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Return To The Stars

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 7:56am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Zera Tirado & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Sakura Minamoto & Lieutenant Pharos Ventari

2,447 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Location: Deck 1, Bridge, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD1 - 0945 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Captain Ryhl th'Zeles stood on the expansive bridge of the USS Columbia, his gaze fixed intently on the round console nestled between the helm and ops station. The interactive map was adorned with a multitude of glowing displays. It hummed with activity as various ships and support craft moved alongside the Starbase, each represented by a blip on the screen. Ryhl's cerulean-blue complexion was illuminated by the soft glow of nearby holographic panels, each casting a faint shadow across his angular features.

The bridge of the Odyssey-class starship was a marvel of modern engineering. Khaki walls rose up on the sides of the bridge. The floor was covered in plush red carpet with black markings.

Ryhl's keen eyes traced the intricate patterns of data that danced across its surface. He tapped to zoom out, data for the ship's flight plan soon replaced that of the surrounding area. The Columbia would be traveling from Starbase 47 in the Omega sector, through the Antares sector and onto Vulcan to drop off a delegate.

Surrounded by the gentle hum of the ship's systems and the quiet murmur of the bridge crew going about their duties, Ryhl felt a sense of calm settle over him. He was looking forward to getting back out to space.

The doors to the turbolift opened as Jorel walked out onto the bridge. Jorel had a few PADDs in his hands and he couldn't help but smile as he read over the morning reports. The Federation was in good standing at the moment with the various powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, so Jorel knew that whatever would come his way could be managed. Here's to hoping that wouldn't change though.

Jorel walked over and sat in the chair that was open nearest to the Captain and said, "Good news, sir. It looks like our trade negotiations with the various Gamma and Delta Quadrant species has been going wonderfully. We've got new trade deals with 10 new species."

The Captain turned from the map, a large smile spread across his face. "We'll likely make our way out to the Gamma Quadrant soon. The slipstream drive is finally online. Our ship can really move now." He spoke quickly and excitedly. "We're on a quick run to drop an ambassador back off on Vulcan. We'll get new orders then. Did you enjoy visiting Starbase 47?"

"Yeah, I got to visit some family before they had to head back out to their ship. They were on a two week leave, where they were studying the archeological site on Andor," Jorel replied with a smile on his face.

"Family time, eh?" Ryhl's antennae lifted warmly, somewhat surprised. "That's great that you found time for them. I guess I have been able to spend time with my daughter Thrita during this time. Family is really important."

The doors to the turbolift snapped open and Commander Minamoto stepped out onto the bridge. The new Chief Counselor had been... surprisingly quiet since coming aboard, having spent most her time adjusting the counseling facilities on Deck 10 to her liking. Not once had she pestered the crew to be scheduling an appointment with her, even if some of them were a little overdue; and for the life of them, no one could she could tell whether or not she was extraordinarily patient, or flat-out negligent in her duties.

"Captain," she greeted Rhyl with a polite bow of respect. "I hope that I'm not intruding on anything important?"

Ryhl returned the bow, antennae dancing on top of his head as he leaned forward. "It is great to see you, Commander Minamoto. Please make yourself at home here. To be honest, I want you here as an advisor." He waved his arms to gesture about the room surrounding him. "You see how massive our bridge is. There are tons of spare stations. Configure on to your liking. I'm looking for as much support as I can have. I may call on you for help with negotiations or alien contact."

Commander Minamoto's eyes widened at the prospect. "Me? An advisor? Captain, I must confess, I was just coming up here to observe the launch, but... I would be honored to serve as an advisor!"

He grinned. "I've learned how important it is to surround myself with good people when times are tense." Ryhl turned to Jorel. "Commander Torin will likely be working with you."

"I was just talking to the Captain about the new trade agreements that we have with ten new Gamma and Delta Quadrant species," Torin replied as he heard the counselor come onto the bridge and abandoned the seat, allowing her to take a seat.

"Oh?" Commander Minamoto replied as she sat down. "Do tell, Commander."

