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Everyone's on Second... Diplomatic Talks Part 3

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2023 @ 5:25pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Dramin

1,854 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD C15, after Starfleet's on First Part 2

Brok'tan pondered a moment before he spoke; "Yes it should be a joint effort, with representatives from all parties. As governor, I will appoint ours. Captain Kormak has proven useful in such endeavors. Captain Vurla will be able to collect and share data from our vessels and satellite networks. Command Razka and Commander Chalan can be liaisons between us and the Romulans. They can double-check the Fergeni's data, I don't trust them to accurately track anything that doesn't turn a profit."

Kas sighed he could do without Brok'tan's racism, ' Did that Oldman really expect him to work with Kormak!?' he thought. He knew that answer and just nodded.

Naleema narrowed her eyes. "The problems with our vessels - from fighter jets to shuttles - has been going on for months. The issues were intermittent at first, we did not suspect foul play at first. Shortly before the Columbia's arrival... we had a rash of incidents with our fighters being sabotaged." Naleema eyed the table. "Someone who has been on the planet for several months has been infiltrating the Romulan settlement on a regular basis."

Ryhl listened to Brok'tan and Naleema, antennae dancing as they sensed subtle social cues within the others' communications. He shrugged slightly at Brok'tan's mention of the Ferengi but fought to hide a smile that contained his understanding. Naleema's words had worried him however. "Months of infiltration makes for worrying news. I understand that is important and not easy news to share." Ryhl understood why she may have been reluctant to share this in front of the Klingons. "Governor, I know your appointments will do a fine job. We now understand the gravity of this situation. Forces have likely been working their way into your settlement for some time, as well."

"Does anyone have any ideas for the investigation and the follow up operations? We are working to identify persons and locations of interest. We're also making trying to make contacts on the surface. It hasn't always been easy though." He looked each person in the eye, including Feeva and Dramin.

"Perhaps we're approaching it from the wrong direction. If you want to make a good impression, do it in plain clothes, and make it a party. Perhaps some kind of goodwill gesture. A festival, or dinner, or somesuch. But on the planet. Is there a meeting room someplace? A common area? Even a big, open Promenade or grassy knoll. A treasure hunt for the kids, drinks and snacks for the adults," Feeva shrugged. It was just an idea.

The Romulan delegates looked at one another with distaste. Commander Rutrauka responded dryly, "Not only would a ... 'party' be a waste of time, no one intelligent enough to put together this operation would ever believe that the Romulan people would fraternize with the Klingons."

"I believe the counselor thought an opportunity to get everyone together, or at least in the same vicinity on the planet might be an opporunity," Kendri responded. "To see if we might lure the responsible parties to us. Any other suggestions?" Kendri asked.

"If the said enemy has been on the surface for mouths then they know that some of the Klingons were once among the Quath'Mar, so if the Klingons were to hold a Quath'Mar festival it wouldn't be suspicious." Kas began. "we could have an Alliance Festival like we did with the Ba'ku and the Son'a after the Dominion War. We would choose a neutral location and set up large tents to segregate the different parties on the opposite sides of an open square where we can share food and culture safely as a way to find common ground. I know it will be difficult for us to trust each other, so we will have to set ground rules. I believe this would be a good way to smoke the enemies out."

As Kas spoke, Feeva fixed the Romulan visitors with her signature "mom" stare. No matter the race, it seemed that each one responded to the death stare that only a mother could give in much the same way-a hint of uncomfortable shifting, realizing that whatever they did, it was wrong. She didn't appreciate their xenophobic bullshit, and she was making it clear.

"Well the party idea is a bit different", Ryhl said looking to Feeva. His eyes reflected a comfort, clearly ignoring the Romulans' hostile sentiment for now. "You mentioned making a good impression. I don't think optics are the problem. This isn't a rebellion or protest. At least not from how it seems. Maybe a party could draw out activity. We saw they attacked the last event thrown by the Klingons. I'm still looking more towards an investigation. Unless something valuable is at such an event, I doubt we'd see much activity apart from another drone attack."

Feeva served him with the same "mom" stare but simply shrugged. "I don't think an investigation will reveal anything more than the previous one did, but I am just the Counselor," she said. She picked up her tea and sipped it. It was out of her hands now.

