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Senior Staff Briefing Part 3

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2023 @ 5:27pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

2,035 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD C16: 0800 (after part two)

Kendri took a breath and a addressed the room more calmly. "Commander Lyngstrad and Dr. McEntyre each spoke of their role in what has been going on in the Ferengi settlement, but there is more. The water supply rebuild is on hold and the people are drinking replicated water, because there are signs that someone is watching the colony and there is concerns that any efforts to clean the natural water source would only be destroyed and put us back at square one."

"While part of the team was investigating the water source itself, we were attacked by drones. The technology was complex, and adapted to our phasers. We had a shuttle with us, so once we beamed aboard we brought a disabled drone back with us. Lieutenant Elliot helped analyze the technology."

Paisley had remained quiet throughout the previous exchange, sipping her coffee and biting her lip. She didn't like drama-at least this kind. She glanced at Jason, smiling lightly.

'Breathe, just breath.' Jason said as he tried to refrain from saying some seriously stupid.

"Lieutenant?" Kendri commented, handing the floor to Jason.

"Yes, Mister Elliot. Have you been able to gather anything else out from that drone? One point of contention was whether these were transported down from a ship or flown from bases hidden on the surface. I'm not sure if your investigation could provide insight into that. I am curious about your findings." Ryhl looked to Jason, a look of admiration crossing his features.

"Starbase eighty confirmed our suspicions the technology is Breen in nature, the metallurgy also confirms this." Jason started, "Far as specifics, these drones are launched from a ground based system, they don't have any form of orbital capacity and based on study so far they are purposely manufactured to not look like any known design."

"There is one other thing, the weapons are a compacted design common within the Typhon pact." Jason said with a pause.

"The Breen?!" J.R exclaimed.

“Unfortunately, that is correct, Doctor. In addition to metallurgical analysis, the energy signatures were indeed confirmed to be Breen. It seems the tactical situation will turn out to be more challenging than anticipated,” Tomm said.

"Why would they attack a Ferengi Colony like this?" he asked the room.

"Considering how close we are to their known territory having a federation colony this close might be considered provocative, plus if they can cause as much chaos as possible then they can swoop in and claim the area and not meet any resistance." Jason said looking around the room.

"We have two starships here, us and the Mendocino. Plus, they have to know we'll deploy Security and Marine forces to defend the Colonists down there from any type of provocative attacks against us. Heck, even the Klingon Colony should have at least a regiment of the KDF down there. It'd be the Dominion War all over again." J.R replied and postulated.

Jason surveyed the room, "I'm fairly certain that third parties are facilitating the weapons and other technology, there's enough commercial traffic around."

Paisley sighed. "Maybe the Cardassians?" she said. "I know a few of my father's contemporaries who would fit that description," she said. "I can make a call-you two can sit in," she said, indicating Tomm and Jason, in turn. "One in particular," she said, but she really, really didn't want to speak to him. She would, however, if it was necessary.

Kendri snapped to attention when Paisley suggested the Cardassians. She had not expected to engage with them on this mission. She had before, but it was never simple. Cardassian interactions were never simple regardless of who your parents were.

"The Klingons have their territory in total lockdown," Kas began. "Most of them have accepted the evidence and are being less hostile toward their Romulan neighbors. Brok'tan and the council have made it clear that no action will be taken without proof of guilt or direct provocation."

Jason ticked a few mental checkmarks before speaking, "Let's make efforts to shrink the list of suspects," Acknowledging the idea Paisley had. "I'll reach out to Senator Nirek and see if we can reduce the number of Romulan factions that could be involved."

Ryhl enjoyed the flurry of communication as he sat back and listened. He spoke up after Jason mentioned narrowing down the Romulans. "It's good that the Klingons and Romulans are starting to work together. It should be noted that Campor III is between Breen space and the Typhon Expanse. It's a long trip. I bet they hate having the powers of the Beta Quadrant right in the middle of their route. Shrinking the suspects is a good idea. Remember that there are likely suspects within each group. For example, I don't think Romulans let the nanocytes loose on the Ferengi and sabotaged the Klingon ships."

Ryhl looked Kas deep in the eye, remembering talks with Brok'tan and the officer. "There are likely Klingons, as well as Ferengi, who have been bribed to sabotage their own people. The Romulans mentioned that they have been experiencing sabotage for months. I would gather the other groups are being slowly infiltrated as well. Of course, these are only paths to investigate. For all we know, one group of colonists may make up the saboteurs. Commander Chalan and I have spoken to the Klingons and Romulans about looking into their internal affairs. A joint investigation will be key."

The Captain turned to Paisley. "By the way, Commander F'Rar. I too would be interested in sitting in on that call. More knowledge and connections are always a good thing."

