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Bump in the Night pt 2

Posted on Sat Nov 25th, 2023 @ 12:49am by

2,071 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Officers' Lounge
Timeline: MD15

Kas’ expression was neutral apart from his eyes. He nodded, the moment the lift doors opened he was out in the hallway. Kas’ keen sense of smell picked up the scent of burned Gert Eggs. She must have tried to make herself some breakfast, he thought.

“Keena!” he called out in the hallway stepping past the Security Officer that was at his door.

“Kas! What’s going on? I got the fire suppression alert and I got down here as fast as I could. What can I do?”, asked a very alert and concerned Commander Tomm.

"Don't know," Kas said, as he entered his quarters.

The Kas nearly tripped over Wooden blocks, “Keena!” Kas called out again, but there was no answer. The floor was covered with toys. It seemed she had taken her toy chest out of her room and dumped it in the living area. Keena's clothes were all over the sofa and her dollhouse was on the table. The air was still thick with smoke. The griddle in the kitchenette had been left on and there was a pan with something black and crusty. "She turned the knob to the lowest setting instead of off,"he shook his head.

Feeva smiled sadly. "Indeed. Ok. Commander, any idea where she might be?" The counselor asked the man. "Lt. Turner's oldest son is sitting with mine; he won't mind taking her to school today if we're still dealing with this," she said. "Mrs. Turner is the teacher," Feeva explained.

“Come on,” Tomm said, trying to sound reassuring. “Let’s go in and take a look.”

Kobi accompanied Kas and Feeva inside his quarters. He had his tricorder scanned for DNA, fearing the worst. Besides the child’s toys and belongings scattered all over the room, there was no indication that Keena was there.

“Kas, she’s not here. Aside from the fire and smoke damage, there’s no sign of foul play. I can check the sensor logs. Kas?”

Kas barely registered what was being said. He opened the door to Keena's room, “Where are you ‘Little Star?” 

His voice almost trembled as he spoke, his face was clouded with fear. He checked the rest of his quarters.

"We'll find her," Feeva said. She was confident of that.

Just then, Kas's comms badge chimed, and Feeva smiled as Vevi Zh'kahlol's voice chimed down. =/\=Commander Razka? This is First Lieutenant Zh'kahlol, Vevi. I was doing patrols when I found a valuable of yours. Care to come to the Mess Hall to collect it? By the way, is she allowed to have Andorian Pancakes?=/\= The Marine was supposed to be an infiltrator, but when she wasn't needed for Intel purposes, she got shifted over to Security as a hired gun.

"She can eat as many pancakes as she wants," Kas said in a quiet tone. "I will be there in a moment"

Kas' hands shook slightly as he shook, he leaned on a wall. For a terrible moment, he'd feared the worst. He silently thanked the Celestial Deities he wasn't sure were there. He wondered what Keena's mother would think of this. One look at Feeva's face and he knew exactly what Rahl would think.

That was good news indeed. Tomm put his hands on Kas’ shoulders. “See? She’s safe after all. I’ll finish up here. You go be with your daughter. Tell Keena to save some pancakes for Uncle Kobi. I’ll stop by and see her later.”

"Thank you, Comma..." Kas smiled. "Kobi, I am sure there will be reports that need to be filed on this. I'll see to Keena and take anything needed after."

Tomm held his hand up in a “stop” motion.
“There IS a report to complete because the fire suppression system did engage. And because a child left quarters unattended. We can leave the second one alone. She was scared to death, and, to be honest, she did the right thing. She got out of there quickly. If she stayed and waited for an adult, called for help, who knows what we would be doing right now. We may want to look into putting safety lockouts on the appliances and cooking equipment, but…. for now——I’m glad she’s ok. Go pick her up and…..Kas…..please tell her I’m glad she’s alright. I’ll pop in on her when I get a chance.”

Kas stepped toward Feeva. "I need to go collect her."

Feeva nodded. "Do you want me to come along? Otherwise, I'll go check on my own little one," she said. "Thank you, Commander Tomm. Do you need help?" She asked.

“I appreciate the offer, Counselor. I just need to assess the damage to Kas’ quarters. See what has to be replaced and schedule repairs.” Tomm made a sweeping motion with his hand. “You go take care of your own.”

Kas looked at Fee and paused, this wasn't the time for his pride. “I might need your assistance.”

Feeva nodded. "Let's go, then," she said. She was silent on the way to the Mess Hall.

Kas walked out into the corridor and headed for the mess hall. The doors to the Mess Hall opened and Kas could see Keena sitting at a table eating a plate of pancakes, there was syrup on her chin and it seemed she'd forgotten her table manners. She was shoveling food into her mouth and chewing loudly. Kas smiled at the little girl’s red bushy hair that was poofing out in all directions. ‘She looks so much like her mother,’

Fee approached the table, speaking quietly. "Thank you, Lt. Zh'kahlol," she said. Her pale hands reached out to smooth Keena's hair. "Your father is here," she said, quietly.

Keena looked up from her plate, ”Papa!”

