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Dinner Party Part 4: Let's Eat

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 3:22pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,817 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Kendri's Quarters
Timeline: MD 29: After Part 3
Tags: Kas, Kendri

Jason grabbed a plate and started loading up, he'd decided to try a few different items, he saw something looking like a mushroom salad that piqued his interest and he grabbed a helping of the hasperat, he also filled his glass with the whiskey again and found a spot to sit.

Paisley raised her hand to Jason. "Want to sit by us?" She said, indicating Ayesha to her left. The seat to her right was still open, though.

Jason took a seat next to Paisley, "I haven't been too a gathering like this in a long time, let alone with such good company."

Paisley nodded. "Same. I had a captain once who had everyone over to his Cabin for dinner, but it was mid-tour, and we'd just come off a really tough mission and I think it was his best hope to save morale. We had lost a few people," she said. "The Hesperat isn't spicy enough," she said. "I like to FEEL my food," she said, with a laugh. "But I think that's a Cardassian thing-the Bajorans don't like it nearly as spicy. I need the heat, though!" She joked. She thought of herself often as "half-lizard" and all that came with it, though Cardassians were functionally mammalian. She turned to the other side. "How is it, Ayesha?" She asked. Sometimes, the traditional foods were a bit much for newcomers.

"It is... good." Truthfully the Pharaoni woman was burning up inside her mouth - she'd had spice before, but hasperat had a kick she wasn't as used to in comparison to her compatriots. She maintained a stoic face throughout, though, as she chewed at her food at Paisley's side. "I've never quite had anything like it."

Paisley snorted. "I bet. It's actually truly a rat," she said. "That is pureed. From there, you can spread it onto wraps like this, or souffle it. Our people think it's a delicacy," she said. "Kendri and I are both mixed Bajoran and Cardassian," she explained. "You don't need to suffer through it," she said. "Food should be for enjoyment." She shrugged. "I'll be right back, I need more to drink!" She hopped to her feet, and made way to the drinks, helping herself to a bit more Springwine and a soft drink.

Kendri was finally satisfied that everyone was settled, and she also looked for a spot to sit. She noticed the seat next to the Captain was empty so she sat down and finally made herself a plate. "It's funny, when you're the host of something like this, you don't really think about eating."

"I can imagine", Ryhl through a rumble of a chuckle. "I cook a little, but this is really a nice presentation", he said as he looked around the room. The rice was passed down to the Andorian. He dished several scoops upon his plate, before adding a few of the spiciest dishes.

"I'm really enjoying the flavors", Ryhl said, bitten hasperat wrap evidence to his delight. "Vietnamese and Korean inspired flavors, you say?" He took a fork and sampled a spicy fusion dish, bright colors dancing on the meat's glaze. "We should look into growing as many of these fresh ingredients as we can. Thanks for sharing your culture with us." The commander chewed down on the bite.

"I brought most of this with me, for this occasion. Growing would be great. I forget how much space we have here to do stuff like that," Kendri admitted. "Fresh food just makes you feel better, don't you think?" she asked.

"Oh yes", Commander th'Zeles exclaimed. "There's so much extra flavor when food is fresh picked from the garden. It's good for the soul."

Ryhl looked along the table, making eye contact with each officer. "I'm really excited to get to know you all." He laughed for a moment in reflection. "I've been so tied to the bridge. You've all been working hard to get the ship this far.. It's just really nice to sit down and share a meal with everyone."

"So, I saw you with your instrument earlier", Ryhl said to Johanna. "I hope we can hear a little later." The Andorian grinned a teasing smile as he readied his fork, loading it with rice. He knew many musicians didn't want to be put "on the spot" to perform. Ryhl still couldn't help but be curious.

Johanna took a bite of bread. As promised, it was just plain bread. It had some extra flavor that Johanna could not identify. It was quite good. "If you like. That's why I brought it. Live music livens up any party. I know some tunes that really are very lively."

Johanna continued eating; she wasn't done yet. She did have a fairly large collection of tunes programmed into her keyboard. She would use the keyboard to generate the other instruments in the song, while she played either rhythm or lead guitar (sometimes alternating). "Do you think everyone would like something lively?"

"I'd say so", said Ryhl, still chewing a spicy bite. The unique alien Human and Bajoran flavors danced along his tastebuds. "It seems we all come from a vibrant mix of cultures."

