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Dinner from the Ferengi, To Thank Our Starfleet Guests, Part 1

Posted on Sat Nov 25th, 2023 @ 11:05am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Crewman Ki'ana
Edited on on Sun Nov 26th, 2023 @ 5:37pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III, Banquet Hall
Timeline: MD C16 1930 hours

The banquet hall was a large dome shaped building. The officers were led by their Ferengi hosts down an elaborately decorated hallway. The floors were marbled in purple and gold, buffed to a perfect shine. There were gambling machines spread intermittently along the halls, and the crew observed that a few random players sat at them, playing and even winning. Kobi suspiciously wondering if they were placed there to win, to entice the group to play later.

The room that the officers were led into was round, with an ornate dome shaped ceiling decorated with gold gilding. Purple and shimmering gold drapes hung from the walls and were gathered together at certain points to create a beautiful effect around the room. The Federation and the Ferengi flags were proudly on display.

Two large oval tables were centered in the room, and servers with trays of drinks and appetizers were standing at attention, but sprung to life as soon as the group entered, approaching the Starfleet officers first with beverages and food.

"Captain, Commander," Nez said as he approached Kendri and Ryhl with open arms. "Welcome to Grabok. Make yourselves comfortable. Allow our array of delights and to give you a taste of Federation cuisine.. And culture." He moved alongside the officers and ushered them towards the center of the room.

"Thank you, Mister Nez," Ryhl said. "It is nice to see you again. This is Commander Chalan, the Columbia's Executive Officer."

"Well", Nez said as his violet eyes met hers. "It's great to meet someone of such a diverse heritage. Bajoran food has always been some of my favorite. I haven't tried much Cardassian though. Do you cook much?"

"I do, but I left Cardassia when I was fairly young. I haven't really bothered to develop a taste for Cardassian food," Kendri admitted to the overly welcoming Ferengi. "And you two know one another?" Kendri asked curiously.

"We met on the surface", Ryhl answered. "Mister Nez here knows his way around Campor City." Nez laughed heartily in response.

The Ferengi had paid close attention to the worlds that the officers were from, and prepared delicacies and favorites from Earth, Trill, Orion, and Cait.

Medic Kephi tapped Kobi on the arm, "What can we get you to drink, Mr. Tomm?" she asked through her toothy smile.

Tomm stood there alongside Kephi in awe of the surroundings. His mouth agape, he almost didn’t hear the Ferengi talking to him.

“What? I’m sorry…you were talking to me, weren’t you? I have to tell you, Kephi, this is quite impressive. The detail in design, the colors. It’s a wonder how this feat of engineering was accomplished. Oh, a vodka martini, 2 olives would be perfect, thank you.”

"Oh this is nothing compared to what you would see on Ferenginar, it is still a work in progress. But our guests deserve the absolute best," Kephi responded.

"Lets get you that drink." Kephi got the attention of one of the drink servers, "A vodka martini with TWO olives for my friend here, and a black hole for me."

The server looked directly at Kobi and bowed. "Right away."

"The appetizers are all prepared from your homeworlds, many from Earth, but I am told that Mr. Nez found a chef was trained in Trill dishes as well," Kephi said, still smiling, her head half tilted as she looked up at Kobi.

“That’s very nice of you all to be so accommodating. Your chef wouldn’t have prepared any syto bean dip, would he? It was one of my, and one of my other host’s favorite things ever. You really shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble for us. Just Starfleet doing our jobs. But I will say thank you. This is lovely.”

"Well, let's just ask one of the servers. Our event planner found the chefs for the event, and I believe they are on site." Kephi led Tomm to the nearest server with a tray of food. "Excuse me, did you prepare any 'syto bean dip?'" she asked.

"Right away, ma'am," the server responded. He walked away and appeared to be speaking into an earpiece, and another server walked their way from across the room and approached them. His tray held a few Trill dishes, including the bean dip, along with some from Earth.

"Is this what you are looking for, sir?" the server asked, looking at Kobi.

