Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad

Name Johanna Lyngstad

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 68 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 6:00pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 43

Physical Appearance

Height 1.88 m (6'2")
Weight 73.6 kg (162 lbs)
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Johanna is a tall, attractive woman. Her blonde hair extends halfway down her back. She keeps it pinned up while on duty. She has an athletic build.


Father Bengt Lyngstad
Mother Britt Lyngstad
Brother(s) Per Lyngstad
Sister(s) Annika Carter

Personality & Traits

General Overview Johanna is an easygoing person. She is dedicated to her work and is willing to work very hard as needed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Johanna has great athletic ability and an ability to really focus on her work. She can be emotional at times and will cry if overly provoked. She is unlucky.
Ambitions Johanna wants to be a great Chief Science officer and have adventures, something that she hasn't had in Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Johanna likes to play basketball for recreation. She loves music as well. She is skilled on the guitar and piano. She is a good singer. She knows a great deal about the history of music, starting in the 18th century. She speaks Swedish, English, German and French.

Personal History Johanna Lyngstad was born in Boras Sweden. Her parents were Bengt and Britt. She has an older brother Per and a younger sister Annika. Johanna was always big for her age, reaching 74 inches (1.88m) by the time she was 13. She was always very athletic and starred on several sports teams in high school. She was of only average intelligence
but was a hard worker. Her parents dreamed of her attending Star Fleet Academy. Her father was a chemist and her mother was a music teacher. Both had applied to the Academy but neither had been accepted. Their dream became Johanna's dream. She studied very hard and was accepted! She decided to major in science, like her father.

The six years were difficult. Some of her classmates assumed that she would major in Security, because of her athletic prowess. Other students thought she was one of those genetically manipulated people. But DNA testing from her birth proved she had just inherited her grandfather's athletic ability (he was an Olympian). She pushed herself
to excel, but graduated in the bottom 20 percent of her class. Nonetheless, she did graduate.

She enjoyed history classes and her chemistry class. Like all science majors, she took classes in all sciences. She took music classes as electives as well as training in first aid. Her science classes were tough, but with some tutoring, she passed. She greatly enjoyed a class on the History of Music. She is familiar with music dating all the way back to Bach.

Her first cadet cruise did not go well. An accident (not her fault!) caused a major injury. Her legs and right arm were badly damaged. Biosynthetic limbs were considered for her. This was not necessary, however, as her injuries healed eventually. Because she did not finish the cruise, a rare 2nd cadet cruise followed. She was duly commissioned as an Ensign.

Johanna then had two tours of duty. Her first was eight years on a destroyer, the Wayans, as Asst Science Officer. She assisted in Medical on the small ship. The duty was not terribly challenging (lots of just taking sensor readings). She did have two relationships during her tour. Being tall and pretty was not always an advantage; many crew members considered her unattainable. She did however get promoted to Lt (jg).

Johanna then spent eight years at Starbase 51. This was much duller than life on the Wayans. She filled out forms, assisted with crew members transferring to other stations and had a great deal of free time. She had little opportunity to distinguish herself. Her guitar playing, piano playing and singing all improved.

Finally, at the age of 41 Lt(jg) Lyngstad was recalled to Starfleet HQ. She was enrolled in courses there to prepare her to run a department on a starship. She was excited about this and poured herself into her classes. She passed all her classes, with some marks above average. She was promoted to Lt. and was ready for her next challenge.
Service Record Star Fleet Academy - 2371-2377 - Graduated
Cadet Cruise 1- 2377- Injured during cruise - Incomplete
Cadet Cruise 2 - 2378-2379 Passed
Tour 1 - USS Wayans - 2379-2387 - Promoted to Lt (jg)
Tour 2 - Starbase 51 - 2387-2395
Starfleet HQ - 2395-2396 - Promoted to Lt

Purple Heart