Commander Zera Tirado

Name Zera Tirado

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander


  • 10 Mission Posts

Last Post

Mon Feb 24th, 2025 @ 7:50pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 128lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Zera has long brown hair that she keeps at just below shoulder length. She has dazzling chocolate brown eyes. She has a fairly average build for her height and age. She wears her uniform with pride, and often looks tidy and well kept.


Father Michaeln Tirado
Mother Isabella Tirado (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Zera is a woman who doesn't take any BS. She is very 'Down to Earth' and straight to the point. She doesn't believe in 'beating around the bush' and hates people who waste time. She values honesty and hard work over mistruthfulness and laziness. She was raised to be direct and straight to the point and to this day she will tell you exactly how it is regardless of how it comes across. She is often describes as the woman who never seems to smile. She can come across as cold and strict, sometimes a little harsh, but deep down she cares greatly for her crew and the people close to her. She has a hard exterior to crack, many people find it hard to get along with her even off duty. She believes that if she has a job to do then she is there to do it, regardless of personal circumstances or relationships.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Include:

- Command - She knows her people. She understands their strengths, their weaknesses and who to put where. She has an aura of authority when she is in command and she understand that a commander must make difficult life and death decisions which some people will not be able to make. She also understands what it is to command a starship and to ensure that the safety of the ships crew and ship itself is paramount.

- Engineering - Zera has been a Chief Engineer before she was promoted into the command division. She was not only just a Starfleet Engineer, but a damn good one at that. She is very technically minded, and she understands the ins and outs of pretty much every starship system. When she was promoted into command, her previous Captain was sad to see such a talented and natural engineer leave the ship.

- Down to Earth - This can be considere both a strength and a weakness. She is down to Earth with everything. She won't 'beat around the bush' or make it sound pretty. She will tell you how it is, to your face there and then. She doesn't believe in wasting time and knows that every second can cound in a life and death situation.

- Hard Working - Zera takes her role very seriously. She has worked hard and if often seen as a bit of a workaholic. She hates leaving tasks and jobs unfinished and would rather put in the extra time to get it done so that its finished rather than leave it for the next day or someone else to do. She is also realistic when it comes to deadlines and timeframes, if she says its going to take three hours, it will take three hours, not a minute longer or less. She also hates delays.

Weaknesses Include:

- Attitude - Zera does have a no-nonsense attitude. This can sometimes cause tension between her and others. She can be sometimes described as cold and a strict. This is mainly due to how she believes in getting the job done and not allowing personal feelings interfere.

- Friendships - Zera doesn't really have any long lasting friendships. She considers the crew under her for what they are, her crew. She isn't one to socialise unless she is forced or has to. Many people find her cold and describe her as the woman who doesn't smile. However deep down she is a very caring and loving woman, she just doesn't know how to express or show it.

- Workaholic - She likes to work and get things done. This can be considered a weakness as sometimes she pushes herself too hard.
Ambitions Zera's ambitions are simple. She doesn't really have any. She only wants to do her job where she is and she takes it day by day. She has no other real ambitions as she believes that if there is a job to be done then she is there to do that job.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies & Interets Include:

- Engineering
- Cooking
- Reading
- Swimming

Personal History Zera spent most of her early life on her father's ship. Her mother died when she was only a few months old, so she was raised by her father. Her father was a civilian engineer and was called all over the Alpha and Beta quadrants to repair and install various equipment and tasks. He dealt with everything from water systems to subspace arrays. He was a 'Jack of all trades' so to speak. Therefore Zera was often stuck on his small cramped ship. Her schooling was done remotely via subspace, and she also gained a lot of knowledge from assisting her father with his jobs. By the time she was eight she was also cooking for both of them as the ships replicator would often break down, or be needed to supply parts for whatever job her father was doing at that time.

