Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin
Name Jorel Torin II
Position Chief Diplomatic Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
- 25 Mission Posts
Last Post
Mon Feb 24th, 2025 @ 7:50pm
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Trill/El-Aurian | |
Age | 33 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'9" | |
Weight | 150lbs | |
Hair Color | Brown/Dirty Blonde | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Jorel stands about 5’9” tall, which was pretty standard for most Trills and El-Aurian people. He had a mix of blonde and brown hair, which came from his parents. His mother was a natural brunette, while his father had the blondest hair that anyone on Trill could have imagined. However, due to his mixed heritage, Jorel had spots going from the top of his head down to his ankles. But, they were less noticeable due to the fact that his mother was El-Aurian, causing them to be lighter in color. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Jorel Endrin | |
Mother | Emory Endrin | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | None | |
Other Family | Various throughout the galaxy, especially after the Borg destroyed the El-Aurian Homeworld. Several of his family members have been born on Trill as well, which includes various cousins and other family members. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Jorel was born to Jorel and Emory Endrin, both of whom were diplomats to the United Federation of Planets. Jorel was one of the only children of Jorel and Emory, and their first child, which made them wonder which genetic traits that Jorel would inherit from each parent. Jorel has had his genetic makeup looked over by medical professionals at Starfleet medical, where he learned that he would have the longevity of his mother, while he would be able to join with a symbiant like his father. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths-Great Listener, Physical Strength, Easygoing, Quick Learner Weaknesses-Distaste for the Borg and Nanotechnology, Catches a temper when someone tries to harm the people that he cares about |
Ambitions | Jorel wants to become an Ambassador to the Federation sometime before he turns 100 years old, preferably to the Trill people. While it doesn't matter if he’s posted to Earth as an Ambassador, he does hope that he can be posted to his father’s homeworld, so that he can be closer to his immediate family. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Klingon Martial Arts Languages Culture and History |
Personal History | Jorel Torin was the only child to Federation and Trill Diplomats Jorel and Emory Endrin. Jorel and Emory were worried when they begun planning for a family, since Jorel was a Trill, while Emory was an El-Aurian. Their mixed heritage caused some parts of their biology to be incompatible, but with some genetic testing and medical procedures, they were able to have their first and only child, Jorel, who was named after his father. Due to the harsh nature of the various medical procedures to have their child, Jorel and Emory decided that he would be the only one for a while. This led to Jorel being lavished with love and affection from both of his parents. While their work took them to various places around the Federation and the galaxy as a whole, they made sure that Jorel had everything that he needed when growing up. Within the first year after Jorel was born, both of his parents took a posting at Starfleet and Federation Headquarters on Earth, allowing for Jorel to grow up with a diverse group of people. When Jorel was old enough to start primary school at the age of 5, he joined a primary school in San Francisco that was sponsored by the Federation. It allowed for Jorel to get his first taste of the various different cultures and races within the Federation, such as Bajor, Klingon, Vulcan, and so many more. Since the first day of school, Jorel knew that he wanted to join Starfleet and the Federation as a diplomat or something similar, so that he could help out the various species that he got to interact with on a daily basis. Thus, on Jorel’s 18th birthday, he graduated a bit early from the secondary school in San Francisco and applied for an early admission to Starfleet Academy. While he was accepted, Jorel wasn’t able to join his class until the Fall Term in a few months because of his unique circumstances. Since Jorel graduated early from secondary school and hadn’t applied a bit sooner, there were no spots left available for him to be able to join the Spring Term. But, Jorel had been a straight A student all through school and the admission’s team at the Academy were impressed with all of the extra curricular activities that Jorel had taken part in. So, in the Fall Term after Jorel applied, Jorel started at Starfleet Academy and took an immediate liking to diplomatics, just like his parents had years prior. While Jorel’s path was a bit different than his parents, it just meant that he had a unique path towards getting into a diplomatic career. During his first term at the Academy, Jorel and his fellow freshmen class underwent extensive medical procedures and testing. While Jorel had gone through some testing when he was born and when he was younger, the testing that was done at the Academy went a bit beyond what the standard testing to include some genetic testing that showed Jorel whether or not he had some traits from his mother or his father. Jorel had the Trill spots running up and down the side of his body, but they were less noticeable than a standard, full blooded Trill. So, Jorel was curious as to what was passed down from his mother and what was passed down from his father. After the genetic testing was completed, Jorel learned that he was able to join with a Trill symbiant, while his mother passed down the genes for the longer life. Jorel thought for the longest time that he wouldn’t be able to join with a symbiant, so he didn’t ever think about applying to the commission to join with one. Once Jorel learned this, he started to figure out the process of joining and going through the commission. Jorel was able to go through the Academy and made it through the Academy with high marks throughout his time. While he was studying at the Academy, Jorel learned what he needed to do before applying for the Trill Symbiant Commission. After Jorel graduated from the Academy and was assigned to Starbase One as a Junior Diplomat, he began the process of going through the Commission to see if he could join with symbiant. Jorel had to bring all of the genetic testing that proved that he was capable of joining without rejection from the symbiant. Jorel was accepted into the program, mainly because the commission hadn’t had many people within the program that were of mixed species like Jorel. There had only been a select few that were capable of joining with a symbiant, so Jorel was accepted into the program and within a few months, a host was selected to be his mentor. Jorel’s mentor was the sixth host of the Torin symbiant, Tobin Torin. The man was an older gentleman who had been with the symbiant for the better part of 70 years by the time that he began mentoring Jorel. Tobin had looked over Jorel’s file and thought it was rather interesting that someone who was only half Trill was able to join with a symbiant. But, Tobin wanted to make sure that Jorel had everything that he would need to be able to join and have a successful time with the symbiant. Over the next few months or so, Jorel and Tobin talked every day over subspace as they worked together to go through everything that was required by the commission. By the time that Jorel was completed with everything, Tobin had taken a turn for the worse medically and Jorel was required to come back to the Trill homeworld immediately to join with the symbiant as soon as possible. It took a few days for Jorel to get back to Trill, but it wasn’t quite in time for him and Tobin to meet in person. Tobin passed away a few hours before Jorel made it back to Trill and the Torin symbiant had been removed from the older gentleman. The commission ushered Jorel back to the operating theater and got him ready for the transfer of the symbiant, which took a few hours to get completely done and make sure that Jorel was okay. From that day on, Jorel was now known as Jorel Torin and gained the knowledge of the previous hosts of the Torin symbiant. It helped Jorel with his diplomatic duties and over the last few years, it helped him gain new relations with various governments and species, both previously known and unknown. |
Service Record | 2381-2385: Starfleet Academy 2385: USS Endeavor, Cadet Cruise 2385-2390: Starbase One, Junior Diplomat 2390-2396: Starbase One, Senior Diplomat 2396-Present: USS Columbia, Chief Diplomatic Officer |