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Dinner Party Part 6: Rock n' Roll and Ragtime

Posted on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 3:46am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad

1,436 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Kendri's Quarters
Timeline: MD 29, After Part 5

"I am heading out. You're welcome to come...or not!" Paisley said, setting the glass in the recycler and heading for the door.

Jason made his way to the door, his attempts at being discreet were slowly fading, "I think I'll join you, I have a full day ahead of me."

She smiled. "Alright. Thank you for walking a lady home," she said, a bit louder than normally. It was just a friendly thing, right?!

Jason smiled as the exited, he leaned over to whisper "Thanks for this evening."

She smiled. "Don't thank me, I just showed up and caused trouble, and ducked out before anyone realized it was the Cardassian," she said, with a chuckle. "You're welcome to come to mine, or...whatever," she said. "Surely work can wait a bit, right? It only takes twenty minutes or so..."

Jason smiled slightly "I can make time." he said in a lower but friendly tone.

Ryhl's antennae shifted away from the officers as they left, as if they were trying not to notice. He blushed teal, embarrassed to know such personal details about his officers. He couldn't help but to chuckle.

Kendri watched Jason and Paisley leave together and had seen them flirting a bit throughout the night. This was where being a first officer could make you feel a little disconnected. In her younger years she might have asked a friend what they knew about the two. But as a First Officer, she needed to maintain her professionalism. She'd have to wait for the opportunity to talk to Paisley.

Everyone had now moved their chairs toward the middle of the room, or were sitting on the couches to get more comfortable while Johanna sang and played. Kendri grabbed a seat behind everyone and listened for a few minutes. She leaned forward to talk into Kobi's and Kas' ears, "I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you guys much. Maybe I should hire a co-host for the next one," she joked. "I wasn't sure everyone would show up. I hope they had a good time."

“Don’t worry about it too much. From what I could tell, everyone was eating, drinking, and enjoying each other’s company. We may not get another chance to do this. I had a good time. I think our Chief Engineer is a character. Paisley is…. something. I need to learn more about that one. I like her. Say, Kendri, if you need help cleaning up, I can stick around, give you a hand. Kas, what do you say? Come on, the least we can do is help Kendri.”

Johanna finished the song. She said, "That was Rock and Roll Music, a song first performed in the late 1950s by a performer named Chuck Berry. I would like to now play an instrumental." Moving to her keyboard, Johanna began to play The Maple Leaf Rag.

"Oh, that's catchy," Kendri commented. "I don't think I've heard this before."

Ryhl applauded and smiled one of the widest smiles the crew had seen. "Excellent!" As the next song started, he began to dance in his chair. Johanna's playing took on a heavier groove as she switched to Chuck Berry.

"You guys don't need to stay. I'm just going to be throwing things into the recycler. Besides, it has to be getting close to Keena's bedtime," Kendri said smiling at the young girl.

Keena stepped forward with a curtsy, "Thank you for hosting, Itha'Qal

Kas beamed with pride at his daughter's display of etiquette, her said something to her in a soft tone in their language. Then Hybrid smiled at Kendri.

"Thank you for making my daughter feel so welcome." Kas smiled.

"Of course, she's more than welcome. You were such a good helper tonight, Keena," Kendri said. "'Itha'Qal'?" she asked.

"There isn't an exact translation, it's an honorific a child uses with a ship's elders," Kas explained. "Similar to the way human children call their parents friends Aunt or Uncle. In this case I think it suits you."

Kendri smiled. "That's sweet. Thank you," she said as father and daughter said their goodbyes for the evening.

"Nice meeting you, Keena", Ryhl called out to her as she ran past. He was in mid-stride, shifting closer to Kendri and Kas. His shoulders still bopped to the music as he arrived.

"It was nice seeing you again", Ryhl said to Kas. "Enjoy the rest of your night."

"I will," Kas said

Ryhl clapped loudly and spun away from the Klingon/Bajoran hybrid. His feet twisted and kicked as his upper body dug into the groove. Antennae flung from side to side as he approached Kendri.

"Do not leave me hanging on the ice shelf... XO", Ryhl said with a smirk. "Dance with me.. This is just getting started."

Ryhl had often been seen with formal mannerisms, as he was always somewhat on duty. This may have given some the misunderstanding that he took himself too seriously or didn't know how to have fun. There were even a spineless few onboard who mocked the Commander behind his back.

Ryhl clapped loudly twice.. spun, danced from side to side and laughed the night away... Free of duty's call and everybody else's preconceived notions of him.

Kendri stood up to follow the Captain, she looked back at Kobi and whispered, "What is happening right now?" and gestured with her hand for him to come along as well.

Kendri felt a little awkward at first, she had danced some at the Academy and in her younger years as an officer, but it had probably been almost ten years since she'd just danced to this type of music. She tried to remember some of the moves her human classmates had shown her, swaying her hips and her shoulders along to the music.

"I don't think I drank enough alcohol for this, Captain," she said to the Commander.

"Neither have I", he said as he continued to move. "I know I come off so formal." He shifted positions, now facing perpendicular to her as he pumped his arms. "Just have such..." He shifted again. "a hard time dropping my military bearing.. I guess I can try being Ryhl off duty", he said almost defeatedly.

"I just never really learned how," Kendri admitted. "It always looks fun, I just don't know what I'm doing," she laughed.

“Come on, Kendri, got to get into the spirit of the moment. Believe me, I was never much of a dancer, either. Stomp your feet, snap your fingers, feel the rhythm of the music,” Kobi said, trying to encourage her.

“Take my hands. Come on, Commander. We can do the same movements just at the same time. Don’t be embarrassed, all of us are doing it. How does it feel?”

"Not nearly as cute as what they are doing," she said pointing to Kas and Keena.

Keena stopped in the doorway and watched Ryhl and Kendri, Kas smiled and scooped her up into his arms. He put her little feet on top of his and began a lively box step. Keena began to giggle as Kas hummed along with the tune.

Johanna finished the ragtime song. She was a little out of practice; she hadn't had a lot of free time at Department Head School. She said, "I hope everyone enjoyed the music. I am forming a ship's band, looking forward to meeting anyone interested." She put her guitar and keyboard back into her carrying bag.

Ryhl applauded, finishing his dancing not far from Kendri and Tomm. "Well done!" He would have to look into her band idea.

"The music was lovely," Kas said as put Keena on his back. "We must take our leave now, it's somebody's bedtime."

"Yeah if Papa doesn't get his sleep he'll be grumpy!" Keena called out as they turned to leave.

"Goodnight everyone," Kas laughed.

"Oh gosh, that was great," Kendri said laughing and collapsing into a chair. "Thanks Johanna for the music. And to you, Commander for the dancing! This was a lot of fun. I'm glad everyone came out."

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Dr. Rikka Takanashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia


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