The little girl grabbed her doll jumped out of her seat and ran to Kas, she buried her sticky face into his shoulder.  Kas didn't care, he swayed with her gently. He spoke in their language ”I'm here ‘Little Star.’ It's alright…”

Keena straightened herself up in Kas's arms balled her little hand into a fist and pounded on his shoulder, ”Why did you leave me, Papa!? GoBa was scared!”

Keena held up her doll, with tears running down her face. Her words broke her father's heart. 

Feeva spoke up. "Sit down for a bit," she said, as she watched the Andorian patrolwoman leave the area. She didn't know much about the Marine, but she did nod a moment when she left. "Keena, look 'ere, please," she said, cleaning the child's face with a napkin and some water. "Talk," she commanded Kas. "I'll get some juice. Lt. Zh'kahlol" She sighed, but moved to the replicator, leaving father and daughter to talk.

Kas put Keena back in her seat, he wiped tears from his eyes before he spoke. "I'm sorry GoBa was scared... I left a note on the table, it's under your dollhouse," Kas said quietly. "I was only a deck away, Why did you think I would leave you?"

"I waited and GoBa wanted to play. I tried to cook eggs like you do sometimes, but I couldn't get it to work so I came here and the lady helped me." Keena said.

"I see," Kas said touching her cheek, "You're safe here my 'Little Star,' I can't be with you all the time, but I will always do everything in my power to return to you."

"You've been hurt Papa", Keena said."Moma got sick and never came back..."

Kas looked at Keena he didn't know what to say, Rahl had died from a pathogen their vessel picked up in the Gamma Quadrant. The Quath'Mar always quarantined the sick, Keena would have been three years old... She couldn't possibly remember that.

Feeva came back, carrying a glass of apple juice, just as Keena finished. She smiled lightly. She set the glass down in front of Keena and looked at Kas. "Why don't you two come up to my quarters to finish talking? It's more private. Plus, I'll need to get Leena up soon," she said. A couple of hours had passed, and it was nearly early morning. "Keena, there's people here who will ensure that your father is safe," she said. "He's been informed that he's not allowed to get hurt on purpose anymore," she said, leading them out of the Mess Hall.

Keena clung to Kas as carried her out, Kas made a soothing noise in the back of his throat. Her question ’Why did you leave me, Papa!?’ Was ringing in his ears. He'd ask that question so many times as a child. He set her down in a chair and sat next to her. He honestly didn't know what to say.

"Alright, you two get comfortable while I check on Leena," she said, waking up the teenaged Turner sleeping on her couch, and sending him home.

"What do remember about your Mamma?"

Keena didn't look at Kas, "Mamma sang to me. Nana said she made Goba's dresses."

Feeva listened-Leena was still asleep and hopefully would be for a bit longer. "What did she sing? Can you tell me?" She asked Keena.

"The Prophet's blessing," Keena said. "Nana said she sang some old earth songs too, she said Mamma and Pappa really liked some earth music."

Kas smiled remembering his youth; Rahl had always been fond of Vic Fontane's music too. He began softly humming 'I'll be seeing you.' Keena smiled

"I think I've heard that before Pappa," Keena said. "I Mamma sing that?"

"Most likely," Kas smiled. "It was Rahl's- her favorite."

Kas was overcome with bittersweet nostalgia as thought about Keena's mother this was the first time Keena had brought her up. Kas had been trying not to think of Rahl, the truth was he felt betrayed by her. The worst part was he had no way to resolve these feelings.

Feeva watched the interaction quietly. "It's a lovely song. It sounds a little like a lullaby my own mammy sang to me before...before she left," Fee said. "Your mammy sounds lovely, too," she said, with a smile. "Why don't you come see me this week, later? We'll talk about her some more, if you'd like, while we draw." Keena was clearly in need of someone to talk to, and play therapy was a good way for her to do that. "Razka, I think Play Therapy may help," she suggested. "You can come along," she said. It helped ADULTS, too.

Kas nodded, "Yes sounds good."

Kas was slowly surrendering to the idea that he really did need a lot more help he realized... There were also things he needed to discuss with Feeva that Keena shouldn't hear.

Feeva smiled. "Sounds good," she said. "I am going to get Leena ready for school. You are welcome to stay, or go back to your quarters," she said. "I have the general replicator there," she said, so Kas could replicate a uniform and Keena could get an outfit if they wished.

Kas replicated a uniform for himself and a dress for Keena, she danced with excitement. Kas smiled at his daughter's joy at such a simple thing. They dressed quickly. Kas took one of his PADDs and transferred Keena's homework to it and handed it to her.

"Would you like me to walk Leena to class as well?" Kas asked.

Feeva nodded. "Please!! I need to be downstairs soon," she said. She'd be tired, but maybe she could Mitch off early. She'd see. "Thank you. Leena, please walk carefully with Mr. Razka. Here," she said. She handed the child a plate. "Help yourself to breakfast. Leena, Mommy will see you later today," she said. She turned to go, having changed her own uniform while she was helping Leena to dress. "Love you!" She hurried out the door.

Kas put Keena's hair into two ponytails and tied a scarf on her head seeing that didn't have to braid her hair. He smiled at her fizzy hair even with the ponytails it was puffing out behind her. Keena looked in the mirror and nodded approvingly.

"Come on Leena, let's go," Keena said, taking her hand.

Kas smiled and followed them out into the hall.


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