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Payphones in Outer Space

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 10:25pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

2,316 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: SCIF/Intel Office
Timeline: MD-C16 1100 hours

Roughly an hour after the Senior Staff meeting, Paisley had assigned Turner as the temporary team lead, spent a few minutes in her office panicking, and then made her way down to the Intelligence office. She stopped in at Jason's office to chat for a minute.

"So....remember in the meeting how I said I had some contacts in the Cardassian militia? And I don't mean my dad," she said. She wasn't really looking AT him, just in his direction. She hated when they had to talk about serious things. She wasn't good at it. "Anyway, there's this dumb, old tradition on Cardassia Prime where the upper classes still promise their kids for marriage to each other." She sighed, but looked at Jason. "Anyway. This guy is mine," she said. "His name is Prujo Ghak. When I left Cardassia, he was already a Legate, on his way to being a Gul. Last I heard, he had finally made it, and uh, was working with my father in government service," she said. "I haven't spoken to him in...maybe ten years," she said. "Anyway. That's who I am calling. About ten years ago, I had the idea to maybe try again-I had just graduated from the Academy, and at Starbase 18. He had already gotten tangled up in some pretty nasty stuff-technically, he claims to be a diplomat, but he really just runs illicit drugs, booze, and women-probably sometimes also slaves or something-for people like my father." She shrugged again. "Can I use the SCIF to call?" She asked.

Jason was trying to shake the fog, "The bullpen has a full privacy mode, and well, my office is fairly private as you know." he said with a playful nudge, "But if you need to talk with him we can head back to intel, Annika is off, Vevi is probably playing with explosives, Mario is being himself."

Paisley nodded. "I know it's' private, but is it soundproof? You don't know it, yet, but when I am upset, I get LOUD," she said. "Besides, if the Captain and Commander are going to sit in, we'll need a bit of space. Is the SCIF big enough for five people? Lead the way," she said, standing up. Out in the Bullpen, the CO's and Kobi Tomm had, indeed, arrived.

"When they built the Odyssey class the intel offices were all sound proofed, along with a few other features." Jason said with a smile.

She smiled. "Thank you," she said. Hopefully, he knew it was more than just a thank you just for this. She turned to the others. "Uh, Lt. Elliot is letting use the SCIF," she said. "We could use his office if you'd prefer, though," she said. "It's...pretty private," she said, a slight blush coming to her cheeks. It sounded way worse than she intended, and she bet that Kendri would not let her forget it, but in her way.

Jason commented "It should be quiet in intel right now."

"Whatever you think is needed to make this productive," Kendri commented.

"Let's hope we can turn something up", Ryhl said anxiously.

Paisley led the way to the SCIF. She was vaguely familiar with the area it was in, though, as the Chief Engineer, she had no reason to frequent the room so she wasn't exactly sure. In a moment, Jason had let them in, and she was already on the phone, dialing Cardassia.

"Hello. My name is Mu'ra F'rar. I am calling for Gul Ghak. He...should be expecting me," she lied. He absolutely would have no idea that she'd call him out of the blue. She'd also used her Cardassian name-well, how her dumb Human name translated to her native language, anyway. "Yes, that's correct, my father is indeed Senator Yeicet F'rar. Can you please put me through? It's an...emergency," she said, rolling her blue eyes to the ceiling. Christ, she was going to lose it. She breathed deeply as she waited a moment. A second later, a decidedly baritone voice came down the line.

Slet*! Paisley.. What do you need? Are you ok?

"You're on a public channel so watch your mouth," she said. "I am fine. I am here with uh...the security detail on the ship I'm serving on currently. I need...I need your help. I promise it'll be worth your while." She paused a moment. "At my father's house in the out building, look in the locked cabinet. Under the green rug is the key. He keeps it there for my uncle or the housekeeper. Anyway, there's a bottle of aged Kanar that should fetch you enough for your help."

Alright. What do you need my help with? Paisley looked to the rest of the people gathered around.

"Information. What do you know about the Campor system?"

Silence met her ear.

Jason quietly pulled open a drawer a steps away, he pulled out a bottle of whiskey and five glasses, the bottle had a black label on it and gold writing, as he poured the glasses he listened in on the conversation, the small room had a L shaped couch and a small table to sit at as well, not much else, despite rules about drinking on duty they were in his turf and that meant that some of the rules went into the incinerator, he set the drinks on the table with the opened bottle, wondering if Paisley was going to have any success with this individual. he turned back to lean against the cabinet, noting that the four rifle cases had also caught some attention as well.

Kendri remained quiet, her arms crossed over her chest. If Paisley wanted any of them to say anything she'd give them a signal. She gave a sideways glance at Jason's display of whiskey being poured in glasses. It really didn't give her much pause, as long as the Intelligence Officer didn't slip off the grid like he had before his tour here, and thus far he seemed to be doing much better than the first few weeks after launch.

The voice continued.
Why do you ask?

Paisley watched Jason pour out some whiskey. She needed some. Probably more than what he had, but that wasn't a good idea right now. She should've had the counselor sit in instead. Oh, well. She tossed back the glass, and then continued.

"Don't tell me you don't know. I know what you do for my father," she said, doing her best to keep her voice light, and un-accusatory. "You must know that there's some unrest here. What do you know?"

