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Senior Staff Briefing Part 1

Posted on Sat Nov 25th, 2023 @ 10:50am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Sat Nov 25th, 2023 @ 10:50am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD C16 0800 hours

The different departments had been working on varying projects in different parts of the settlements and each had uncovered several pieces of unusual information over the last two weeks. Even with their Chief down for several days with a life threatening injury, the Intelligence Department had a theory. A theory that required careful consideration.

The Captain and First Officer had agreed they were past due for a senior staff briefing on all of the projects the various officers had been monitoring. Captain th'Zeles and and Commander Chalan arrived to the conference room first. Yeoman Yaves had helped arrange for beverages and pastries to be placed on the table.

It was still ten minutes before the meeting was set to begin. The two made small talk about other ship matters while they waited for the rest of the senior staff to arrive.

"I've been on several missions now with Ensign Kerr and I'm extremely impressed. We had a lot come up during the Klingon settlement away mission, and she didn't flinch at all. I know she's working on her M.D., but she's just bright and has good instincts. The doctors trust her with more than they do a typical nurse on board," Kendri was telling him. "We need to hang on to her.

"Nurse Kerr is making a major impact on the Medical Deck. I know our department is kind of big, but her impact is felt well above her titles." Ryhl looked to Kendri with warmth. "I'm impressed. There are a lot of good people on this ship that help it function daily. We've got to ensure they all have what they need to succeed."

"Have you noticed that our intel department is full go-getters, risk-taking types that love field work? I don't think we have a desk-jockey. Not even Ensign Wiseman, who came in with a medical background," Kendri pointed out.

Getting to know the crew while they were en route for almost three months was one thing. But Campor III had really brought out so much more in the crew and in such a short period of time.

"I'm glad Ensign Wiseman has been fitting in. I know that was a shock to her, but she stuck with it." Ryhl twisted his head, as if stunned by a thought. "Lieutenant Elliot barely missed duty after his close call. I'm just relieved he's okay." Worried tension crept into his voice towards the last sentence. He thought of other close calls the team recently faced.

Jorel had been getting everything situated within his quarters and within the Diplomatic Department when he received a summons to come to a meeting for the senior staff. Jorel gathered up a PADD before heading out of his new quarters onboard the Columbia and heading towards the nearest turbolift.

Once the turbolift arrived and he entered, Jorel ordered it up to the main bridge and waited for it to arrive to its final destination. Jorel thoughts were running over several of the diplomatic issues that had been occurring not only onboard, but several throughout the quadrant. Jorel wanted to make sure that he was up to date with his information, so that he could properly inform the CO and XO about anything that could go on with the colony and could disturb it.

Once the turbolift arrived on the bridge, Jorel stepped off and headed towards the conference lounge. He walked inside and noticed that he was one of the first arrivals, besides the Captain and Commander. Jorel smiled at both and said, "Good morning, Captain and Commander. It's nice to see you this morning."

"Good morning", Ryhl exclaimed. "I hope your day is off to a good start. We've got a lot to go over today. It will be nice getting all of the departments on the same page. Is there anything you want to ask the Commander and I, since you have us?"

Kendri smiled at their new Chief Diplomatic Officer. "Another morning person. Welcome, grab a bite," she said gesturing to the pastries on the table.

Jorel grabbed a bite to eat while he thought about everything that he wanted to know. Jorel took a bite of the pastry that he got as he asked, "Can you guys catch me up to speed on the happenings of the most recent mission that you guys had? I heard that there were some stuff about a disease or something that happened?"

"Absolutely, that's why we're getting everyone together. A lot of departments don't know what the others have been working on. We're getting everyone debriefed and making a plan moving forward," Kendri responded.

Right behind Jorel was the Chief Engineer. Paisley's eyes were tired. She was one of those leaders that was "hands on"-she never asked her people to do things she wouldn't do first. As such, she and Sar had been updating the final systems of the Romulan's hangars, and she'd been *inside* the panels while he handled the propulsion system outside. Their walls were a MESS but she'd managed to make hide and hair of it, and get them some semblance of lasting, strong power, bury the wiring, and put in some support beams. Now? She was looking forward to slipping some streams and getting the hell out of Campor.

