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Dinner Party Part 5: Relaxing Conversation

Posted on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 3:22am by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,623 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Kendri's Quarters
Timeline: MD 29, After Part 4

Rhl's attention turned to Johanna just as her music began to play. Ryhl had never heard the song before. Her method of playing along to the track also impressed him. His expression warmed into a smile as her words hit his antennae.

"I'm glad she thought to bring that. It's a nice way to relax. I think people are having a good time," Kendri said looking around.

Paisley's inky head swiveled towards the music. "Hey, that's a catchy tune," she said, starting to bob her head to the music a little. "Dessert...hmm. I heard there's ice cream, which I need to skip. Something about the Carjoran mix causes dairy to not sit well with me," she told her dining companions. Oops, yeah, she was loosening up a bit TOO much.

Jason sat back down, handing Paisley her refilled drink, "I'm soon going to have to call it a night, the next batch of intelligence dispatches is due in and will need reviewing." Jason took a sip of his drink "A couple of dozen reports I get to read, analyze and then not talk about unless we go on a related mission, such as life." he continued with irony.

Paisley nodded. "I may skip out soon, as well...I need to finish a duty rota and I am very male heavy, and you can...well, maybe you can't...imagine the nightmare that is. Engineering smells like a locker room half the time, and my Ensign absolutely despises the new Transporter chief, and I have no idea what I am going to do about it." She was now just tipsy enough that her mouth would run a LOT. "If you have some time, maybe you can...walk me back to mine?" She asked. Paisley was never shy-she couldn't think of a time that she didn't ooze self-confidence-the only perk of being raised by the man that fathered her.

Jason had to hold back a laugh, "Thanks for the warning if I ever have a reason to come down there."

She shrugged. "Well, I'd expect any unit that has five women to twenty-five men is going to smell," she said, with a laugh and a shrug. "Luckily for ME, they at least work together pretty well, and I don't find many problems. Do you find that your people get along well? I could use some tips on this issue with the two of mine. I suspect it's more or less a competition for one of the ladies' attention, but it's irritating." She sighed. She definitely needed to stop at this one!!

Jason contemplated his reply, taking a sip of his drink "I'm no expert, but team chemistry usually developed, but then again if there's some conflict or uncertainty it's best to see what happens." Jason was uncertain if there was a double meaning about this conversation.

"I is just that I'd like for there to be full cohesion. I wish that they would TALK to me about it. But I do know that it takes a bit to form trust and openness. It's my first assignment in a Department Head position. But my very first posting, I was tossed into the Assistant job and that was...something! An Ensign as assistant. I had to learn QUICKLY to hold my own." She was rambling now. "Let me say goodbyes, and maybe we can head out in...a few minutes?" She said. She stood up, taking her drink with her.

Jason thought he was reading this right, "I'm gonna make a quick circuit and we can."

Paisley nodded. Same.

Keena finished her dessert and leaned toward Kas, she whispered in his ear.

"I think not," Kas smiled at his daughter.

"Please Papa," Keena said. "I like it when you sing."

"I don't think anyone wants to hear that," Kas said quietly.

Paisley was approaching just in time to hear Kas. "Hear what?" She asked. "I just came by to introduce myself; I don't think we've met yet. I am Lt. Paisley F'rar, Chief Engineer," she said. Looking at Keena, she smiled big. "Did you have a good time? How old are you? You remind me of myself a bit at your age...are you seven? Almost a lady, then!" Paisley didn't really know how to interact with children. She was an only child, and none of her friends had kids yet, and she didn't, either. She liked them ok, just that she was unused to it.

"I'm Keena," the child smiled. "I asked Papa to sing, but he's being shy."

Kas made a sound from the back of his throat and Keena looked away. Kas smiled and put a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Forgive Keena she speaks out her turn sometimes, I sing to my daughter like a good father. I'm not very familiar with earth music."

