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Dinner Party Part 2: More Arrivals and Appetizers

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 4:03am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,678 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Kendri Chalan's Quarters
Timeline: MD 27, Following Part 1

Next to enter was Doctor Rikka Takanashi, She was accompanied by a man whom none of them had met before. He had short brown hair, green eyes and a small but athlethic frame. He was holding Rikka's hand as both of them entered. Rikka wasn't wearing her uniform, but was wearing a rather oversized loose polo shirt and a skirt. Her poloshirt was a little tighter around her baby bump, and a small bump could be spotted in the center where her belly button has begun to stick out. The man with her wore a buttoned up collared shirt and jeans. He seemed very presentable and was smiling as he entered.

"Hello everyone," the man holding Rikka's hand greeted for them both.

"Hi there, I'm Kendri. I'm glad you both could make it," Kendri said greeting them both. "Help yourself to drinks and appetizers. The main meal will be out shortly," she said. "Pardon me, I need to go check on that," she said excusing herself back to the table where a few large woks had been simmering for a short while.

Yuuta smiled as he helped Rikka lower herself down into a seat at the table and took the one next to her.

A Claw of Sekhmet was trained to be always ready to strike if need be - war and chaos knew no such boundaries as festivities or occasion, after all. As such Ayesha's attire for the dinner was formal: a flowing white dress in the typical Pharaoni style, an elaborate red and gold necklace and with her lustrous black hair in a ponytail - clothes that would allow her to move freely and with the precision and grace expected of one of her position if need be. She lined her eyes with black kohl that stood out against the smooth caramel of her complexion, and applied a light layer of lipstick. A little bit of dressup was expected at such occasions, of course.

She did not know everyone whom she saw as she entered the room save the Commander herself - but she had a feeling she would soon learn. She cut a regal figure and held her head high as she swept through the doors; the very first job of a leader was to give a good first impression. "Good evening, all." She greeted the others. In her hands she carried a woven basket containing a bottle of wine and what appeared to be a huge bunch of grapes.

"Good evening", Ryhl replied as he moved across the room. "Miss F'Rar", Ryhl said as he passed Paisley. "Always remember the wide dispersal pattern". He laughed, reminiscing over shared recent training.

She laughed. "Hopefully only for the stomach discomfort from all the fried foods. Is that the CMO?" She asked, pointing to the pregnant woman who had come in. "I haven't reported to Medical yet. I will do that shortly," she said. Whoops. She'd had other things on her mind-launch day was BUSY for Engineering and Ops, perhaps more so than the rest-if there were no Engineers, the boat didn't launch, after all.

There weren't a lot of women in Star Fleet (human ones anyway) who were as tall as Johanna. This rather elegant lady was. And very dressed up too. Johanna hoped she had not underdressed, but she saw people who were not dressed up, so she didn't worry. She offered her hand to the tall woman.

"Johanna Lyngstad. Pleased to meet you."

Ayesha shook the hand of the shorter blonde. "Ayesha. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. What is your job on board?"

"Chief Science Officer. Yourself?"

TAG Ayesha **

Commander th'Zeles was once again dressed in tight-fitting black attire. This time the traditional Andorian chainmail was limited to wrapping around each wrist's cuff.

"Miss Lyngstad... Miss Lyngstad!" Ryhl waved frantically to Johanna. "You know... I've been making time for the courts." He grinned wildly, teeth appearing pearlescent white against his radiant complexion. "I think you and I should team up on the courts.. What do you think about 3-on-3 matches to start?"

"That sounds like a plan," answered Johanna. "If you can find four other people who can play. I don't know about Kelpiens though. I don't think anyone can shoot over a Kelpien."

Ryhl made eye contact with Jason. "How are things, Mister Elliot? Have you made much free time to enjoy yourself aboard the Columbia?"

Jason partially smiled, "I snuck in some time on the holodeck a couple of nights ago and I've had the chance to ironically reconnect with a few people from my graduating class, Ensign Catherine O'Shea from Security and Lieutenant Davis Chan from Engineering."

"It's always good to reconnect with old friends", Ryhl replied with a smile. "Be sure to keep them close."

