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Smooth Like Tennessee Whiskey

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2023 @ 7:37pm by Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić

885 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Lissa's Quarters, Deck 10
Timeline: MD C:17 2300

Lissa quickly put the door code into her quarters, and pulled Mario inside. She let go of his hand and called out over her shoulder, "Make yourself at home," as she retrieved a bucket of ice and two glasses from the replicator and two bottles from a cabinet.

Lissa plopped down on the couch holding the bottles up. "My dad's family is from Kentucky," she said, showing him a bottle of Noah's Hill small batch bourbon. "This brewery has been around a few hundred years. I prefer this one," she said handing him the bottle she'd been talking about. "Smooth, kinda sweet."

She looked up at him and winked, "Sit down and pick your poison."

Mario found the couch, setting his squadron jacket on the arm rest next too him. "That sounds like it could be interesting, pour me one." he was going to say something else but changed his mind, "So you're half human then?" his curiosity was peeked.

Lissa poured them each a glass, making sure hers was over plenty of ice. Lissa handed Mario his. "Yup, spent a lot of time on starships growing up. My father spent a couple of decades as a Starfleet captain. He teaches at the Academy now -Jonathan Kerr. That started gosh, 8, 9 years ago? He was teaching when I went through."

"What about you? Where is your family from?" Lissa asked. She rested her head lazily against the back of the couch looking over at Mario. Her free hand reached over to Mario's thigh and she lightly traced shapes on his leg with her fingers.

Mario took the drink, "I grew up mostly on earth, spent a good chunk of it flying small craft for my dad when I was old enough, then when I turned seventeen I Joined up I wanted to be a fighter pilot, I ended up as a recon pilot on my first posting aboard the Forrestal, where I met Ghost, he was the squadron's intel guy, and one hell of a pilot too," He paused to take a sip "I was on patrol the day the Romulan sun went nova, that whole week was a.... Well it was a bad time."

"Ghost? That's Elliot right? Where were you when the star went... I mean, if you want to talk about. We can change the subject if you want," Lissa offered, checking herself mid-sentence.

Mario paused, "We were on a normal patrol along the neutral zone, I was flying with my wingman at the time were doing the usual scan of the zone, when my back seater at the time registered a massive magnetic pulse, we turned and ran to avoid the outer edge of it or what we thought was the outer edge, when we got back to the ship, we had enough time to refuel and change flight suits as we were ordered to help rescue a refugee convoy that had been attacked by at the time was a unknown, that's when all hell broke loose."

Mario paused to taking a longer sip "We had just returned from the flight, word was that the Blackburn had fired on a convoy of refugees and there was orders to seize that ship and arrest the senior staff, Jason planned that mission, and for a kid barely six months out of the academy at the time he was inventive, when his wife died that was the change I saw, and the guy you see now, although I think that engineer gal, has helped him come back, but enough of the sad stories, how about a refill?" he asked more interested in checking out her body than the drink.

Lissa kept her eyes on Mario as she reached forward and took the bottle to top him off. After she set the bottle down she kicked her shoes off, and turned her position on the couch so she was facing Mario, one leg tucked underneath her. "Can I get you anything else?" she asked, taking a generous sip from her own glass.

Mario turned to face her, he had several ideas of what next he rested his hand on her knee, "It's not often that I get to be with such a beautiful woman, so you'll excuse me if I'm a bit up front with you." he leaned forward smiling.

Lissa took another drink of whiskey before setting her glass back down on the table. "Somehow, I doubt that, but it's a good line anyway," she responded as she moved a few centimeters closer, and brought her face close to his. She could feel his breath

Mario moved his hand up to her cheek, resting his thumb in front of her ear and pulled in for a kiss, he felt his heart race slightly as their lips met, he felt something almost electric in that second.

Lissa slid her hand under Mario's arm, wrapping it around his back and pulled him deeper into the kiss, holding him there a second, before she pulled away. She narrowed her eyes mischievously as she suggested, "Maybe we should take this to the other room."

Mario stood up first taking Lissa's hand, "I think you're right."

Lissa let him lead her to the bedroom, the door shutting behind them.


Lt(jg) Mario Pranjic

Ens Daisheleiss "Lissa" Kerr


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