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Senior Staff Luau Part 3: The Food

Posted on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 11:57pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 11:58pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD C17, after part two

Ryhl scanned the scene with eyes and antennae, turning back to the water as the sounds of the waves echoed in his thoughts. The ethereal motion of the dancers blended with the music and the beautiful sky. "A much needed getaway", he said before taking a long swig of his drink.

Jorel had been slowly making his way around the party and taking everything in as he made his way around. He had made a few friends thus far, but Jorel was a bit of an introvert and liked his books over people sometimes. But, Jorel didn't want to be a party pooper, so he walked over to someone that he hadn't met and introduced himself.

Before he walked over, Jorel grabbed a new drink for himself and the other person he was about to talk to. Jorel offered up the new drink and said, "I thought I'd make a first impression by bringing new drinks. I'm Jorel, the new Diplomat onboard. Nice to meet you."

Paisley turned. "HEY!" She called out, waving Jorel over. "Come and say hello!" She said. She smiled. "I am Paisley F'rar, Chief Engineer. This is my boyfriend, Jason Elliott, Chief Intelligence Officer, and this is Chalan Kendri, our XO," she said, indicating each in turn. "Welcome!!" She said.

Jason extended his hand to shake, "Hello." Diplomatic corps...oh boy. he kept to himself.

Jorel shook Jason's hand as he looked around at everyone that was present at the moment. As he looked around, Jorel smiled and said, "Kas, I've already met, I believe. But, it's nice to meet the both of you! How long have you guys been onboard? Like, worked onboard and all that?"

"I was here with the Captain before shakedown. We were finalizing last minute crew changes, recruiting some new graduates right up until launch," Kendri told him. "My own background is as a diplomatic officer. I'm sure we have a lot in common." Kendri said with a smile. She was feeling the effects of the island drinks, including a shot the hologram convinced her to do. Three months of all work and no play had apparently made her a lightweight.

Paisley smiled. "Since launch for me," she said. "My last posting ended just as this one began, luckily," she said. "I had a week of R&R and then came aboard THIS mess from DS9," she said. "It took a bit to get used to being a department head, though. At my last posting, I was just the assistant," she said. "It's been a learning curve but I think I am doing ok," she said. The Carjoran engineer finally stopped talking. "What brings you to the Columbia?" She asked Jorel.

Jason chimed in "I met up with Columbia at starbase eighty after a six month leave of absence."

"Well, I've just been working on Starbase One in orbit of Earth and I wanted a bit of a change. Thought that a ship on the outskirts of Federation Space could be just the trick, especially with diplomatic events happening every day, no matter where you go. Also, I thought that it could be fun to get away from the heart of the Federation. It's way more fun to be out on the outskirts and learning as you go," Jorel replied, looking over at everyone in the luau. He looked over at Jason and asked, "What made you take a leave of absence? If you don't mind me asking?"

Jason slid his sunglasses down his nose, "Nearly getting blown up when Deep Space three got bombed makes you want to think things over."

Despite being a little tipsy, Kendri paused to attention when Jason answered Jorel. She had tried reaching out to the Intelligence Officer early on, but he did not seem to want to bring up his last assignment and she didn't push the issue.

Ryhl made his way towards Feeva and Kas. "Great to see you two. Are you enjoying your evening?" The Captain looked around the holodeck and took in a deep breath. "I'm really looking forward to the food." He nodded to Kas. "Dressed to impress as always, I see." He smiled warmly.

Feeva smiled. "I am, so far," she said. "Me, too. It's been a bit of time since I've had an evening alone with other adults," she said. "And a meal not from a replicator or made quickly with a four-year-olds palate in mind," she said. "How are you, sir? Haven't seen you in my office yet," she said.

"Those days can be so busy.. Hectic even." Ryhl remembered the days when his children were so young. It was tough balancing the life of an officer with raising a young family. It did help to have a four partner household. Ryhl couldn't imagine how the off-worlders could do it with just two. "That's good to hear. Me? I'm doing alright. Tonight is a great night. Of course, I am overdue for a visit. We've got to set something up soon."

He looked to Kas and smiled, remembering the negotiations. "Things have been tense. If you have ways of helping me work through this sort of tension, I'd appreciate it a bunch."

Feeva nodded. "Aye, I do," she said. "Breathing exercises are the most sensical," she said. "You can do them anywhere, and no one has to know," she said. "Come by, and I'll show you!" She said. She smiled. "Trying to get Kas here there, too," she said.

Kas nodded, "meditation is an important part of my culture. I still plan to come by though."

Feeva smiled. "See you, Captain," she said. She excused herself to Kas, as well, heading off for the Carjoran. She'd been wanting to see the Chief Engineer, actually.

Kendri called out to J.R., "Are we about ready for the main course? I'll have the servers help me with the sides." Kendri giggled. Referring to the holograms as servers just struck her as funny all of a sudden. She and a few others had made dishes for the event that were in warmers and coolers under the bar.