“And you just happen to have this sitting around? The Trill cuisine is not widely known. At least not as common as Klingon, Bajoran, or Earth cuisines. Yes, it’s very nice, thank you. You’ve made this Starfleet Officer very happy. Say, Kephi, on the way in here, I noticed a couple of Tongo wheels. Do you play? I’ve won a few full consortiums in my day. Care to take a stab? I’ll see if my friend Kendri would like to join us.”

"I would be honored to treat you to a game after dinner. More courses are coming, I am afraid we don't have time to get started just yet," Kephi answered. "I'm sure we'll be sitting down for the next course shortly.

Kobi smiled wickedly at the prospect. “Deal. I admit I haven’t played in awhile. But my first host Tajod, was a bit of a show-off. He could hold his own in tongo. I remember some of the strategies he would employ. You’re in for a challenge, Kephi.”

Tomm touched her hand and caressed it softly. What was happening? Was he attracted to this Ferengi female? He still liked Kendri, for sure; he was having fun and he could tell Kephi was as well.

“Kephi, you’re different from other Ferengi women I’ve met. They come off as rough, stiff, and abrasive. You’re soft, kind, and…..pretty. Your kindness struck me right away. I suppose as a nurse, that’s an essential part of your job description. Bedside manner and everything.”

Kephi blushed, "You're too kind, Commander," she said with a smile. "I was telling your medical staff, Grand Nagus Rom and his family has brought many changes for the Ferengi, especially the women. The younger generations find it easier to set aside the hardships that females faced for so many years. The females from my generation are not that different from me," she said somewhat bashfully. She had been flirting with Commander Tomm all evening, but she wanted to make sure she wasn't misreading his words... and body language.

“Well, then it appears that we, and I, have the better part of that bargain. The Grand Nagus’ efforts have obviously bore fruit and I’m happy your people have taken advantage of them. Freedom and self-determination have always been ideals of the Federation. I have taken an oath to uphold those beliefs and ideals. They seemed to have brought us together here today, at this table. You’ve been very charming since our arrival and I thank you for that. Can I refill your drink for you? Let me get something for you for a change.”

"Thank you, that would be lovely," Kephi responded.

A Ferengi server approached Johanna and J.R. with a large tray of different appetizers and small plates. "Good evening! It is our utmost honor to have you here tonight," he said bowing only slightly so as to keep the tray steady.

"We have prepared a variety of food we hope is to your liking. Four appetizers we have dishes from Earth, Cait, Trill, even Orion. Please, take some," he offered pushing the plate out to the two.

Johanna grabbed a few appetizers at random. She ate a jalapeno fritter without really realizing what it was. Too hot for her Swedish mouth! She took a big drink. She then tried the Orion wing slug. This made the fritter look tame. ~ Hot! ~ She drank the rest of the drink and let the ice sit in her mouth.

Ryhl eyed the food from the distance, still speaking with Kendri and Nez. "It looks like you've all put up quite the display, Grakizh salad from Trill. Jalapeño fritters from Earth. Lots of other stuff I need to try for the first time and.. Are those Orion wing slugs?" Ryhl had heard of them, but never tried them. They had a reputation for being greasy at best, perhaps even unpleasant to some outside of Orion. "I think I'd like to try some."

"Extra spicy too, my blue friend", Nez said while slapping Ryhl on the back hard. Ryhl jumped a little at the sudden contact. "Give it a try." Nez turned to Kendri. "Has anything caught your eye? I can get you something to drink as well!" There was excitement in his amethyst irises.

"There are so many choices, I'm a bit overwhelmed," Kendri commented as she looked around at the several large platters being passed around. "I do like jalapeno fritters. And are those bacon wrapped dates? That happens to be one of my favorites. I can make my way over there," Kendri responded.

"Campor City has a diverse population. One has to become familiar with quite a wide range of cuisines. Truth be told it's been awhile since I've thrown a party for Starfleet", Nez opened his arms wide as he spoke. "You see the Federation doesn't always bring profit. But is always rich in opportunities. Keep your ears open.. That's what Rule of Acquisition 7 says." A bubbly laugh escaped his diminutive chest. "Let me know if there's anything else I can get you."

"This is more than enough, thank you." Kendri smiled at the gracious Ferengi.

>> Part Two >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Cadet Ki'ana
Nursing Student
USS Columbia


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