Paisley moved on, carrying a plate of a mini Hesperat wrap, a few pickled veggies, and a steamed bun. She worked the room-always the social butterfly, she made it a point to meet each person.

She made a beeline for the tattooed person. She'd hit up the new woman next, in the long, flowing robe and charcoal eyeliner. She had to ask about the tattoos. She found the man. "Wild ink," she said. She stopped herself from half-undressing to share hers-in a particular spot under her left shoulder blade-it wouldn't be too showy, just inappropriate in your XO's cabin. "Does it have any special meaning?" She bit into the Hesperat as the man replied. It was the perfect level of spicy, and she'd have to let Kendri know. Hesperat was one of her favorite foods. She balanced the flavors of both of her parental races-though her Cardie side didn't much favor the lightness of the dish. She also had a weird quirk where she didn't process dairy products that well, but she ate them anyway.

Jason looked out the small view port, he realized that one of the numerous tattoos were very visible from under the sleeves of his shirt. He thought he felt a pair of eyes looking his way. He turned, realizing the tattoo on his forearm was exposed "It's a Valknut, it's supposed to symbolize the bonds that bind us."

Paisley nodded. "Very cool. I'd show you mine, but it's a bit inaccessible for mixed company," she said. "Mine is the Cardassian symbol for peace." YEs, it was weird. She was a weird Cardassian. The only blessing about her mixed heritage was the fact that she'd been spared a damn vestigial tail! It would've been her luck, though. "I'm Paisley F'rar, Chief Engineer." She said.

"I'll take you up on that offer some time." Jason whispered, "Want to grab some of the whiskey?"

She chuckled. "We'll see," she said, her tone low. Then, she nodded. "Sure!!" She let him lead the way to the booze table.

Jason broke the seal on the bottle of ancient whiskey, there was a slight aroma of cocoa, rye and a what could be mistaken for vanilla as he poured the two glasses about two fingers high, then offered on to Paisley, "Cheers" he said raising the glass then taking a slow sip.

Paisley took the glass, and sipped it. "Cheers!" She tried to keep her voice not too loud-the Carjoran sometimes got a bit TOO excited and could be a bit rowdy. From the time she could walk, she'd been trained to interact with people from all over the Universe-her father's military and political career ensured she'd be required to wine and dine with most beings. It had just become ingrained into her personality over time.

Jason took a longer haul on the glass and then looked too the table full of food, "Shall we?" he said making a friendly gesture towards the table.

Ryhl moved towards the food, taking a plate and filling it. He took a hasparat wrap and a bun, along with lots of vegetables. Seeing Kendri nearby, he said, "I haven't had much Bajoran food. This looks really appetizing and well made." With his plate in one hand, Ryhl tried the wrap.

"Tasty! You know"... Ryhl's antennae danced as he spoke. "The Andorians have an affinity for salt. That brine is so subtle, yet flavorful."

"Thank you, the Bajorans started preserving vegetables that way during the occupation, but kept doing it because they liked the flavor," Kendri explained. "Then at the Academy, I learned there were several varieties of Earth cultures with varying takes on the same thing. I started playing with how to make it a multi-cultural experience.

His new position brought him closer to Ayesha. "How does the evening fair you?" Ryhl formed a circle between himself, Kendri and Ayesha. "I am curious how this food compares to the cuisine of your people. What is life like on your homeworld?"

"Peaceful, if somewhat harsh. Pharaoni Prime is a desert planet. However, with recent terraforming efforts led by Federation scientists I hear life has begun to improve considerably." She answered evenly. "If you and the rest of the ship visited, you might call us quaint. My people are quite reluctant to depart from tradition and embrace modernity." She added. "Coming into Starfleet was a considerable culture shock, in fact. The food, for example, is quite a bit more varied."

"I hope you enjoy it," Kendri said. "There's a little something for everyone, I think. The steamed buns are quite mild," she pointed out. "I should go start putting out the rest of the meal, excuse me," she said, politely making her way back to wear the food was being prepared.

"Thanks so much", Ryhl replied while shifting towards Kendri.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Dr. Rikka Takanashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia


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