Ryhl listened intently. Although he had read through Paisley's file many times, he was surprised by her level of connection to the Cardassian militia. Finding out she was tied to this person was a surprise. He leaned forward as his antennae scanned. His golden eyes studied one of the whiskey glasses, but turned away. He had been drinking a lot lately on the ship and it had started to lose its edge. Alcohol would only distract him. Thoughts of how little others cared about regulations didn't cross his mind when lives were at stake.

A deep sigh came down the line, but a reply soon followed. A connection I have in the Ferengi Settlement. Name is Tank. He sold me a collection of armaments your...your father wanted.

"My father?" Yiecet F'Rar was many things, but a collector of extra-terrestrial arms wasn't one. Or at least, it hadn't been. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I am reminding you that I have the full force of the Federation of Planets behind me, and I can help you to avoid prosecution BUT only if you're straight with me." She made a face. That wasn't entirely true but she wasn't good at this sort of diplomatic stuff.

Alright...I ended up selling them off to a couple of the other military folks here, and a few to the Romulans who came through DS9 last week as a stopover. Scuttlebutt says there is a faction of Romulans who might be sabotaging the planet in a bid to make it part of their territory.

Paisley's blue eyes went around the room.

"Some of my colleagues may have questions. You will answer them now."

After hearing that Romulans might be involved, the Captain impulsively reached for a glass of whiskey. He turned it up and fought through the burn to down most of it. A shaky cerulean hand set the glass back where it had sat with a clink. So much work had been done to gain the trust of the Klingons with the Romulans. He hoped some splinter group wouldn't erase all the progress these Romulan refugees looking for a better life after the Hobus supernova had been working for. It did make for a potentially good clue if it could be verified.

Jason slid the bottle over to the captain, then shook his head, if it was a Romulan faction, which one was the next question, he swirled the drink waiting for Paisley to finish, he set his glass down and started to pour another one motioning for anyone looking for a refill.

Ryhl shook his head, though a slight smile showed the gesture was comforting. He didn't want to drink all of Jason's whiskey. Reaching for a PADD on his lap, he prepared to take notes.

"I guess no one has any questions. How can I verify the veracity of the information?" She asked.

He sells the arms in stall number Alpha-708 in Grobak City. His cover is that he also sells Tholian silks and Sol textiles. Drop my name. She smiled lightly, a habit.

"Thank you, Prujo," she said. "I really appreciate the help. If I can help you out in any way in the future, you know how to contact me."

Am I still on open comms?

Paisley was curious as to why he asked, so she quickly spoke. "NO! Everyone just filed out." She glanced around at the others. She would prefer this to have been in person but she also didn't want to have to invite him to shuttle out here. No thanks.

Excellent. Xot Kardasi. Ve sulim.... *

Paisley laughed a tinny but exasperated laugh.

"If your mother hadn't been such a bitch, we might've been able to work things out. Anyway. Thanks for the chat. I need to go; I have to start my shift," she said. She closed out the channel and brought a cold hand to her forehead.

"Sorry about that. So. I hope that helps." She needed to go vomit now.

Jason leaned back against the cabinet "I need a glass of whiskey, a gun, and two bullets."

Ryhl sighed. "Everything will be okay." He too was stressed. His gaze turned to Kendri as she spoke, antennae twisting as he mulled over the situation.

"The Ferengi is a start. Someone to talk to," Kendri said. "Maybe he knows what happened to their water supply as well."

"Thanks for reaching out, Commander. I know that wasn't easy", Ryhl said to Paisley. "That information will be very useful. I'm just trying to think of ways we can stop this from spilling into an all out war. I still find it highly unlikely that Romulans were behind sabotage on the Klingon fighters. Commander Chalan and I were told that the Romulans have been facing subterfuge for some time though.. All options are possible."

Paisley nodded. "In a few days, I'll call again. I'll let him stew for a bit," she said. "It's the best way when dealing with people like that. I really don't see what my father sees in him; my father is a lot of things-some are really bad-but he's not...that." She sighed. And more to the point, why had their parents (or more accurately, her father and his parents) decided the two younger Cardassians would work out? She was mixed race, after all, and the ONLY reason her life hadn't been hell was because of her father's storied career and his time in the Obsidian Order.

After a moment's pause, Ryhl turned to Kendri and added, "The good thing is that the Klingons and Romulans are working together. The Klingons should be aware that a rogue group of Romulans have ulterior motives. I say we send a party down to speak with the contact. We should make sure the team is secure, but also low key. Any ideas?" Ryhl looked from Kendri to the others.

"I'll have Kas put together a team. I was already thinking it might be good to go down early. Same with getting Lieutenant Jorel established in the Romulan settlement," Kendri responded. "I'll make some arrangements."

"Well. We have the infiltration specialist on board. I don't know how on EARTH she does it, being Andorian, but who am I to say anything? I am just an Engineer who knows people." She shook her head.

TAG Kendri &

Jason was looking at the floor, "I'll get the ambassador on subspace as soon as I can track him down, this is getting complicated."

"Are you ok? You look like someone just shot your dog," Paisley remarked to Jason. "Anyway. I better get back downstairs, Prophets' knows what those boys are getting up to," she said.

"Believe me, that's the least of my concerns." Jason said followed by downing the last of his drink. Paisley sighed, but nodded. She'd talk to him later, one-on-one.
"Alright. I'll see you later, then," she said, helping herself out the door and to the hallway. She felt TIRED. The emotional weight of facing her past, combined with worry about her current boyfriend was a lot for the otherwise-feckless engineer.


1st *: The F word
2nd *: Roughly translates to "come back home. We can get married."


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