Welcome aboard the USS Columbia!

2396. Starfleet finds itself at the transition of one century to the next. Intergalactic diplomacy remains one of Starfleet’s top priorities. The Federation is tasked with representing the interests of its member worlds further into space than ever before. Enter the Odyssey class starship USS Columbia. It represents Starfleet’s expectations for 25th century operation.

The Columbia and her crew will patrol the farthest edges of Alpha Quadrant space. Breen incursions have increased rapidly in the latter half of 2395. Attacks ranged from Melnos IV deep out to Decos Prime. Starfleet expects the Columbia’s presence on the edges of the Alpha Quadrant will impact Breen aggression. The crew will regularly interact with groups like the Lurians, Cardassians and Ferengi.

Exploration is another vital role of the Columbia. The ship includes a team of colonization specialists actively in search of suitable worlds. The team stands ready to disembark and immediately settle a wide variety of climates. Powerful sensors and an extensive array of science laboratories ensure the ship is prepared for the galaxy’s many mysteries.


USS Columbia Content Rating


Language 2: Swearing is generally permitted. However, the language cannot be used to severely abuse.

Sexual Content 2: Sexual content is permitted. References and writing about genitalia and sex acts are permitted, but explicit detail is not. Fade to black, or mature tagging are recommended.

Violence 2: Violence is permitted.

Latest Mission Posts

» The Solar Ray

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 6:00pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Commander Zera Tirado & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Pharos Ventari & Lieutenant Xander Oroyo

Zera had already suited up and was awaiting the arrival of the away team members. It would consist of herself, Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus, Lieutenant Pharos Ventari, Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad and Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot. She checked over her tricorder and hand phaser before turning to the team.


» A Change of Pace

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Posted on Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 3:14am by Commander Zera Tirado & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Sakura Minamoto & Lieutenant Xander Oroyo

The Columbia was well en route to Vulcan, cruising at a steady warp eight. Zera was on watch, sitting in the center chair. There wasn't much happening on the bridge, in fact it was fairly boring. The ship's Exec was using this time to read through reports from the ship's…

» A Brief Discussion

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Posted on Sat May 4th, 2024 @ 5:43pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Zera Tirado


[Starbase 47 - Java Place Coffee Shop]

Commander Zera Tirado was not a woman to be crossed. She stood with her arms crossed looking out at the Starship Columbia through the large viewport. The ship did indeed look impressive, but in her opinion she didn't understand why Starfleet insisted…

» Unspoken truth

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 @ 3:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Ensign Annika Wiseman

---Personal Log:---

I have just gotten off of subspace with Captain Erica Dynes the commanding officer of the USS Forrestal, during our conversation she informed me that my name had been floated to be the new first officer of the soon to be launched USS Halifax along with two or…

» Return To The Stars

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 7:56am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Zera Tirado & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Sakura Minamoto & Lieutenant Pharos Ventari

=/\= On =/\=

Captain Ryhl th'Zeles stood on the expansive bridge of the USS Columbia, his gaze fixed intently on the round console nestled between the helm and ops station. The interactive map was adorned with a multitude of glowing displays. It hummed with activity as various ships and support…

Latest Personal Logs

» Coming Aboard

Posted on Wed Dec 13th, 2023 @ 11:16pm by Lieutenant Pharos Ventari

"Lieutenant junior-grade, Pharos Ventari, Personal log."

A heavy sigh as the Rechakan rested his forehead on the desk, before continuing, sounding slightly muffled.

"I made it. Two transports, a shuttle, and a two hundred year old warp sled that should have been decommissioned a century ago; two hundred and twelve…

» Captain's Log: Launch

Posted on Tue Aug 8th, 2023 @ 3:56pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

“Captain’s Log.. Stardate 7-6-2-6-8, point.. 8-0-5-4.”

“The Columbia has set sail.. and is underway to Campor III. Our crew really pulled together to launch in a matter of days. It normally takes closer to two weeks.”

“Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri has been absolutely invaluable to the ship, our crew and…

» The Distance Between a First Officer

Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 3:33am by Commander Chalan Kendri

First Officer's Personal Log, Mission Day 12, 2300 hours.

One thing I didn't anticipate when making the jump from Second Officer to First Officer when taking this position was the distance that it would put between me and the rest of the senior staff, much less the rest of the…

» Back to Space

Posted on Thu Jul 6th, 2023 @ 8:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad

Dear Bradley, it has been a year since I was posted to Department Head school. I feel well educated now, more than ever before. I feel ready to take command of a Science division aboard ship.

After eight years on the Wayans and eight years at Starbase 51, getting a…