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Is it a Date-Date?

Posted on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 10:52pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

972 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: J.R.'s Quarters
Timeline: MD TBD

Kevin was sitting on one end of J.R.'s couch, his feet propped up by an ottoman. J.R. was stretched out, his head in Kevin's lap. Kevin had stopped by after leaving his shift at a reasonable hour - something he never used to do. He was stroking the soft fur on top of J.R.'s head, something he found quite soothing.

The soft purrs from J.R as his head was rubbed, filled the room. He nuzzles Kevin’s hand softly as he patted his head, stretching out on the big leather couch. J.R had made that couch along with some of the other pieces in his quarters.

“They’re having this luau on the holodeck in a couple days. I was wondering if you might join me. I was goin to bring food and the giant smoker I’ve got down in storage?”

He asked as he looks up at Kevin.

"Are you talking about the senior staff party?" Kevin asked, his voice rising a little in surprise. J.R. was the closest he'd come to socializing with senior staff, and he supposed he didn't think about it much with him being in medical. But there would be commanding officers there.

J.R. looked up at him, "Yeah, but I want you to come with me." He tried to butter him up with a cute purr.

Kevin laughed at the purring. "Oh my goodness you are incorrigible. I should have known better than to go on a second date with you. You are just so cute." Kevin replied shaking his head. His heart just melted when J.R. purred like that.

"I don't know though. I have not been around the senior staff like that. My boss, she's super strict with how we address her. And the command staff. Won't the XO and the Captain be there?" he asked nervously.

"Yes, but I want you there, call it the third date, and possibly leading to more dates. I like you alot, and alot of me is hoping you like me too."

He stares at Kevin with big full kitty eyes.

"Are you sure its even okay? What if I'm the only junior officer there?" Keven asked, his mind thinking of a dozen worst-case scenarios.

"You're there with me, having fun. You won't have time to even think we'll have fun. Heck, you'll even see me shirtless and I'm told that I can be quite the looker."

"Of course you are, I just don't want to be the only junior officer there. What about a compromise," Kevin suggested. "You can comm me if someone else brings a date that's not on the senior staff?"

"I will, my love," J.R purred up at Kevin.

"That purring trick, do all Caitians just learn how hard it is for us humans to say no to you?"

“It comes naturally, for people we’re madly in love with,” J.R smiled, reaching up and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"It certainly is irresistible," Kevin responded.

Kevin felt his heart pumping faster in his chest. It seemed early for the L-word, but maybe Caitians felt things differently. Or used the word differently. Kevin was certainly enamored with Columbia's newest Doctor.

"So what did you want to do tonight?" Kevin asked.

J.R looks up at him again with that loving smile and soft purr that he loves.

"Hmmm....What should we do tonight?"

J.R raises a hand to gentle boop at Kevin's nose


"You answered my question with a question," Kevin said in mock frustration. "That is so not helpful at all," he pouted.

"But you look adorable with that pout." J.R smiled before purring again.

"But we could always go down to the holodeck, or maybe we get a nightcap at Unicorn Station, or we could stay here, cuddle and watch old earth television and eat cookie dough."

"Old Earth television?" Kevin asked, clearly confused. He looked around. "Here? What are you on about?" Kevin asked.

“You do know the ship keeps a full database of all Earth Media, right!”

J.R. pointed to the wall mounted display across from the couch.

Kevin shook his head, a look of bewilderment on his face. "Old Earth media? Television? I'm not really familiar with much of it other than some music. I wouldn't know where to start."

J.R smiled, picking up a PADD that controlled the display as he pulled Kevin into his side to cuddle, purring as he punched in a data file. It took a moment to load before the screen came to life. A grainy black and white picture of a crude model earth with a rocket ship spinning around it in a shaky elaboration of orbit. A narrator’s voice then filled the room.


Kevin giggled a little at the poor graphics and over-the-top narration. "Are you kidding me?" he asked. "How old is this?"

“Honestly? Not that old. It’s was something sent to me by a friend who knows the guy who wrote the program,” J.R replied and nuzzles Kevin softly as he did.

"What?" Kevin asked. "No way that this was written by someone that is still around today."

“Well not that old, almost 500 years ago. There’s a couple holoprograms based on this I wanna show you sometime.”

J.R cuddled up to Kevin again.

Kevin shook his head and laughed good-naturedly. "500 year old television. Okay, this will definitely be a new experience." he said as he nestled back into J.R.'s arms.

J.R purred as they cuddled and let the show play, laying his head on Kevin’s chest and cuddling softly with him.


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