It didn't take long for Zera to grow tired of the weeks, months and even years going from planet to planet. It all changed when their ship was at a spaceport and she first laid eyes on a Starfleet Vessel. A Galaxy Class starship, the USS Achilles. She loved how it looked and how it was so different and couldn't help but imagine what it was like to be on that ship. From then onwards she knew that she wanted to get off the rustbucket that was her 'home' and join into Starfleet. That is what exactly she did. She worked hard, studying where she could and doing extra exams and classes whilst her father continued with his odd jobs around the Federation. At age eighteen she applied for the officer's school at Starfleet Academy. Luckily her father had got a job back on Earth. She made up an excuse that she wanted to visit some 'friends' but instead went to San Francisco and sat the entrance exam.

She returned to her father's ship with the news of what she had done. She had also passed. At first he wasn't pleased she hadn't told him, but finally he smiled and told her to go for it. He had never expected her to follow in his footsteps and that she should take her own. Therefore Zera packed up what little belongings she had and started her new life starting at Starfleet Academy. The first year of the Academy was basic officer training. When it came to specialising in a field, she asked for reccomendations. Truthfully she didn't what she would be good at. She wasn't that surprised to find she was suited well for Engineering, that being her highest scoring subject. Her years on her fathers ship had obviously rubbed off on her.

After three years she graduated Starfleet Academy and was assigned as an Ensign Engineering Officer aboard the USS Okinawa. She spent three years on the Okinawa as an Ensign before she was put up for promotion. She learnt a great deal on the Okinawa but was often described as 'distant' from the other crew. She liked being alone and focusing on her work. She also showed great potential when it came to warp field mechanics and therefore after three years she was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. She was then transferred to the USS Galaxy, as a Warp Field Specialist Engineer.

The USS Galaxy was a big ship and was the first of the Galaxy Class Starships to be built and in service. She worked mainly with the ships warp core and the nacelles, spending countless hours in the nacelle control rooms monitoring and regualting the plasma flow. She was often called upon to help with maintenance to the ships warp core and nacelles and became a reliable and hard working engineer. This did not go unnoticed by the Chief Engineer who recognised her potential and her hard working attitude. After three more years as a Lieutenant Junior Grade she was promoted by the Chief Engineer to the rank of Full Lieutenant. She also gained a new position, this time to the role of Assistant Chief Engineer. This happened during the crew rotations and she was honoured to be given a position with a role of command in it.

After Two Years and now aged thirty Zera was enjoying her time as the Assistant Chief Engineer. She had run into a few troubles with how she commanded. Her no-nonsense hard working attitude had developed a few complaints over her time, but there were always dismissed as they discovered it was just how she ran things. She was known as the Assistant Chief who didn't smile or take lightly to being lazy. She was starting to catch the eye of several other command officers as someone who would one day make a good captain. She did show good leadership skills, therefore she was offered a promotion to the position of Chief Engineer aboard the USS Ark Royal, a Sovereign Class Starship.

Zera accepted the promotion and was assigned to the USS Ark Royal as the ships new Chief Engineer. She was considered a young Chief being only Thirty, but she ran her engine room well. Although she was strict she got to know everyone under her command personally, including their strengths and weaknesses. She also knew how to handle situations when it came to problems amongst her people. It wasn't long until the Captain of the Ark Royal gave her a rank increase to that of Lieutenant Commander, only two years after joining the ship.

She stayed as the Chief Engineer and at the rank of Lieutenant Commander for the next four years. However it soon became apparant that Zera was showing potential to do so much more. The Captain of the Ark Royal approached her and urged her to take the bridge officer's command exam. He was surprised to see she had no difficulty in commanding someone to their death during the exam. When asked why she didn't show any emotion, she simply replied with 'I had a job to do, so I did it. To save the ship and crew. I had to make that decision, personal feelings can come later'. That shocked the captain, but he understood why she did it. It was then that she was promoted to Commander. The Captain of the Ark Royal was sad to hear that Starfleet Command wanted Zera in a command position, and that she would be transferred to the USS Columbia as the ships new Executive Officer.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Officer Training & Engineering Training
USS Okinawa - Junior Engineering Officer - Ensign
USS Galaxy - Warp Field Specialist Engineer - Lieutenant Junior Grade
USS Galaxy - Assistant Chief Engineer - Lieutenant
USS Ark Royal - Chief Engineer - Lieutenant
USS Ark Royal - Chief Engineer - Lieutenant Commander
USS Columbia - Executive Officer - Commander