The Engineer sighed, but nodded. "Yes, sir, I'll have Tomm or Elliott set it up," she said. Fuck. She'd ran her mouth, and she was about to have to make things weird.

"Commander Chalan, did you have anything else for the crew? I just want to take the time to thank you again. You've been extremely essential to our operations. I'm really curious about your thoughts and ideas towards the next step."

"Just that... something about all of the events that have been happening, and how they've been playing out have had me thinking for a while now. Right up until the Klingons and Romulans almost went to war yesterday," Kendri said. She put a map of the region up on the conference room's viewscreen.

"Let's say that happened, and we weren't here. And the Ferengi were already getting sick, and new they had a bad water supply, don't you think they would have just started evacuating?" Kendri pointed out. "There are plenty of places for them to go."

"If someone wanted this planet. Or perhaps thought that this planet was already theirs in the first place... We're close to Breen space. It fits. It there's a Breen/Cardassian alliance working on this... Well...." Kendri took a deep breath. "Lets hope it's not sanctioned by the Cardassian Union."

Jason didn't think before he spoke "Let's hope not."

Jorel pipped in and replied, "Well, if I know anything about the Cardassian Union and their leader, Mr. Garak, I don't think he'd want to plummet the Cardassion Union into another Dominion War or anything like it. I'm not entirely up to specs on the Breen, as it wasn't in any of the last three datastreams that I've recieved, the Cardassians were and they're not picking for a fight. At least, from what I could tell."

Paisley couldn't help but snort; they were ALWAYS ready for a fight, but it was cute he thought so. She kept silent, though. "I have nothing else," she said.

Truth be told, if they were going to run across Cardassian technology or anything they may be involved in, Rachel was happy to know they had at least a few Cardassian officers that could be tapped for knowledge. Rachel simply sat there and shook her head when a few sets of eyes looked her way to indicate she had nothing further either.

Jason was starting too feel the fatigue and was hoping the meeting would break up, he could use a nap, maybe something to eat, but most important a break from the endless violence of the last few days.

"Set it up, Captain, and I'll be there," Paisley said. "Otherwise, I have nothing else from Engineering," she said. "My team has performed excellently, and I am very happy with their work. Ops, as well," she said.

"I've got nothing but good things to say about the Medical Staff aboard, and I look forward to continuing to work with them." J.R smiled softy, before he took another sip of his coffee. "There any more coffee around?"

Kendri pushed the carafe toward the doctor before speaking.

The Doctor nodded in appreciation and took the carafe quietly to pour another cup of coffee into his cup as he continued to listen to the conversation.

"As far as narrowing down the suspects, the plan is to draw them out while we have heightened surveillance and clandestine security measures in place for everyone's safety," she began.

"The Klingon and Romulan governments are going to exchange peaceful communications on open channels, to let them know their attempts at pitting them against one another have failed. Commander F'Rar, the water salvation project in Grabok is going to require engineering's assistance. We'd like you to put together a team with Commander Lyngstad to start making some initial plans," Kendri explained. "Commander Tomm and Lieutenant Ayesha we'll need to plan how to secure the area without being seen before they beam down. Lieutenant Elliot, work with them and put surveillance measures in place as you see fit." Kendri paused for any questions or comments from the officers.


Kendri then looked at their new Chief Diplomatic Officer. "Lieutenant Torin, the Captain and I would like you on point with working with the Klingons and Romulans, I can assist with getting you whatever resources you need. Commander Kas will be of assistance with working with the Klingon settlement."

Jorel looked up from the PADD in his hand that he was putting some information onto and replied, "I was going to ask about some of the new settlements around these parts. I didn't know how the Romulans and Klingons were being with each other and wanted to talk to you two about that sometime."

Ryhl laughed, thinking of how badly he wished the Chief Diplomat had been present during earlier negotiations. "Things are understandably tense between them. Commander Chalan and I fought to get them on the same page, along with Commander Razka's help. There's still a lot that can be done, if you've got any ideas on smoothing their relationship over some more."

There was a brief pause as everyone looked around the room.

Kendri looked up at the Captain. "I think that about covers it. Did I miss anything?"

"The only thing I'll say is that we'll make sure to keep the Marines updated as well. Fighters will be on call as well. So if we need to respond or step things up, we can. I agree that securing the area in a more quiet way is best for now. The more relaxed we seem with our operations, the more likely we are to draw out a 'do-no-gooder'." Ryhl studied the room for a reaction to his creative language. "But well said, Commander."

"Okay, final statements or concerns? It was great getting everybody together."

The room was silent.

"Okay.. Meeting adjourned. Dismissed everyone. Thanks for your patience." Ryhl stood, moving towards those headed out to exchange goodbyes.

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Special Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Toren II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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