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Spooky Shenanigans at Ye Olde Castle, Part 5

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 7:47pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Ensign Dramin & Ensign Sar
Edited on on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 8:37pm

1,093 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: Halloween 2396, 1948 hours, After Part 4

On the way out, Paisley spotted the other Carjoran. Alone. She made a mental note to herself, but left Jason's side for a moment. "Kendri," she said. "Where's Commander Tomm?" Paisley looked around-maybe he was at the bar, though she hadn't pegged him for the heavy drinking type. It was more her speed. "Don't make a face, it's been six months now. Save it," she said. "Anyway. I'll be seeing you!! I need to the ladies' room," she lied.

Kendri was too tired from planning and running the Haunted Trail to argue with Paisley. "He doesn't do Halloween," she said with a shrug, her butterfly wings flowing behind her like an iridescent cape. "Where are you really going?" Kendri looked at her friend suspiciously.

"He doesn't "do" Halloween?!" She asked, incredulously.
"I TOLD you he was boring!" She said. She turned to go. " my quarters with Jason to have some real fun. Maybe we'll grab Kobi on the way down," she said, with a smirk, but disappeared before her friend could say anything further.

Kendri wanted to make sure she said a few important hellos. She scanned the crowd for Sar and Sarah, dodging the occasional zombie arm or dancing skeleton as she made her way to them. "I wanted to make sure I found you to tell you what a wonderful job you did with all of this. It looks really great," Kendri said sincerely.

Sarah smiled. "Thank you!! I am glad we could help plan it. It's been a lot of fun," she said.

"You know, the Captain and I were talking celebrating about other holidays - not just ones from Earth. I might suggest to him a planning committee for the celebrations. I can recommend you two to be on it - if you're interested?" Kendri asked looking at the two young officers curiously.

"Celebratory functions may appear frivolous or functionless on the surface, but this is far from the truth. People appear to utilize these events to bond and build connections. As such, I feel it would be my duty to help coordinate and plan future events." There were hints of resolve within his blank facade.

Sarah simply gazed at him. "That's enough moon berry whatever for you," she said. Then she turned back to the Commander.

Kendri was a bit surprised by how seriously Sar seemed to take the request. She nodded slowly toward the end of his response to show her support. "Great, we'll put you on the list. I'm sure the Captain will be pleased. What about you, Sarah?" Kendri asked.

"I would love to help out when I can. I have my own cultural holidays-well, religious ones, I suppose-that I'd love to share with anyone who is interested. Our festival of Rosh Hashanah is coming up. It's similar to old Earth's Thanksgiving, kind of," she explained.

"I hope to take this opportunity to gain firsthand experience with the culture and customs of your people. Sharing this with the crew would be quite significant."

"Well, welcome to our first two members of the holiday committee. Next up, Rosh Hashanah. Let me know how I can recruit some help for you and what you need for us to celebrate properly," Kendri said with a smile, looking directly at Sarah as she spoke.

Sarah nodded. "I will do that, thank you!" she said. She looked to the Vulcan. "I will explain it to you later on, ok?" She said. Back to Kendri, Sarah continued.

"Feel free to help yourself to anything. Later, the Engineering team Ensigns and Enlisteds are going to judge costumes! Make sure they see you!" She said. There was a small prize.

"I look forward to exploring a variety of costumes and the personalities represented within", Sar said calmly.

"Sounds fun," Kendri responded. "I suppose I should go check out this spooky castle first," she added. "I'll see you too later."

He turned to the crowd, arm falling to his side. "What is everyone drinking tonight? Miss Soros and I were just about to check out the bar."

"I'm gonna try some of the punch." said Johanna.

The Ops chief grabbed a glass of blue liquid and handed it to the Captain.

"Why I was just about to have an Andorian Ale", Ryhl said. "Compliments to the hosts on picking out the golden variety. Did they have your favorite drinks available?"

"They did, a gin martini, dirty. I figured it's been a while and there's nothing quite like the real thing. Cheers" Rachel said, lifting her glass and taking a sip afterwards

Johanna took a swig of the punch. "Gin martini, definitely an acquired taste. I much prefer vodka martinis. When I actually drink alcohol."

Sarah watched as everyone dissipated in different directions. "Do you want to tour the haunted house or should we check out the hayride?" Sarah asked her companion. "Now that the children are finished, I have heard it's going to get a bit scarier and more romantic," she said.

"Hayride sounds fun," said Johanna as she finished her pumpkin pasta. Always good to try new things. Especially if they didn't burn your mouth up!

Sar looked to Sarah. "Perhaps the hayride would provide a relaxed environment and a comfortable setting. We can always return to explore the haunted house at a later time." Sar reached for Sarah's hand. "Shall we?"

Sarah nodded. "I agree. Let's go," she said, leading Sar into the corridor and down the hallway. "And hopefully, it'll be fun, too!!" She said, smiling. She was looking forward to cuddling close to the Vulcan as the hologram and anti-grav lifts hauled them around the deck.

"Time spent with you is always time well spent." The door closed behind them. He pulled her close as they walked. It was almost difficult to walk as their sides were pressed together. Sar adjusted and timed his steps to make it easier for them to move, arm draped around her waist.

Sarah snuggled closer to him, smiling. This was nice. "Indeed," she said.


Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia


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