Paisley smiled. "I used to talk out of turn, too; my father was a Legate at the time, and he didn't really know how to handle a kid with a head on her shoulders." She smiled. To Kaz, she spoke. "It's the Bajoran; we aren't a quiet people. However, I would like to hear you sing. Someday, perhaps. Keena, it was nice to meet you. Keep on speaking out of turn. You'll be an Admiral by the time you're my age if you keep it up." She said, chuckling. "Excuse me," she said, turning away.

Rikka had been eating slowly, mainly keeping quiet. Social occasions were not her 'cup of tea'. Frankly she felt a little uneasy sitting there, pregnant and trying to avoid unnecessary eye contact. She held Yuutas hand tightly under the table, she wasn't quite sure what to make of everyone just yet.

Kendri walked over to the Rikka and Yuuta. "How are you guys doing? Can I get you anything? Interested in trying the mochi? I prepared it myself yesterday," Kendri offered.

Rikka nodded politely. "It's been a while since I had mochi," she smiled.

Keena looked to Rikka, "When will the baby come?"

Kas smiled at his daughter's question, he didn't know how much she knew about reproduction. His people had always had a very liberal view of such things, still, he didn't know what she'd been told. 'I guess that's another conversation we'll be having eventually.'

Rikka smiled at the young girl. "A couple of months yet. He/She is not quite finished growing inside me yet," she explained.

Keena giggled, "I like babies."

Kendri slipped in and smiled at Keena as she handed Yuuta and Rikka their own bowls with the different flavors of mochi.

Rikka blushed a little. "Well you'll get to meet this one soon," she told her.

"So what do you sing then Kas?" Kendri asked, having heard Paisley chiding Kas a bit on his daughter's inquiry.

"As a youth, I was trained in Qu'Spaw, it's similar to the Bajoran spiritual chants. I've dabbled a little with Klingon and Bajoran music and sing Bajoran lullabies to my daughter." Kas smiled, "I believe Keena's view of my voice is colored by her familial love."

Keena wrapped her arms around Kas’s waist in a hug. "I like your Qu'Kath."

Kas ruffled Keena's hair affectionately. "That for festivals 'Little Star'."

"Oh, should we have a festival? When would it be?" asked Kendri.

"If we come across my people during our travels they have festivals fairly regularly." Kas smiled. "Starfleet is always welcome."

"Or we plan one on board. A cultural experience. It will boost morale. Maybe there is a holiday we could celebrate?" Kendri suggested.

Kas thought for a moment, "Once our mission is complete we could have a celebration I definitely add my people's flair."
Paisley turned now to the visibly pregnant CMO. "Ma'am, I just stopped by to say hello. Lt. Paisley F'rar. I need to come by for my onboarding, I KNOWWWW. I've just been busy; I am the Chief Engineer and those boys are NUTS," she said. "One of them nearly had to be sent to see you, trying to show off with a screwdriver." She shook her head. The woman didn't appear overly friendly, so Paisley simply smiled and turned to go find Jason. On her way, she ran into the Trill.

"Hey, Tomm. How's it going?" She asked. "Have a good time? Bit of advice-us Carjoran women...we like when our lovers massage the nose ridges," she said, demonstrating. She grinned wickedly, and looked in the direction of the XO. With a wink, she finally left and found Jason.

“Paisley, a pleasure to see you as always,” Kobi said, but not before considering what she said about her nose ridges.

“Haha, very funny Lieutenant. Just so you know, nothing is going on. Kendri and I just like…hanging out, talking, sharing a meal and a drink together. Romance is the furthest from our minds. What’s on YOUR mind, Paisley?” Kobi asked pointedly. He couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say.

Paisley raised an eyebrow. "Mmhm. And that's the hardest place to be, isn't it? Between friend and...friendlier?! What's on my mind? The Security chief, actually. Have a good evening!" She winked again before loping off, waving over her shoulder.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Dr. Rikka Takanashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia


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