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Dinner from the Ferengi, To Thank Our Starfleet Guests, Part 3

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 10:02pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad

1,127 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III
Timeline: MD: C17 1930 Hours, After Part 2

The sound of a low pitched whistle announced the arrival of someone important, and Kephi tore her attention away from Commander Tomm and made her way to the back entrance to escort Daimon Kratagg and his men into the hall. Kendri gestured to the Captain. She recognized him as the Daimon who had first alerted them to the medical crisis at the Grabok settlement.

The Ferengi in the room stopped what they were doing to show appropriate deference to the Daimon. He gestured with his hands for them to relax.

"Greetings Captain th'Zheles and Commander Chalan and esteemed guests of the USS Columbia. The people of the Grabok settlement appreciate your generosity. Your work here saved many, and will improve our quality of life. We hope that his humble dinner will help foster continued relations between our modest settlement here and your ship and with all of Starfleet." Daimon Kratagg looked around the room, the hopes of future business prospects running through his lobes now that the colony was healing.

"I am told the main course is ready. Please, let's all sit. Captain th'Zheles, Commander Chalan, would you do me the honor of joining me at my table?"

"Certainly Daimon", Ryhl said excitedly. He approached with open arms. "Your people have put together a great meal, cuisines stretching from world to world."

Kendri stood next to Rhyl, and gave a brief nod indicating that she was in agreement, but stayed silent.

"Captain th'Zheles, you and your crew are most important guests of the Ferengi who have made their home on Campor III. It pleases me that you are finding everything to your satisfaction," Daimon Kratagg replied. He'd obviously been practicing Federation customs as his body language and posture was more like one Starfleet Captain to another, and less like typical interactions with Ferengi daimons.

Kratagg and Nez exchanged a quick glance as Kratagg led Ryhl and Kendri to the table, the dinner was going well so far. Rule of Acquisition #214, Never begin a negotiation on an empty stomach.

"Your kind welcome means a lot to me and my crew, Daimon. You've certainly made us feel at home." Ryhl smiled as he looked from Kratagg and Nez to Kendri. "I do hope there is some way we can repay the favor."

"We are simply showing our gratitude for all that your medical team has done to heal the Ferengi people, And we've heard that plans to rebuild the water treatment facility are also underway." Kratagg laughed. "I think we're getting the better end of the bargain. But now that you mention, Mr. Nez and I were thinking of some ways we could continue this good relationship once the Columbia leaves this sector." Kratagg's eyes widened as he looked from the Captain to Nez, and finally to Kendri.

"Have you now?" Kendri asked curiously, the slightest hint of suspicion in her question.

"I learned something long ago." Nez waved his right arm wide as he said, "Relationships can be just as valuable as latinum. People and communities can be invested in, with time and concern as resources." A pointy smile revealed dainty teeth. "People thought I was insane for spending a few years in the Starfleet Marine Corps. But that was an investment in the Federation. Now I have a trusted business license. I've had the chance to run shops on staircases because of this. And I have a good feeling about your ship.. The Columbia."

The heat in her mouth had finally gotten down to a dull roar. Johanna sat down to await the regular food. She had acquired a glass of cold milk to drink.

Kephi located Commander Tomm after the Daimon's speech. "Unless you have other business, perhaps we could join your science officer over there for the main course?" she smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling as her fondness for him grew.

She caught Kobi by surprise. “Oh, Kephi! Hi! You kind of caught me off guard. I was listening intently to Kratagg. Um… sure, why not? Let’s go find Commander Lyngstad. She has to be around here somewhere. Come on,” Tomm said as he grabbed Kephi’s hand and tried to spot Johanna.

"She just sat down," Kephi pointed to where Johanna had taken a seat. "Mind if we join you, Commander?" Kephi asked, pulling out a chair across the table but one seat over to Johanna's right so that Tomm could sit across from her. "I've heard that the science department came up with some exciting plans for our water facility. You all have really gone so above and beyond."

"Thank you. I am proud of my whole team. Things are really coming together for the treatment plan and the new water facility."

"Commander Tomm here has said he wants to play Tongo later!" Kephi stated excitedly. "Do you or anyone else from your crew also play?"

“I’d like to see if my friend Kendri would like to join us. Come on, Lyngstad. What do you say?”

"I'll play, but I'm no good at it." This was true. Johanna's horrible luck generally overcame any skill she might have in the game.

"I have actually never played, and I know the game is quite complex," Kendri responding, pulling her attention from Captain th'Zeles and Daimon Kratagg briefly. "I'll have to just watch this one. I'm sure it will be a fun show."

"Ok then, after we eat, we can play Tongo." said Johanna.

“It is….rather complex, Kendri; can be confounding as well. Kind of a combination of poker and roulette, with some guile and deceit thrown in. I’ve gotten better at reading the players. It’s really a blast,” Tomm said.

The Ferengi waiter who had taken Cadet Ki'ana's order earlier returned to the banquet hall as Daimon Kratagg announced to everyone to sit and eat. He had a large plate with the turkey leg made to order for the cadet. "Miss, may I take your plate to your seat for you?" He asked politely, looking straight up to see her face.

"Of course you can, and call me Ki'ana, please! Being called Miss makes me feel old. I'm only twenty-five, I'll have you know." The Kelpien replied with a smile. She sat and tucked in hungrily - she was absolutely starving.

"My mistake, I was taught that 'miss' is for young ladies, and that it is a showing of respect," the waiter said apologetically as he bowed respectfully and retreated to help the other servers.

>> to Part 4 >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Cadet Ki’ana
Nursing Student
USS Columbia


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