"Well, the good news is that we've got some new contacts within both quadrants. Something that I didn't tell the Captain was that I made contact with Mr. Neelix's Talaxian astroid community. The Federation Council been doing double work with that, sir," Jorel said with a smile.

"Ah, the Talaxians," Commander Minamoto nodded. "I've heard about them, but I must admit I've never had the pleasure of meeting one in person; are they truly as affable and service-minded as the reports on them would appear to indicate?"

"Well, I didn't get to meet Ambassador Neelix or anything, but I got to meet one of his fellow diplomatic associates. The Talaxian people remind me a little bit like the Caitian people, as in their physical looks. Very talkative people too, if you get them onto something they enjoy talking about," Jorel replied with a smile on his face, thinking about how the ambassador that he met talked his ear off about different tactics of diplomacy.

"Ah, so I see..." Commander Minamoto nodded as she pulled out her PADD. "You can continue, by the way; I'm just writing down some notes so that I have them- should I be called upon to confer with a Talaxian in the future. Let's see... "Remember to ease them in with topics of interest""..."

"Oh! Something I forgot to mention that is a hard topic for the Talaxians. Don't bring up their homeworld or the war that basically helped to destroy one of their moons, Rinax. Metagentic weaponry and all that. Just be careful when thinking about that topic. But, if you ever want to talk some more, we can discuss it later on," Jorel replied with a smile.

"Perhaps I might take you up on that sometime, Commander," Commander Minamoto smiled. "Whenever you have open availability, that is."

Ryhl tapped his commbadge after watching Jorel stand. "Crewman Lasa, this is th'Zeles. Can you have Ops send someone to install a fourth chair next to the executive seats? We need to make room for another advisor."

"Right away, sir. I know just the crewman for the job." Crewman Lasa was in the shuttlebay working on an inventory with other members of the Operations department. A lot of other enlisted Operations crew members were there. He knew one of them would love the chance to escape that mundane task and visit the bridge.

Lieutenant Pharos stepped out of the turbolift, casting a jaunty wave to the rest of the bridge crew, then relieved the officer at the engineering station, and started scrolling through the readiness reports for the propulsion systems, quietly humming an unidentifiable tune to himself as he worked.

Ryhl noticed the engineer enter. He nodded to Sakura and Jorel before taking a few steps closer to the bridge station. "Mister Ventari. How are things looking in engineering? We were just talking about the slipstream drive. Do you think it would be ready for a long, sustained trip?"

The engineer's antennae perked as he turned to the captain. "The QSD? Really?" His lower hands rubbed together eagerly. "We've simulated the crap out of it, and the shakedown crew successfully tested the system, but otherwise we haven't actually had the opportunity to fire it up for real. The drive is ready in all respects, though I would recommend going easy initially until we get the system properly run in."

Captain th'Zeles smiled warmly as he looked to Pharos proudly. "Go easy on it... That, we can do. I don't see the need to push things too far in that regard. This is just a short trip anyway. We shouldn't have to fire things up heavily until after we leave Vulcan. We should be able to warm the quantum drive up a bit on this trip."

"An easy, uneventful trip this time," Pharos agreed with a nod. "But next time... next time we can see about breaking some Starfleet speed records."

With her uniform neatly pressed, almost to a painful degree, shoes waxed till they shone and her long, fiery red hair that flowed down her shoulders, Bellona looked like she was about to go to war and dazzle her opponents with a flip of her hair before striking them through with her gladius - which would have been unsurprising, given that she was named for a Roman goddess of war. The presence of her old gladiator's sword in its scabbard at her waist would have completed the look; alas, it wasn't there, as was protocol. Shoes clicking on the deck plates she made her way out of the turbolift and over to an empty bridge station, only muttering a curt greeting to the captain as she passed by him.

"Welcome Commander", Ryhl said as he nodded to the Chief of Tactical and Security. "How are things looking across the ship Security-wise? Any incidents?"

