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Orion Curiosity - Parting Words

Posted on Thu Sep 7th, 2023 @ 2:26am by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,342 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Zeke's Quarters
Timeline: MD 27

Sashir was laying on her side near the head of Zeke's bed, her green fingers enjoying the smooth texture of the grey silky sheets. Razad, not bothering to get dressed, was pouring himself another glass of bourbon. "What did you say this drink was?" he asked, holding the glass up, and taking a large swig.

"Bourbon, from a region of Earth called Kentucky," Zeke responded. He had stopped to put his boxers and a t-shirt on and went to a cabinet for an unopened bottle. "Here, have it. It's a gift," he said, handing it to Razad.

"We should bring you some delaq before we go," Sahir offered, an amused grin on her face as she crawled up on her knees to examine the bottle that Zeke had gifted.

Zeke laughed uncomfortably. "That's really not necessary. I don't know that all bottles are created equally. The last time I tried delaq I could feel my hands or my mouth for the next three days."

This drew hearty laughter from both of his new Orion friends. "You need to try it more that once, my sweet," Sashir said, placing a soft kiss by the Trill's ear. "I love your markings. They are so beautiful," she added, tracing his spots with her finger. "I wish we could bring you with us."

"You'd get bored of me in a week," Zeke said playfully, kissing her forehead before putting a bit of space between the two of them. Talking his way out of anything that resembled commitment had become a bit of a specialty of Zeke's over the last few years, not that there was any real worry of that here. The Orion ship would be on its own course soon enough, and the officers recalled to their ship.

Sashir pouted playfully as she left his grasp, but turned to put her own clothing on.

"She is only playing with you," Razad said, his deep voice resonating through the room. "The Botchok government, including the Orion Space Navy no longer takes on slaves." He winked at Zeke. "Not even willing ones."

Zeke wasn't sure if it was the whiskey, the hormones, or the way the Orions were messing around with him, but his head was starting to get a little fuzzy from all the banter. Normally he could give it better than anyone else, but it was two against one, and both of the creatures were beautiful.

"So how much longer do I have with you?" Zeke asked, reaching for his uniform pants, and pulling them back on. Sashir was almost fully dressed now, absent her military jacket.

"Not much longer," Sashir responded. "If Razad would get dressed, perhaps you could walk us the long way back, and we could get you that bottle of delaq - to remember us by."

Zeke smiled and nodded. "Trust me, I will not have a problem remembering you, but I can definitely manage a brief tour back to the transporter bay."

Their time was short, so once everyone was dressed, Zeke showed them the main entertainment parts of the ship - the arboretum, Deck 19 with it's bustling restaurants, and of course Deck 10, with the forward lounge and Ice. "See, Starfleet enjoys a little indulgence as well," Sashir cooed up at Razad, almost as if winning a bet.

"I do see," Razad agreed. "This visit has been a mind-opening experience."

When they neared the transporter bay, Sashir moaned in sadness as she leaned against Zeke, taking his hand, his fingers interlocking with his. "I wish we had longer here. There is enough to keep us entertained all night," she said with a smile, raising her eyebrows at Zeke.

Razad walked up to the transporter operator and spoke politely, "We promised our host a gift. Might we have permission to leave and come back for a brief moment?"

"Of course sir," the crewman responded. "Shouldn't be a problem."

Razad stepped onto the transporter pad. "I'll stay here," Sashir said, "Make sure he doesn't run off anywhere." As Razad dematerialized, She punctuated her statement by licking Zeke's neck, just to his earlobe, sending a sensation down his spine. He turned to face her and put his hands around her waist and looked soulfully in her eyes.

"This was an enchanting evening," Zeke admitted, brushing an imaginary strand of hair from her face. "Maybe someday we'll meet again." He thought about asking about her and Razad, but then felt that certain questions were best left unanswered.

When Razad returned he had a bottle of delaq and a stone box. He handed them both to Zeke, Sashir breaking her grasp so that Zeke could take them. Razad pointed to the box. "If you ever want... or need to get a hold of us," he tapped the top of the ornate container. "You can go through the fleet, but there are other ways. Especially if you find yourself in any trouble." He looked at Sashir. "We have connections. You have made two new friends today, and we honor and protect our friends."

Zeke was somewhat wide-eyed as he looked at the box. "I don't know what to say." Truthfully he was nervous. An Orion with connections could mean a number of things. He hoped he hadn't walked into some kind of trouble.

"Don't say anything, silly," Sashir said as she put both hands on his face and kissed him hard on the lips. "We had a great time, and we just want to show our gratitude."

The two Orions returned to the transporter pad. Zeke waved at them as they disappeared.

Zeke was walking back to his quarters, not really paying attention to where he was going. He was holding the bottle of conspicuous purple liquid under one arm as he examined the box that he was just given when he almost ran into the first officer and chief engineer who were walking toward him in the opposite direction.

Paisley was chatting with Kendri, trying to wheedle her about any information she was willing to spill about Kobi Tomm and their situationship. She wasn't teasing, exactly, just a bit concerned, like a friend would be. They weren't exactly friends yet, though, but their shared heritage was certainly a helpful tool that Paisley fully intended to use-reminding her that Cardassian parents, particularly fathers, weren't as accepting and forgiving as others when one brought home a man who wasn't also Cardassian, Bajoran, or Human. Heading straight for them was one of her crew. "Zeke," she said. "Slow down!" They nearly collided, the Carjoran leaning against a hull to regain her balance. She looked him up and down. "What is that?" She asked, pointing to the purple bottle of liquid. "Is that...contraband?" She lowered her voice. She didn't exactly mind, but he was newer, and it was dumb as hell to risk your career for something so small as liquor.

Zeke looked up as two of his bosses, "I'm uh really sorry, it was a gift, I tried to refuse. I'll find a recycler right away."

Kendri looked at the junior lieutenant as he spoke, then over at Paisley. "If it was a gift that would be kind of rude, don't you think?"

Paisley took the woman's hint, and then nodded. "I suppose it would be. Carry on, then," she said. She wouldn't let him slide next time, however.

Kendri looked back at Zeke, "I suggest you hurry back to your quarters to put that way, and watch where you are going, Lieutenant," she cautioned.

Zeke's eyes widened a bit with surprise and relief. "Yes, Commander. Thank you. Chief," He said nodding gratefully to both of them, as he backed away to get clearance to continue down the hall.

He made it the rest of the way without incident, placing the bottle of delaq and the strange box on his table, and staring at it as he poured himself a fresh glass of bourbon.

Lieutenant J.G. Zeke Ligan
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

with special appearances by:

Chalan Kendri, First Officer & Paisley M'Frar, Chief Engineer


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