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Dinner Party Part 1: First Arrivals and Mingling

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 3:57am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

1,763 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Kendri's Quarters
Timeline: MD 29, 1830 hours

First Officer Kendri Chalan had been working to break the ice individually with the senior staff over the last couple of weeks and thought now was as good of a time as any to host a dinner party for everyone. The first officer at her last posting would host gatherings like these on regular occasions, and she thought she might like to carry on the tradition here. She'd brought a variety of wines and fresh fruits and vegetables that she had been storing to make the first one particularly special.

Since everyone had said they would be available she had brought in a large table for everyone to sit, and had in the middle of her main living area, and she swapped out her smaller cooking area for a large cooking table to give plenty of space to prepare all of the food. On the wall in one corner was a Bajoran mandala, and on the table below were various meditation tools, some of them Bajoran, others Vulcan. On another wall was a bat'leth, an ushaan-tor, and a few pieces of art, all gifts from her time as a diplomatic officer.

Her quarters were beginning to fill with the sweety-spicy aroma of the Bajoran-Earth infusion meal she was preparing as the guests began to arrive.

Kobi Tomm seemed pleased to learn of the invitation to a gathering for the senior staff. The fact that it was in Kendri Chalan’s quarters made it even more interesting. He was attracted to her and felt at ease around her. She was interesting and extremely easy to talk to.

When he got to her quarters, he rang the chime, expecting to see his colleagues eating, drinking, and talking. When Kendri answered the door, Kobi found he was the first to arrive.

"Hey Kobi, come on in. Can I get you something to drink? I'll be serving rice wine and springwine with dinner, but here's the replicator, and a few options of some other beverages," she walked him to the replicator where there was also a table with a few bottles of wine, a couple of different whiskeys, and a bottle of Andorian ale.

“Good evening, Kendri. Thanks for the invite. Is that Aldebaran whiskey I see? Don’t mind if I do. You outdid yourself. This is fantastic,” Tomm said as he marveled at the decor and all the food and drink laid out.

"Just stuff I've collected over the years, have whatever you like," she said casually.

Jason arrived about five minutes later, he clutched a rather heavy looking black velvet bag in his left arm, he ran the bell only to have it open, "I've brought something." Holding out the bag.

"Thank you," Kendri said graciously. "You didn't have to do that," she said with a smile.

Jason smiled "It's a two hundred year old bottle of Canadian Whiskey, from a private reserve."

"Oh wow," Kendri commented. "I don't think I've come across such a bottle. Tonight's a special occasion. Shall we open it?"

"Please do, I have a case stored aboard ship, and several more back on earth, just be wary this packs more kick than Romulan Ale." Jason said with a smile

Kas walked with Keena one step behind him, the Hybrid wore a lose fitting white tunic with a leather vest over it. Keena was wearing a green dress and had her hair in two rope braids like her father. She had a small bouquet of flowers, they approached Kendri. "Commander may present my daughter Keena."

"A blessing on your dwelling," the child said handing flowers to Kendri.

Kendri bent at the knees to make herself closer to the child's height when she took the flower. "Thank you so much, for the blessing and the flowers. These are quite lovely. You must be Keena. Would you like to help me get the plates ready?" Kendri asked.

Keena looked at her father who made a gesture, then she nodded.

Kendri had known that Keena would be there, so she pulled out a stool for her to stand on and handed her a bowl of edible flowers and pointed to the appetizer plates. "Can you take these flowers and decorate these plates for me?" Kendri asked.

"Yes Itha'Qal" Keena smiled and the flowers she began placing the flowers on the plates.

"Excellent job," Kendri gushed. "You have a good eye," she told the child.

Kobi smiled as he watched Kendri walk away with the little girl. He turned to Kas.

“Kas, she’s beautiful. How old is she? My other hosts had children. "I hope I get to be a father one day.”

"Seven," Kas smiled. "Being a parent can be very rewarding."