She grabbed a pastry, and a cup of coffee before sinking into a seat. "Hey, guys. How's everyone today?" She was casual in her speak, and even though she was a Lt. Commander and took her job seriously, "professionalism" wasn't exactly in the Engineer's wheelhouse.

"And good morning to you as well", Ryhl said happily. He could tell how hard she'd been working. Ryhl felt stressed and anxious within, but fought to keep his head and shoulders held high, yet relaxed. He fought to force the deep breaths in and out cooly, hand resting on his PADD and fighting the urge to fidget. Covering the scope of topics at hand would be complex, but Ryhl had faith they could work together to highlight the facts.

Commander Tomm made his way into the conference room already carrying a steaming mug of coffee. He coyly smiled and nodded and Kendri, who was seated to the Captain’s right at the far end of the table. “Captain… Commander, good morning. Brought my own raktajino, hope you don’t mind.”

Paisley smirked at the man, and shot a LOOK to Kendri, but remained silent. Where the hell was her boyfriend?! She'd woken him up but since she wasn't his wife OR his mother, she'd left him to his own devices after that.

"Of course not, grab a pastry," Kendri said gesturing to the table.

"It smells delicious", Ryhl said about the Klingon coffee. "I'm one for katheka myself." Ryhl tapped a mug of the warm Andorian beverage.

The doors to the Conference Room opens once again. Striding in was Doctor McEntyre in his customary uniform, deciding today to wear the skant version of the duty uniform and white lab coat. He nodded to the others, walking over to the small table with coffee and pouring himself a cup, adding some cream and sugar, stirring it before taking a place and putting a couple of the offered pastries on it.

He takes both, going to sit at his usual seat near the middle of the table.

Johanna walked in. She poured herself a glass of ice water and grabbed a pastry. She sat down, ready to begin the meeting.

Jason emerged from parts unknown, coffee in hand, looking disheveled for a number of reasons, he'd managed to shower and put on a clean uniform before being called up to the briefing, he just sat at the first empty seat staring down at his notes, not paying attention to the arrivals.

Kas entered the room. He was finally felt like himself again, he'd gotten his 'space legs' back. He retrieved a coffee from the replicator and took a seat at the table.

Rachel walked in next with a handful of pads and her hair hurriedly cleaned up. She'd been crawling through a series of tubes since about 0600 and had to change real quick before the meeting. Looking to make a solid impression she'd chosen her uniform with the yellow shirt and green pants. Taking a seat next to Jason she gave him a glance before going and organizing what she had gathered.

Paisley didn't move from her seat, even though Jason had come. She was tired, but she was also interested in what the hell was going on. It seemed a bit soon for this kind of briefing, which meant there was NEWS.

After everyone had arrived, Ryhl began to speak. "Okay everyone. I'm sure you're wondering why I called you in. The truth is that a lot has happened since we arrived here. First, I want to say you're doing an amazing job. This isn't as complex as solving a temporal time loop, but it's not straightforward at all. You all are gathering a lot of useful information. I want to take this time to go around each department and hear about what you've been working on... Progress with the mission so far, as well as anything else you want to share. This way we can all leave here on the same page. Let's consider this a review and a time to brief your fellow crew members."

"Who would like to go first? Miss F'Rar perhaps? What's been going on with Engineering? How are the repairs at Star Point? Have you had a chance to read any reports from the Romulans or Klingons about the attack yet?"

Paisley nodded. "Yes, sir," she started. "My team and I are working on final infrastructure projects, along with Miss Soros's people," she said. "The initial attack seems to still be under investigation-Tomm, please correct me if I am wrong in that? Elliott?-But my money's on the Breen that are rumored to be in the area," she said. "Beyond that, I've touched base with the Mendocino's Engineer, and they're prepared to take over in our stead," she said. "I am glad that we could bring Campor some modernity, as well as save some lives," she said. "And beyond that, I am ready to slip some streams, and make way for the rest of the Quadrant," she said. She was ITCHING to see more action.

>> To Part Two >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Special Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Toren II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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