"Commander Chalan and I will have to reach out to the Ferengi, but I'd like you both to begin a massive internal investigation. Review communications logs and sensor data tied to those who've had access to the fighters. Something has to come up. I know both of your powers have strong security forces. Together we can piece together some clues. Expect the Columbia to step up our operation as well. It might take weeks.. Even months. Running a comb through the colony will yield results."

"Are there any questions?" Ryhl looked around the room.

Feeva shook her head in response. She wasn't mad, exactly, she just thought that spinning your wheels doing the same thing you did last week was stupid.

"Some carefully worded communications between the parties may draw out more activity," Kendri suggested. "We should wait until security and investigatory measures are in place, but if someone were to suggest trade with the other party and they received an amicable response, whoever is behind this might step up their efforts and give us something to track."

"Or someone to capture and interrogate," Naleema added, the thought of an interrogation bringing an expression of pleasure to her face. "While I hesitate to admit any similarities with the Cardassian people, we do share an affinity for creative intelligence gathering."

Kendri shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "No that's not what I meant, of course we could question, but I'm not really even Cardassian," she responded awkwardly.

"I would agree to a plan of this nature, with the condition that if the Klingons or Starfleet capture anyone committing acts of sabotage that a Romulan representative be present during the interrogation," Commander Rutrauka stated abruptly.

"That should be useful actually." Ryhl's shoulders seemed to loosen, lowering slightly and spreading out as his antennae searched the room. "Romulan, Klingon and Starfleet representatives should be present just to make the most of each opportunity. Surely there are questions we all want answered. Individuals from your delegations have an even greater connection to the events at hand."

"How do you feel about working with the Romulans in joint interrogations, Chancellor?" Ryhl looked to Brok'tan hopefully.

"My people will cooperate," Brok'tan nodded. "We are also creative with our interrogation techniques."

Kendri held back the urge to rub her temples. She knew both parties were talking about torture, and if either one of them got their hands on a suspect before Starfleet, they wouldn't have jurisdiction out here to stop them. A conversation for she and the Captain to have at another time. Right now the parties were willing to walk away with an agreement to work together. It was a start.

Kendri simply nodded at the table. "It sounds like we have the beginnings of a plan. We need to coordinate our resources to best make sure the planet is covered without drawing suspicion. We should inform the Grabok settlement as well. Captain, do you agree?"

The weight of what was being discussed was reflected in the heavyhearted tension hidden within the laugh lines of Ryhl's anxious smile. The Andorian felt conflicted with the idea of expanded interrogation techniques. As an Andorian, he was raised to feel such things were sometimes essential. However his career in Starfleet had taught him there were other ways.

"I agree that the Ferengi should be made aware, especially through contacts we can verify. I'd like you to reach out to contacts you've made in the medical community. I'm sure they could point us in the right direction of Ferengi we can trust. I'll reach out to Mister Nez as well." Ryhl looked to his Klingon and Romulan counterparts. "I assure you both that no classified information or operational security will be leaked to the Ferengi." He knew the Ferengi could become a point of contention and hoped to address any concerns. He'd almost purposefully been putting off talk of their inclusion to avoid it stalling negotiations.

"Obviously they will likely notice increased activity, this may quash any curiosity, as well as let them know that we are investigating the source of their issues as well," Kendri added to reassure them.

The three Romulans exchanged glances. "Very well," Naleema stated. "I would not trust them with the details of the operation, however. We all know that most any Ferengi can be purchased for a price."

"The fewer details that are given to anyone in the general population the better. I was thinking just enough information to assure them that they are not in any danger, and that we are working on a joint project," Kendri assured her. Kendri looked across the table at Captain th'Zheles. They had accomplished more than they had intended to do today. It was best to not press their luck.

"I agree that our information should be kept private. We won't speak too much unless its on a need to know basis." Ryhl looked around the room from person to person. "I want to thank you all for coming to the table. I know these talks were intense. This is all for a better future. One that I think will be brighter if the Klingons and Romulans can learn to work together. Let this not only be the start of a joint project and investigation. But also the start of more cooperation in general."

"Okay, I do not want to hold up any more of your time. Counselor Drylo and Advocate Dramin can see to any of your needs should you wish to remain on the Columbia longer. We have a variety of quarters and facilities capable of hosting you and your associates." Ryhl slid his seat back and began to stand. "Be sure to help yourselves to any refreshments before you depart as well. Thanks once again for coming."

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia


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