Paisley F'rar made her way down the corridor, clutching a bottle of Kanar from her father's estate. Her paternal grandparents owned a vineyard on Cardassia Prime. She hated it-it was ostentatious and kind of obnoxious. She was a couple of minutes later than she'd wanted to be, but she had taken longer to get ready than she anticipated. On her day to day, she looked terrible-no makeup, her uniform was covered in whatever she was using for work that day a half hour into her shift, and her hair was usually pulled back, so as not to pose a risk to her own safety as she crawled into, through, onto, and around walls, tubes, and streams. Yesterday, she had a whole twig in her hair for a good twenty-five minutes until someone told her. Now, though? She had taken a quick shower, put her hair in curlers, and was wearing a tailored skirt that fell to her knees in Camel, a black tank top, tucked in, a cream colored blazer, and a belt over all of that. Of course, high heels-she never wore flats except at work. It was the best she could do-why the hell was she so...grey?! She had no idea. Her Cardassian genes were stronger than her Bajoran ones, obviously. She wore a tiny bit of make up, and oversized black sunglasses. It was for the whole aesthetic-of course, she didn't need sunglasses. She rang the chime at Chalan's, and practiced her Bajoran. Why did her mother have to die when she was so young? The small amount of Bajoran that the Engineer knew had been picked up from the deepest recesses of her mind over time.

"Hanyu!" She said. "Sorry I am late," she said.

"Nonsense!, Come on in and grab a drink," Kendri called from behind the cooking platform where she was putting the finishing touches on the meal. Kendri gestured toward the bar that was set up by the replicator.

Paisley didn't need to be told twice, and made her way to the table, taking off the sunglasses as she did so, smiling at the people assembled. "Hello, everyone!" She recognized faces, though she'd only directly met only a few personally. She poured out some Springwine for herself. "I am putting this Kanar here; it's from Cardassia. Supposed to be some kind of fancy vintage, but I am not big on Kanar so I can't tell you," she said. She crossed over to where the others were grouped up. "Lt. Paisley F'Rar, Chief Engineer. How's everyone today?" She asked, with a warm smile. She bent down to speak to the little girl. "Hello. Aren't you cute as button? My name is Paisley, what's yours?" She said.

"I'm Keena," the girl smiled.

Ryhl approached, spotting Kendri greeting Paisley at the door. "Wait for me", Ryhl called out. In his left hand was a small, potted plant. He held it out towards the Lieutenant Commander.

Numerous bundles of small, vibrant flowers crept along bushy bright green stems. "Bajoran lilacs", Ryhl said happily. "I potted them from the arboretum.. They should grow really nicely."

"Thank you, Captain," Kendri said stepping away from the cooking platform to take the lilacs. "I have just the place for them," she said walking over to a side table and setting them down. "But next time I host one these, I'm making sure to specify no gifts," she said jovially, and loud enough for the room to hear.

She walked back to where Keena was admiring the newly decorated appetizer plates. "Let's get these out shall we?"

Keena hopped down, and Kendri handed her a cold plate of pickled vegetables and fruits, a mixture of Bajoran and Earth varieties the flavors a fusion of Bajoran and Korean spices. Kendri brought out the hot plate of steamed buns of various flavors, vegetable skewers, and miniature hasperat wraps - both traditional, and those that were fried like spring rolls and served with a fusion sauce.

"Is that Hesperat I smell? Anything is better than the damned-oops, darned-Sem'hal from the replicators!" She said. The Cardassian dish was actually one of her comfort foods but the replicator version didn't have that ne sais quoi that her homemade version did. She didn't know why.

Keena smile as she took the plate sat next to her Papa. Kas made a gesture of their food before they began eating.

It had taken Johanna a little while to figure out what to wear to the dinner party. That was a song lyric ("But it takes me so long just to figure out what I'm gonna wear"). She didn't want to wear her uniform; she was off duty. She did have an old uniform with a skirt she wore for costume parties. She decided on civilian attire. Basic dress, down to her knees. Heels but about an inch high; she was already too tall as is. She picked up her instruments case; there might be music later.

She entered the room and looked about. Food was already out.

"Hello Johanna, come on in. We just put appetizers out, there's a bar by the replicator, help yourself," Kendri said, walking over to greet her, "I'm about to put these on the table. They might not be to everyone's liking, but I thought some might at least like to try them," she said lifting up the bottles of Bajoran springwine and Vietnamese rice wine.

"Real alcohol? I didn't realize we were that far away from Starfleet HQ." Johanna smiled. "I might have some wine later; I like wine in general."

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia


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