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Unspoken truth

Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 @ 3:28pm by Captain Jason Elliot & Lieutenant JG Annika Wiseman
Edited on on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 @ 3:28pm

605 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Upon Stranger Stars
Location: Chief intelligence officers office.
Timeline: xxx

---Personal Log:---

I have just gotten off of subspace with Captain Erica Dynes the commanding officer of the USS Forrestal, during our conversation she informed me that my name had been floated to be the new first officer of the soon to be launched USS Halifax along with two or so other candidates, while the conversation had left me feeling that I was far from the top contender I guess it's okay that my career could be taking a different direction, it was also implied that my name was being tossed around for a position back with Starfleet intelligence working with Rear Admiral Wallace's staff.

---End Entry---


Annika walked in to Jason's office, she found Jason sitting at his desk in that haze she'd found him in on a number of occasions in recent weeks, it was understandable, with the large number of things going on, but after this mystery subspace call he was in a different space again, she set the pad down on his desk "So back out into the void again, I almost miss that survey mission." Annika started she left out the fact that her and Strock had ended their relationship after he took a leave of absence to return to Vulcan.

"Camping under the stars, breathing unrecycled air, the biggest problem each day was not getting rained on, yeah that was a good four months, so what have you got?" Jason said turning to face Annika

"It's fairly quiet for the first time in weeks, kinda weird." Annika said sitting down "Some refugee movement, not much else."

"Just because it's quiet doesn't mean something won't happen, do a follow up in a couple of days, see what's happening." Jason said.

Annika stood up getting ready to leave, "Anything else?"

Jason smiled "No, that's it for now."

Annika turned to leave, she'd wanted to talk with Jason on a personal level but it was definately awkward now. As she walked out "Are you going to be okay?"

"To be honest no, I'm thinking about resigning." Jason said flatly.

Annika turned, "Are you being serious?"
"I don't know, I've got a few options on the table, but part of me wants out, maybe go back to teaching Just enjoy the quiet life again." Jason said

"What about that rumored first officer position?" Annika said leaning on the door jam.

"I'm one of four candidates, it's not likely I'm going to get it, plus Admiral Wallace wants me to join his staff back on earth." Jason said

Annika didn't hide her surprise, "So either was you're leaving it's just a case of where?"

Jason smiled, "Then again it could all fall apart and I could end up still here."

The almost casual reply left Annika shocked, "You deserve better." she turned to walk back into the office, "Your a great officer, you don't get the respect you deserve let alone the opportunities you had on the survey mission, maybe you just need someone to tell you that."

Jason looked up to Annika, "Maybe you should be the one in the running for the first officers job not me." he said with a partial smile.

She took his hand, "I know it's inappropriate but I think your ex is missing out on a real keeper." Annika said with a smile making eye contact resting her hand on his.

Jason returned the look, holding her hand "This is a very bad idea." he said without letting go.

Annika looked into his eyes, "We'll save this for another time." she stood again this time exiting without hesitation leaving Jason sitting there.



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