Ensign Dramin

Name Dramin

Position Judge Advocate

Rank Ensign


  • 15 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 7:15pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Kelpien
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6'7"
Weight 80kg
Hair Color None, considering he has no hair to speak of.
Eye Color Baby blue
Physical Description Tall, lanky and scrawny (like most of his species, really) Dramin appears as if a stiff wind would blow him down and worse still, snap him in half. His eyes seem to be constantly bloodshot and sleep-deprived, mostly because he is. Sort of. Don't mistake his slight frame and apparent lack of flesh on his bones for frailty, however; Dramin is equally as capable of the same feats of strength and agility as any of his countrymen, assuming he gets enough rest beforehand of course.


Spouse Presently dating nurse Ensign Dinara Laes
Children He doesn't think he'll ever have children, and so has more or less given up on the idea.
Father Dunamis
Mother Eytri
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family B'Nila (paternal aunt)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Soft-spoken, timid and very much averse to conflict on the outside it comes as no surprise that some people wonder how exactly Dramin managed to graduate from Starfleet Academy at all, let alone become an attorney of the Judge Advocate General's Chambers.

As true as that may be, Dramin's instructors have noted that in spite of his unassuming personality he performs exceptionally well in the courtroom; it is common for him to bring stacks and stacks of well-annotated legal precedents into court with him and make masterful use of them as he navigates his way through hearings - at normal volume. Perhaps this introverted young Kelpien will one day seize true greatness, assuming he learns to come out of his shell before then.
Strengths & Weaknesses +/- Hardworking
+ Meticulous

- Timid
- Socially inept
Hobbies & Interests * Chess
* Classical music from across the universe

Personal History Dramin started out leading a somewhat unremarkable life for a Kelpien, if not for the fact that he was timid even by his species' standards. Though he did reasonably well in school his social life was hardly ideal; he had few friends and hobbies other than studying and preferred books to socializing and getting along with others.

This continued till he reached the age of twenty-one, the day of his birthday in fact, when he and his parents were kidnapped and held hostage as their captors bargained with the local authorities. Soon, tired of making no headway with their demands their captors began to execute the hostages one by one, claiming the lives of Dramin's parents and him as well had law enforcement not intervened at the right moment.

It would take months of recovery before Dramin felt ready to resume schooling - by which time he'd come to associate his home town with far too many bad memories. His opportunity to go somewhere else and do something different when Starfleet personnel visited his local college as part of a recruitment drive; the idea of travelling among the stars excited him greatly, and he fancied the idea of doing good by others while doing so. As such on completing his tertiary education he travelled to Earth with his aunt's blessing to begin studying at Starfleet Academy.

Dramin initially began his studies in the science track, wanting to use his writing abilities for something useful. The turning point in his educational journey was meeting one of the command track professors: a former attorney of the Chambers with whom Dramin would spend much time consulting. It was with his advice that he would decide to switch over to the command track in the hopes of one day pursuing a legal career.

Upon graduating he would be assigned to the USS Tussaud as a junior attorney, on which his career would be, sadly, uneventful, before requesting to be reassigned to the Columbia, seeking a new, more exciting career.

Service Record 2392-2396: Attorney, Judge Avocate General's Chambers - USS Tussaud