Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus

Name Bellona Aurelia Juventus

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 14 Mission Posts

Last Post

Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 6:00pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Magna Romani
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 143 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Bellona works extremely hard to maintain her personal fitness, and it shows clearly in her physique. She been compared to the Roman goddess of war for whom she is named many times, with her slender yet well-toned figure, regal presence and long, flowing red hair. She rebuts these claims without fail, saying that it would anger the goddess herself for a mortal to call herself her equal. She is rarely seen out of uniform, though when one is lucky enough she can be found in exercise attire or loose clothing.


Spouse N/A, and Bellona prays that she will never marry.
Children None
Father Julius (estranged)
Mother Fulvinia Octavia Juventus
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family An aunt resident in Cambridge, England, with her Betazoid husband. Bellona's relationship with them is cordial; she stayed with them as she studied to enter Starfleet Academy.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Bellona is extremely honor and duty driven, believing firmly that a Starfleet officer, or at least a Starfleet officer to be, ought to behave as such at all times. She can rarely be found socializing with her colleagues, choosing instead to take on late shifts in order to better focus on her work rather than being bothered by their shenanigans, Whether this is truly the case, or if it was because she was not properly socialized as a child is unknown, and she refuses to consider it an issue. She adamantly refuses to drink for the very same reason, citing the need to remain at full readiness at all times should she need to perform her duties at the drop of a hat. She demands the absolute best of everyone and anyone around her, from the lowliest cadet to her previous head of department, and is not afraid to send stern, unfiltered reminders their way if she feels that they have fallen short. The cadets she was instructor to before being assigned to the Thornhelm are mortally afraid of her for this reason.

Strengths & Weaknesses + Extremely proficient in tactical operations
+ Laser focus when it comes to accomplishing her goals, military or not
+ "A scarily unwavering sense of duty and honor" (sic, from her instructors)

- Can be rather condescending to those she feels are not up to standard
- Doesn't particularly care much for her own physical limits. Bellona will fight through severe fatigue to complete the tasks given to her if need be and has done so on several occasions.
- Not the most socially capable.
- Zero tolerance for failure and shortcomings (especially from herself)
Ambitions * Command her own department of tactical officers. Anything beyond that is a bonus.

* Shut down the illegal gladiator matches going on on Magna Roma.
Hobbies & Interests * Training, and lots of it

* Cooking.

Personal History Bellona never met her father. She was raised alone by her Magna Roman mother, who would always refuse to speak of him.

Speaking of upbringing, if only the young woman knew that she would be practically be raised for the gladiatorial arena, which had evolved from its lethal past incarnation but required no less effort to train for. As soon as she was old enough her training consisting mostly of combat fitness and tactics began, beginning at dawn and not stopping till well after the sun had set.

Her mother was determined to have her daughter be far more than just an excellent gladiator, however; she wanted her to be smart and attractive too as was of equal importance in the modern Magna Roman world, and invested much time and a considerable portion of her wealth into her daughter's diet and education, sending her to the best schools the Republic could offer and, if possible, having her read up extensively on any topic she felt was necessary. Bellona would be tested on her reading, too, and often be punished for her mistakes.

If only that would be the end of it.

As it turned out Bellona's trainer was an unscrupulous man, too; some Magna Romans preferred the old kind of gladiatorial fight: bloody and to the death, and organizing them paid handsomely. He had no issues with forcing his trainees to fight in such underground arenas, especially those he deemed weaker and less capable than their peers. Bellona was not spared; if anything she was forced to fight even more often than her friends - and she did so knowing that to not do so would cost her her life. It was as such that she had to force herself behind a stony-faced facade as she slit the throat or stabbed the heart of her opponents.

Needless to say this was an absolutely stifling lifestyle for anyone to have imposed on them and eventually she decided that she hated feeling so constrained, and that she no longer wanted to fight in such dirty battles. She intimated her desire to leave to one of her more sympathetic trainers and, with his help, was able to escape Magna Roma on a civilian vessel bound for Earth and settle down in Cambridge with an aunt on Earth aged twenty-one.

Her desire to join Starfleet was ignited when she first came across the local recruitment centre in her neighbourhood, decided to step inside and learned about Starfleet as a whole. She saw great honor in the organization’s goals of exploration and defense of the Federation at large, and it was on that day that she decided to commit her life to Starfleet as a way of redeeming herself for the crimes she’d committed as a gladiatrix.

She would carry her gladiator's sense of pride and honor with her into Starfleet Academy, going on to tackle her classes and training with the same vigor and ferocity she would tackle her matches with. Where she found herself lacking, she would simply work at until she'd caught up with her classmates and gone beyond even then - be it in academics or training. She would go on to receive the Academy Commandant's Coin for training and academic excellence in recognition of the sheer amount of effort she'd put in to better herself. She would go on to graduate in the top ten percent of her cohort. The ceremony was attended by her aunt and uncle.

Bellona served her first tour of service aboard the USS Ramses. Her work ethic never changed. She held herself to an extremely high standard of discipline and proficiency, believing firmly that to call herself worthy of the accolades she'd received she would have to pour her heart and soul into her work and then some, until she had nothing left to give. Bellona lived a spartan lifestyle. Whenever she wasn't on duty or taking care of her basic needs she was training on the holodeck, usually until she could no longer stand. Only when an acquaintance of hers, a counsellor, noticed and decided to intervene did she finally begin to pay more attention to her needs, specifically her social needs.

She was sadly separated from her crewmates when she was reassigned to Starfleet Academy to train cadets in basic combat fitness and techniques. Even here she continued to remain in contact with this acquaintance of hers, now friend, who continued to work with her on her socialization skills throughout her time in service. Thanks to the efforts of this friend of hers her trainees were able to see Bellona transition from a hardnosed, almost unforgiving instructor who tried to stuff standards down her trainees' throats into something softer, more like a stern older sister who felt like she had an obligation to help her siblings protect themselves.

Her efforts saw her recommended for an exchange program with the Klingon Defence Force for a year, during which she underwent classified training at the recommendation of her superiors in Starfleet. Shortly following this training she was reassigned to the USS Columbia.
Service Record 2391-2393: Tactical Officer, USS Ramses

2393-2395: Close combat instructor, Starfleet Academy

2395-2396: Undertakes [classified course] as part of an exchange program at the KDF training facility in the Ketha Lowlands, Qo'nos

2396: Re-assigned to the USS Columbia

Academy Commandant's Coin

Christopher Pike Medal for Valor, earned in 2393 shortly before her reassignment to Starfleet Academy, for fearlessly leading a rescue operation for her commanding officer who was being held in an Orion Syndicate base.

Course best in physical training, [classified course], awarded by [redacted branch of the KDF]