Ryhl was excited to hear Johanna's music, quickly shoveling down another bite. He couldn't help himself from being curious about the others' musical interests.

Jason sat back, probably more relaxed than he'd been in a while, he swirled what was still his second and most likely last glass of the whiskey, the evening was definitely what the doctor would have ordered, he'd found himself in a place he hadn't been in years, he was hoping to avoid too many questions about his past, at the least with this many people around his past, even if there was a strange chemistry around Paisley.

She smiled lightly at Rhyl. "What would you like to know, sir? Most of my life is in my file; I am pretty much an open book in that way. But ask me anything!" She said. She wasn't shy about discussing her life-there wasn't much "tragic" in her view, it was just things she'd learned to overcome. She turned to her dinner companions. "Jason, what about you? You are the man of mystery tonight. What makes you tick?" She asked.

"Good to know", said Ryhl. "I was just curious about your music. I can't wait to hear it."

Jason paused, His past was something he didn't talk about, "There are parts of my life where it's being in the right place at the right time, the other parts are for another discussion."

Paisley nodded. "Same with me. For now, all you need to know is that while myself and Chalan are both Cardassian/Bajoran mixed, she was raised on Bajor and I was raised on Cardassia Prime. It's weird how different the two cultures are, all things considered." She said. She swirled the wine around in her glass a bit. A bit more and she'd loosen up...but maybe also embarrass herself, which would be...embarrassing.

Jason looked around and leaned over to whisper "Can I get you another?"

She smiled a little. "Um...sure, but you might need to roll me home after," she joked. She looked to Ayesha as he left to get more drinks. "So. Meet anyone interesting tonight?" Paisley asked. Unlike with Ivy earlier, Paisley wasn't actively flirting with anyone tonight, and fully intended to leave with her dignity intact.

Jason smiled "I promise to be a gentleman and an officer." as he stood to get the drinks.

She let out a laugh. "Good to know, thanks!" She waited for him to return so they could chat a bit more.

Commander th'Zeles had dug into his food, eating quickly while the others talked. He looked up, antennae sometimes pointing in the opposite direction as he listened.

Kendri popped up from the table, "Anyone need more of anything? There's plenty of food to go around?" she asked.

Paisley shook her head. "No, thank you. It was perfect. If I eat anymore Hasperat, I'll turn into one! Wouldn't that be funny? Just piles of pink ooze dripping from the hulls." She mused.

Johanna said, "Everything was good." She got more of everything that she had gotten on her first trip. She was going to be singing in a little bit; it wasn't the time to be adventurous with her food.

Kendri went to the chiller and grabbed a couple of trays that had individual serving bowls of mochi. She took one of the trays down where Kas was sitting. She handed bowls to them. "This is a kind of ice cream from Earth, but it's a little different, the outside is a little chewy. The light brown ball though is jumja flavored from Bajor," she said explaining the food more specifically for Keena's benefit.

"You guys ever had anything like this?" She said passing bowls around to those that were nearest to her at the moment, which included Kobi, Rikka, and Yuuta.

"l had ice cream for first at the Academy." Kas smiled. "It's been a favorite ever since."

Keena looked at the dish with curiosity, "I like jumja"

The child took a small bite and smiled, "It's delicious!"

"Eat it slowly,"Kas laughed. "Or you'll get a headache."

“I’ll give it a try, though jumja is a little too sweet for me. I do love the ice cream! I’ll try anything once,” Tomm said.

"I'm glad you are enjoying it," Kendri said with a smile, standing up to pass more of the dessert around.

It took a few moments for a bowl to reach Ryhl. "Wow.. Very unique fusion", he said as he inspected the bowl closely. His antennae curled down towards the dish and opened slightly. The Commander took a quick scoop and savored the taste.

"We have a dish on Andoria called Neecrena. It is also sweet and frozen.. But these flavors! Mochi? Yum!"

Johanna finished her food. She went to a corner of the room where she could set up. She unpacked her keyboard and her guitar. She said quietly into the keyboard, "Play Rock and Roll Music - Beatles version. Delete Rhythm Guitar and Lead Vocal. Follow My Lead. Go." Johanna took a deep breath before starting. She strummed and sang "Just let me hear some of that Rock and Roll Music!" Her strong second soprano was a huge contrast to her normally soft speaking voice.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Dr. Rikka Takanashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia


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