Johanna arrived to start her shift on the bridge. It only took a nod to the Ensign currently manning the station. "Anything to report, Ensign?" Johanna asked. The Ensign shook his head; it had been quiet. Another nod and the Ensign was off to his quarters. Johanna took over the science station.

Commander Tirado was sat in the Executive officers chair pretty much ignoring the chit chat on the bridge. She had a PADD in her hand, it looked like the one from her 'meet and greet' and was scanning over its contents. She was waiting patiently for the Captain to provide orders.

The massive bridge had now become packed with activity. Its large area dwarfed the bridge of other starships, seeming to stretch far wider and deeper to the distant wall.

Ryhl spun his head to take one last look at the crew before moving to his seat. A Bajoran ensign sat at the helm. "Ensign Baloq get some distance between us and the Starbase.. Accelerate gently to one and a half quarter impulse. Lay in our course and prepare to jump to warp 8."

"Setting a course to Vulcan, sir", the Ensign replied. His hands whisked away at the controls as the large ship came to life. The view changed as the ship ran closer perpendicular towards the station until it banked away, letting the starbase fall off the viewscreen. The ship picked up speed as it increased its distance from SB 47.

The Captain finally took his seat alongside Commander Tirado. "This should be a quick, little jaunt. We might have to get used to this. I've heard there is a list of ambassadors waiting to check out the Columbia. We'll probably get called to facilitate many such trips and diplomatic assignments. I'm looking forward to dropping off the VIP and getting back out into deep space. Thoughts, Number One?"

After a few moments of travel, Ryhl called out to the helmsman. "Take us to Vulcan, helm.. Warp 8.. Engage." The sound of whirring engines gearing up for the jump rumbled in the background of the bridge. The ship leapt into warp, stationary stars now transforming into streaks of light as the Odyssey class starship lurched ahead.

Ryhl turned to Jorel. "Let me know if you ever need help managing any passengers or guests. It isn't glamorous work, ferrying guests from point A to B... Ambassador Soron does important work building ties with Romulan migrant groups. I'd like to meet with you, Number One and Ambassador Soron. I'd love the chance to pick his mind and learn about his initiatives."

"Well, tell him that I finally got the school schedule and curriculum all set for him. I'm sure that will peak his interests and get him back onboard, sir. It was something that we began working on during one of our last missions. It was a fun little bit to work on," Jorel replied with a smile on his face.

As the ship sped forward at warp 8, Ryhl turned back to study the crew. A thought popped into his head as he watched the Chief Science Officer at her station. He stood and walked across the bridge to Johanna.

"Commander Lyngstad. I read the most interesting report from one of your junior officers. Ensign Wilkerson is researching a sentient slime culture. I found his study fascinating. Have you observed the specimen much?" The living mold seemed to react to light and nutrients. Original specimens were discovered a few years ago on an isolated world. Ensign John Wilkerson brought the slime culture with him when transferring from the starbase.

"Just in passing. I was thinking it might be related to the Horta. I will have to examine that further. Hopefully, Ensign Wilkerson has managed some in-depth analysis of the culture." She made a mental note to catch up with Ensign Wilkerson when she got off Bridge Duty. He had been the one she had relieved at the start of the shift. She had read the report about the Enterprise encountering a space amoeba.

Ryhl was also very excited to learn more. He found himself checking on on reports quite frequently over the past few days. "The Horta, hmm? Fascinating. Please keep me posted." His attention was turned towards an opening door on the far side of the bridge. Ryhl gave a warm nod to Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot as the Intel officer stepped inside.

Jason emerged from the turbolift without ceremony, walking to the rear ops station where he keyed in a few commands, his mood after a meeting with the intelligence chief for the sector left him feeling better, finding out that his future was about too take a dramatic change, he looked at a couple of briefing notes then smiling he just logged out and started to exit.

The ship banked into a slight course change. With a gentle rocking motion and an audible whine, the Odyssey class starship left the region of Starbase 47 and crept into the depths of space.


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