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Dinner Party Part 3: Setting out the Main Course

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 3:20pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,867 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Kendri's Quarters
Timeline: MD 29, Following Part 2

Kendri looked at Kobi and gestured with her head to the kitchen area. "Do you mind helping with the rice?" she asked.

“I believe I can handle that,” Kobi said. He seemed pleased that Kendri trusted him enough to ask him to help. Tomm thought it was a stepping stone to a lasting friendship.

In a monotone, 20th century, campy manner, Kobi slowly turned to Kendri and said, “Take me to your pots.” He was hoping to get a smile or giggle out of her.

Kendri squinted her eyes at Kobi and laughed, "Is that from a show?" She asked.

“Well, in a manner of speaking. Early to mid-twentieth century Earth. Science fiction movies of the era contained an interesting perspective on extraterrestrials. Aliens would land on Earth and say “Take me to your leader”. Before first contact, humans had no point of reference for aliens. It was considered campy and funny at the time. Anyway, what can I do? You can’t possibly do this by yourself.”

She shook her her head in amusement. "You certainly have a variety of interests, Mr. Tomm." Kendri pointed to the serving bowls that were stacked by the rice cooker. "Can you fill those up, and we'll start putting them out on the table?" she asked. "The bowls will keep the rice warm."

“Be happy to. Kendri, this is all so great. Smells wonderful,”
Kobi said as he jumped in to lend a hand.

Kendri and Kobi worked quietly in the background, getting the rice out on the table.

From her spot at the table, Paisley elbowed Jason in the side. "See that man there, the Trill?" She pointed with her chin. "Think he's hot for Commander?" She asked. Interesting. Other cultures' mating rituals were fun to learn about.

He leaned slightly forward "Not sure if it's academic or amorous." Jason set his hand on the table next to Paisley's.

She shrugged. "I hope it's the latter; they're cute." She said. Was it bad to be gossiping about your XO like this? She couldn't decide.

The Commander turned towards Ayesha. "I can see how such a climate would craft strong people", Ryhl said with a nod. "I'd be interested to study the efforts of the terraformers so far. It's such an interesting field."

"I'm enjoying the food here", Ryhl continued. "You said Starfleet food seems more varied. What do you normally eat on Pharaoni Prime?"

"Dishes not too dissimilar to the food from the region of Earth known as Africa. I might make one of the few dishes if we have a potluck one day." Ayesha responded smoothly. "Though, of course, that wholly depends on the availability of the necessary ingredients, and time available between missions for me to do so."

"I'm sure some of your local ingredients will be hard to find or even replicate. Maybe one day the Columbia will end up nearby. We can always try to quickly source ingredients.. Especially if we can find nearby traders.

Rikka turned to Yuuta. "Yuuta, can you grab us something to eat?" She asked as she placed a hand on her belly. "Nothing spicy or shellfish like though. It upsets Junior, and I don't need him/her kicking around in there tonight."

Yuuta smirked. He nodded and stood up from the chair. Slowly he made his way towards the kitchen area and stood looking a bit sheepishly at the food still to be served. "Erm..." he said. "What can a pregnant Human eat? I'm not very good at this..." he asked. He wasn't quite sure what Rikka might like or what some of the food was.

"Anything except alcohol," Paisley replied, almost finished with the whiskey. "My ex-stepmother was human," she said, with a shrug. "I know a bit about their culture. Though she was never pregnant-at least, as far as I know-I remember her sister was while my father was married to her," she said. "When they came to visit us at Alpha Centauri once, she couldn't drink Kanar." She went on. "The Hasperat-that's the wrap thingies-are a bit spicy so if she can't handle that, skip it. Otherwise, humans can eat just about anything they can tolerate." She turned to Jason. "Thanks for the drink. I'll be right back," she said, picking the plate back up and making a beeline for Ayesha this time.

"Hello," she replied, as she sidled up to the woman.

Ayesha eyed the pretty Cardassian hybrid in front of her. She too certainly seemed to be dressing to impress - formal but eye-catching. "Hello." She greeted in return. "Who might you be? I am lieutenant Ayesha, head of strategic operations."

Paisley smiled cutely. "I am Lt. Paisley F'rar, Chief Engineer." She said. She looked the woman up and down. Interesting new development. P was technically bisexual, but operated more on hedonism-she slept with whomever, whenever she wanted if the fancy struck her, and if she were single and the other person was, too.

After the rice was set out, Kendri started dishing the main dishes into their individual serving bowls, color coded for spicy, mild, and vegetarian. The table was set with plates and utensils, and once Kendri brought out the dishes they could plate their choice of food and rice how they liked.

