Commander Chalan Kendri

Name Chalan Kendri

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander


  • 112 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 3:54pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran/Cardassian
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 155
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tall and regal with distinct Bajoran and Cardassian features. Long, very dark brown hair that is naturally glossy and wavy. She wears her hair pulled back off of her face, but lets it flow down her back. She gets cold easily on Federation ships, so off duty she is often in high neck sweaters in jewel tone colors and long pants.


Spouse NA
Children None
Father Legate Ejan, Cardassian (deceased)
Mother Chalan Lani, Bajoran (deceased)
Brother(s) only half-siblings and foster siblings - see other family section.
Other Family Kendri was placed in a Bajoran orphanage when she was twelve years old, and she lived there with with twelve other children until she turned 16. Two others were hybrids, the others were Cardassians. She is friendly with most of their former caretakers, but only close with one, Vadek Anti, who became a father figure to her during her teen years.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Familiar name, Kendri. Formally, Lt. Commander Chalan. Kendri takes her work very seriously, and assumes others do as well. Kendri's emotions run deep, and she has strong opinions and beliefs; however, when she is on the job she is almost always serene and stoic, choosing when to let the more passionate side of herself show.

Strengths & Weaknesses She is not afraid to speak the truth - even when this can get her into precarious situations, though she is usually fairly skilled at talking her way out of predicaments as well.

Ambitions She would like her own command someday, though she does not feel ready for it.

Hobbies & Interests She has tried Vulcan meditation techniques and is adequate at kal-toh.

Personal History Kendri was born on a Cardassian vessel to Legate Ejan and her Bajoran mother, Lani. Ejan had a wife and children on Cardassia, and kept Lani, his Bajoran mistress, with him when he travelled.

Ejan was stationed on a Cardassian military base on Bajor, bringing Lani and Kendri with him when Kendri was almost 10 years old. Approximately one year later, the base was attacked by the Resistance, and her mother was killed in an explosion.

After Lani's death, Kendri's father left Kendri at an orphanage on Bajor.
Service Record Kendri entered Starfleet Academy in 2380 with a major in Security/Tactical.

In December 2384 she was posted to the USS Kennedy where she served for seven years, and achieved the rank of full lieutenant.

In 2391 she was promoted to Lt. Commander and left the Kennedy for a promotion to Second Officer on board the USS Verity.