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Spooky Shenanigans at Ye Olde Castle, Part 4

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 7:44pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Ensign Sar
Edited on on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 8:33pm

1,799 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: Halloween 2396, 1948 hours, After Part 3

Feeva followed, alert to more ghosts that might pop out. Instead, they were confronted by a flock of bats. She screamed lightly from the surprise. "Oh, gosh!!"

"They're not real," Kas said with a warm smile.

"I know, I was just not expecting it!!" She said.

They continued down the dark hall, Kas was a little on edge. Normally he'd rely on his sense of smell, but this being a holo-program... There was a loud grown and rotting corpse staggered forward arms outstretched, "BRAAAINNNSSSSS!!!"

Kas tucked Fee behind him and drew his sword, the Hybrid swung the blade and decapitated the zombie. The head rolled next to Fee's feet before disappearing with the body.

Fee tensed a bit as Kas moved her behind him. What was happening?! She laughed a little, lightly. After the head disappeared. she looked up.

"Maybe we should turn back. We can check out something less...haunted," she said. "We can check out the Arboretum now that the kids are all gone," she suggested. "Maybe one more cider?"

"Cider sounds good," Kas smiled. "However I enjoyed the last encounter. It's similar to the training programs I've used."

She nodded. "Ok, let's go," she said. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable while she went through the haunted house. She didn't mind them but she could take them or leave them, truly.

Kas offered Feeva his arm as they turned back toward the bar. He was grateful she seemed to understand his discomfort.
She took his arm, but remained alert to what lay ahead-or backwards, or whatever it was. She smiled lightly. It was a bit amusing that such a tough guy was a bit afraid of the haunted house! She was happy to get a second cider, but knew if she had anymore, he'd have to carry her home, and THAT would not be good.

Kas smiled at his short friend, "Unfermented cider is a little sweet for my tastes, but you may enjoy that."

She nodded. "I see. Maybe something else? Surprise me with something," she said. "Something a bit strong, but not TOO strong, or you'll need to have security carry me home," she said. They arrived back at the foyer then, and at the bar.

Kas smiled at the small woman ' She couldn't weigh much more than Keena' he thought. Getting her home wouldn't be a problem, however, she made her wishes clear so he bought her a mild cider. "Here you are."

"Thanks," she said, taking the drink and taking a swig. "Should we go check out the haunted trail ourselves, then? Another hay ride?" She put out some ideas. "We can just wander around and chat." She said.

"I saw a bench in the courtyard we could palaver under the stars." Kas smiled

Feeva nodded. "That sounds lovely. Lead the way!!" She smiled. "I heard Astrometrics say that we might get to see some comets!" She had a special interest in Astrometrics-never enough to change careers, but she'd considered it for a short time in her first year at the Academy.

“That would be a sign of good fortune,” Kas smiled. “I will have to arrange a viewing ceremony and the proper festivities.”

"That would be fun," she said, settling in on the bench, clutching the cup close to her. Normally, the woman sat cross-legged, but the tightness of the "fins" she wore prevented that, so instead, she was forced to hang her legs down. They didn't even touch the ground.

Kas found the bench and took a seat, he motioned to the sky and had a nostalgic look in his eyes. “When my people take up lodging on a planet All important business is still conducted under our 'Sacred Creators.”

Kas sighed, it was easier to believe in Sacred Creators sitting next to a friend on a vessel where he knew his daughter was safe. Still his doubts lingered.

"I understand the concept," she said. "Us Vissians do not have such beliefs, though individuals are allowed and even encouraged to explore a relationship with a Great Creator if they choose to," she said. "I don't personally have one-I was simply raised to believe that the Ancients seeded us like everyone else." She shrugged. One of her former classmates, a Human, had called it "atheism" but Feeva preferred "logical explanation". "Does it help you to think of that?" She asked him, seriously. She liked learning about others' beliefs-not only did it help her as a counselor, it helped her to grow more as a person and a parent. She could now share new information with Leena, and let her choose her own path, later.

"I think if you go back far enough in your people's history you will find some sort of faith tradition. I have yet to find a people who doesn't. even the Vulcans have them." Kas said. "I don't know what to believe."

She nodded. "There are the ancient myths, but I don't put much stock in them," she said. "I have never questioned much where I came from or my purpose here," she said. "My purpose is to help people," she said, with a shrug. "If you want my opinion, you should believe what makes the most sense to you. Wether that's something akin to an Earth/Sol religion with a singular god, or the Bajoran's Prophets, or something else entirely, it should fit your life and the sets of morals and beliefs you wish to pass on to Keena," she said.