Kendri cleared her throat and raised her voice to get everyone's attention. "I want to thank you all for coming tonight. This was something that my previous First Officer used to do, and I thought it was a tradition I would like to carry on. The food is ready, and there is plenty of it, so don't hold back! I do have a vegetarian option, but the other two dishes are a blend of vegetables and meats in Bajoran-Earth fusion sauce. Your choice of spicy or mild, or you can try all three," she said smiling. "I'll start bringing the dishes out and you can tell me what you would like."

Kendri started passing out dishes, and even though she hadn't asked him to help with this part, Kobi jumped in and assisted, and everyone had their food quickly. "Don't wait, dig in!" she said encouragingly. As they started eating she went around the table with a few bottles of springwine and rice wine for those who wanted some.

Paisley smiled to Ayesha. "Shall we sit down? Oh, I promised Jason I'd be right back, oops. Maybe I'll sit between you both," she said, playfully. She led the way to the large table, and settled in, smoothing her skirt as she did so.

“Excuse me, everyone. It’s nice to see us all together in one space, at least for tonight. I haven’t had a chance to talk to everyone yet, but I’m Kobi Tomm, Security Chief.”

Tomm lifted his whiskey glass and raised a toast.
“A toast to Kendri for hosting this evening. In the words of Earth’s Shakespeare, “O Lord that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” Cheers!”

The hybrid was definitely flirting. Just a little bit. Ayesha shook her head and sat down next to her. Then the security chief proposed a toast, and she couldn't help but smile thinly and raise her glass to reciprocage the toast. "Hear, hear." She called out, "Our Lord Horus bless her with wisdom and courage."

Ryhl stood closer to Kas as people began taking their seat. "Hear, hear", the Andorian said after the toast, raising his glass of springwine.

"May the Prophets bless you and yours," came Paisley's contribution, raising the glass of spring wine that Jason had brought her. THAT was...weird. It had been awhile since a man was flirty.

"Thanks everyone," Kendri said graciously. "Eat up, but there is dessert. I have mochi in the chiller: jumja, moba fruit, and green tea, and larish pie - if you are so inclined."

He approached Kas. "Hello, how are you enjoying the evening?" Ryhl looked to Keena and waved. "Hello Keena", he said.

"Yes Commander," Kas smiled. "Lt. Commander Chalan is an excellent host."

Keena smiled at Ryhl, "I haven't had very much earth food. This good."

The Engineer didn't need to wait; she helped herself to the various dishes, trying a little of everything-she always did. Try everything once...well. MOST things. Food wise, there wasn't much she didn't eat. Besides the minor issues with lactose, she was able to handle most things. She had a stomach of steel. "Is this....Palukoo?" She asked Kendri. "I've never had it spiced like this. Only the regular style," she said. Her father had forbidden Bajoran dishes when she was a child, until about age 13, when he left her basically alone at home to raise herself. Then, she discovered the myriad dishes of her mother's race. "Whatever it is, it's FABULOUSSS," she said, in a bit of a sing-songy voice.

"Almost everything is fusion," Kendri said. "Most of the spices and brines I used from Earth are consistent with Korean or Vietnamese style dishes. Everything is a little bit different."

Paisley smiled. "I do rather like Asian-fusion style cuisine. I'd never thought about mixing it with Bajoran foods. Do you cook much Cardassian foods?" She asked. It was still a bit of a mind-fuck to her that they could both be mixed Bajoran/Cardassian, but raised so differently. "I can teach you, if you'd like to learn," she offered. Paisley wasn't much of a cook-she didn't have the patience but she DID make a mean Sem'hal stew and a pretty wicked Tojal. She smiled, but went back to her meal.

"Not really. I didn't really start cooking much until I moved to Bajor," Kendri responded.

Ryhl took a bite of the wrap as he milled about.

Johanna approached the food carefully. She put some fruits and vegetables on her plate; they looked safe. She saw the hesperat and knew that a trip to Sick Bay might be necessary after eating it. She generally did not eat spicy food. The Swedish cuisine she had been raised on was not spicy. She took a big scoop of rice. One dish was labelled mild; she took some of that.

Kendri saw Johanna picking her food out carefully. She handed her a bowl of flatbread. "The bread is really good. No tricks, I promise," she said with a wink.

"Thank you." answered Johanna, with a smile. "You really can't go wrong with a good bread. Unless some devious classmate has gotten hold of ghost pepper butter." She could still remember that lunch at the Academy.

Ryhl sat towards the corner of one table, sitting across from Johanna and not far from Kas and Paisley. There was still room on this side of the table as people continued to file over.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Dr. Rikka Takanashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia


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