J.R looked up from his work on the smoker.

“Everything but our friend on the spit. He needs a bit more time, cause of the size, but I got the steaks, ribs, turkey and sausage all ready to go. He called out to Kendri.

Ryhl stepped closer to Kas, filling in where Feeva had left. "I have always admired how centered Klingons appear to be. It is clear that balance and focus are essential keys to being a warrior." The Captain took a long swig of his drink, almost finishing it before stopping to admire the coconut shell.

Kas gave the Captain a warm smile, “It's true that Klingons have meditative disciplines. I tend to lean into the Bajoran side of my heritage when it comes to meditation, the Quath'Mar draw from many traditions.”

The Hybrid grinned. “ Some of the best meditative and spiritual insight I received. Was from an old Andorian Shamin whi went Qu’than, he also gave this.” Kas pointed to one of the large tattoos on his upper arm. “It indicates battles I've fought for my people.”

Ryhl's eye's widened with surprise and curiosity as he looked over the tattoo. "Wow! There are also Andorians among the Quath'Mar? Such a diverse people you hail from. I do hope one day we can cross paths with them. The community seems very wise and knowledgeable about the ways of the spacefarer."

"There's an excellent chance of that Sir," Kas smiled. "The Quath'Mar have been voyaging in this part of space a lot lately."

"Well then, keep me updated on their movements. I'm sure we'll cross paths."

While the others were talking Kendri pulled out the side dishes that everyone had brought, while the holographic servers set up stacks of plates and utensils. Once everything was laid out she looked around at everyone mingling on the beautiful beach that the holodeck at created.

She raised her voice, "All right, you heard the Doctor. Unless the Captain has a speech, I say it's time to eat!" she called out while lifting her glass to her fellow crew members.

Ryhl raised his glass and took a few steps towards the center of the room. "I just want to say you all mean a lot to me. I know that Commander Kendri feels the same way." Ryhl balanced his need for formality with the openness of the moment by adding her rank to her first name. A smile crossed his lips. "Here's to you, Columbia crew." He raised his glass.

J.R came over with a large platter of food, smelling of mesquite and oak wood from the smoker.

“Come on and get your grub on, plenty for everyone to go around.”

Johanna headed to the smoker and grabbed herself some ribs and some sausages. And a small steak as well. She had finished her banana daiquiri and got a Coke from the bar. After gathering some utensils, she sat down to eat.

For her part, Feeva had found the Carjoran Engineer.

"Miss F'rar, can I speak to you a moment? Privately?" She asked, glancing at Jason and the Commander. She smiled a bit as she pulled the Carjoran aside.
"I have a bit of the information you asked me to help you get. Come by my office when you can," the Counselor said, her voice low.

Paisley nodded to the other two, indicating that she was fine alone with the small woman. Of course she'd be, but sometimes Jason was a bit weird about things. The Counselor informed her that she had had some of the things that the woman had promised to help her find. Excellent!

"WONDERFUL!! That's exciting!! I will come by ASAP!" She bounded off happily, and Feeva returned to find Kas and/or someone else to chat with.

Ryhl stepped back towards Kas. "The food smells delicious. Ready to give it a try? It sure looks like there are plenty of options."

"Yes Sir," Kas smiled. "The food looks wonderful."

Kas Moved to Feeva "Are you ready to eat?"

Feeva nodded. "Always," she said. "Thanks. Do you want to sit by me or are you going to go bullshit with the boys?" She asked. She didn't mind either way.

"Why don't we stick together," Kas grinned. "These things are easier to do in pairs."

Kas looked at her for a moment, he was grateful for her companionship. She seemed to understand him in a way most people didn't... Gods after the way she'd helped him with Keena the other night. He wanted to send more time with her.

She nodded. "That would be nice, thanks," she said. She was enjoying her time with him and the others today. She tried to separate her work from her personal life, and though a part of her will always be "the Counselor", she was fast learning to be comfortable as a friend, too.

Kas got a plate of food he looked around, he would be comfortable sitting in the sand. However he'd found the majority of people on Federation vessels preferred sitting on chairs or benches. So he moved to one of the picnic benches and shut his plate down.

Feeva followed behind him, carrying her own plate. It wasn't much-she didn't eat a lot in general-and she wasn't used to this kind of food. She had a small bit of ham and some of the cabbage salad that Kas had said was called "cold slaw" and some fruit. She, too, set her plate down. "I think I will get a drink, do you need another beer?" Feeva herself would have a soda.

"See if they have that tropical punch I see people drinking," Kas smiled. "Thank you."

Fee nodded. "Sure!" She toddled off in search of drinks. She had learned her lesson at Halloween, and would stick with non-alcoholic drinks for the rest of the day.

She returned a bit later with two drinks-the punch for Kas and a canned lemon-lime soda for herself. "Found it," she said, handing him a cup of the bright red punch.

>> To Part 4 >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Special Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Toren II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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