"Yes, that makes sense," Kas said thinking of Keena always saying her prayers before bed. He looked Fee in the eye, "Are you alright?"

Fee shrugged. "Yes, I am fine, why do you ask?" She drained the last the cider in her cup, and then attempted to stand up to put it in the recycler, but found herself a little unsteady. "Oh, you mean this!" She held up the cup. "No. I think the second one was a bad idea," she said. "Can you help me to stand up?" She asked, blushing a little as she did. Soon, her speech would start to slur and she would get crazy ideas.

Kas suppressed a chuckle and helped Fee to her feet. He allowed her to lean on him while he figured out what to do next. "I think we need to get you out of here."

Feeva just nodded. "Yeah..." she said. "Sorry. I know better," she said. "I've never been able to drink much." She had had scarlet fever as a child, and she was convinced it was related to that. The room spun a little as she realized she hadn't eaten much that day, and was dehydrated. "Oof, I might vomit..." she said. "I am not sure I can walk to the...elevator thing..." And there it was-her brain shut down.

“Computer, show me the arch,” Kas said. The difference in their height made it a little difficult for him to support her. It would be easier for him to carry her, but wanted to avoid that if possible. “One foot in front of the other, that's it.”

Feeva was able to slowly and carefully put one foot in front of the other for the short walk to the turbolift. She babbled the whole time.
"You know what would be fun, though? Skinny dipping," she said, with a nod and giggle.

They made it into the corridor, Kas tapped his badge, “Razka to Rodriguez, meet me at your quarters.”

=/\= I'm in my quarters now is everything Okay?=/\=

Kas looked at Fee, “Everything should be fine I'll explain when I get there.”

"Ooh, where are we going?" She asked, giggling some more.

“I found you a safe place to sleep off your intoxication,” Kas explained as the lift doors opened. He looked around and saw that the corridor was empty. Fee’s motor skills were getting worse so he scooped her up in a cradle carry.

"I am not...ok." She was going to protest but her brain had stopped working. She had once seen Medical about her inability to hold more than one drink, but they had simply laughed it off as just being genetically different. Maybe she should go back.

“I’ve got you, we’re almost there,” Kas sighed.

"Thank you. Am I heavy?" She asked."Sorry. I don't eat much, though not on purpose. Just have a lot going on, with Leena and all." She said. "HEYYYY. Are you going to come back here?" She asked. "You should. You should find someone to dance with. You don't need to be alone anymore, ya know," she said. She got chatty, too, apparently.

“Like my people say; ‘Carrying your friend it's never a burden.” Kas smiled. “I know I'm not alone, thank you for your encouragement.”

“Oh Dear,” Bella said as she opened the door, “Damn, give single parents a night off and look out!”

Fee wasn't too drunk to recognize Bella. "Yeah. But don't worry, we didn't kiss. Yet." She giggled again, though. "Thanks, Kas," she said, as he set her down.

Kas gave Bella an exasperated look, “Feeva had one too many, so I’m hoping you take care of her.”

"I don't need you to take care of me," she said, but not meanly. "I am ok," she said. "Just let me lay down for awhile. I will be ok." She said.

"Of course," Bella said. "The couch is comfortable." She turned to Kas, "You can go, she'll be fine."

Kas smiled at Fee, "I can collect Leena and get her to school in the morning if you need me to."

"Thank you," the redhead said, giggling some more. "I will let you know." She said, settling into the couch. The ones in the junior officers' quarters weren't nearly as nice as the ones in the family suites.

Bella watched Kas leave, "it's not fair how well that man holds his liquor. He's brought me home more times than I'd care to admit."

Fee smiled. "He's a good friend," she said. "Sorry if I fall asleep. I don't hold my liquor well. Plus, I didn't eat much today. How'd you meet him, anyway?" She asked. Maybe that was a question best left for when she wasn't about to fall asleep.

"It's a long story," Bella smiled. "The short is; my family traveled with a Quath'Mar clan and I learned to speak his language. So we became friends."

Feeva nodded. The sound of the woman's voice would lull her to sleep. "I see..." she murmured. As Bella prattled on, Feeva felt the firm grip of fatigue carry her away.

Bella put a blanket over Feeva and let her sleep.

>> To Part 5 >>

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia


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