Lieutenant Commander Sakura Minamoto

Name Sakura Minamoto

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 3:14am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El-Aurian
Age 102

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 117 IBS
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lieutenant Commander Minamoto sports a modest build, with straight, red hair that extends past her shoulders, part of which is tied in a side ponytail with a blue and pink ribbon.


Spouse Commander Yutaka Minamoto (Retired; currently residing at the Minamoto family beach house on Risa)
Children Commander Kae Minamoto (Currently serving as Executive Officer of the USS Steadfast)
Lieutenant Reina Minamoto (Currently serving as Chief Engineer aboard Starbase 47)
Lieutenant Yoshiaki Minamoto (Currently serving as a Damage Control Specialist aboard the USS Cochrane)
Cadet, Second Year Emiri Minamoto (Currently studying at Starfleet Academy's Tokyo Campus for a degree in Counseling
Father Junichiro Natsume
Mother Touko Natsume
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family -Lieutenant Commander Lauren Minamoto (Kae's Wife- currently serving as Chief Counselor aboard the USS Steadfast)
-Expecting first grandchild through Kae and Lauren

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lieutenant Commander Minamoto is a polite, easygoing officer who considers herself to be in the "prime of her life." With a respectable career in counseling, an adoring husband of nearly 70 years, and four wonderful children who are all grown up and excelling at their respective career paths, she considers a vast majority of her life goals to be complete, and is looking forward to enjoying the next 900-some years, whatever joy or heartbreak they may bring.

Having witnessed a great many things in her first hundred years of living, Commander Minamoto has identified several "commonalities" that she believes are consistent with the mortal condition through the passage of time- similar beliefs, hopes, fears, concerns, and myriad other complexes. As such, through her myriad experiences, she's become adroit in addressing specific situations pertaining to the sentient, sociological complex, as well as basic solutions that can easily be adjusted to fit a given need. It is, in part, her curiosity with these commonalities that she elected to switch her field from Engineering to Counseling. And she believes she believes she's better off for it, as she takes a great deal of pride in being to help others, to assist them in understanding things that may not necessarily be clear to them at first, to help them achieve that feeling of inner peace that she's already achieved with herself.