nightingale - Executive Officer