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Shopping Trip (And more!)

Posted on Mon Sep 4th, 2023 @ 7:10pm by Lieutenant Sava

2,009 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Shopping District, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD ???

No one seemed particularly surprised by the sight of a Kelpien Starfleet officer and an Orion naval officer a head shorter than him walking side by side through the shopping district. Maybe it was just another day to them - people came and went through their shops as a daily occurrence, after all, and when you cycled through customers that fast, there wasn't a ton of time to judge someone based on the clothes they wore or the species they belonged to.

"I hope this trip has been to your liking." Dramin turned to his companion, looking down at her with large baby blue eyes. He carried in a slender hand a large ice cream cone modestly filled with a scoop of strawberry ice cream covered in chocolate sauce and crushed almonds. On the rare occasions he'd had time to come here his cone would've been far more full, but tonight he felt obligated to rein himself in a bit. Starfleet officers were known for their self-control after all and he intended to demonstrate that very same strength of character to Vehnanneu.

Vehnanneu looked around. "So far, yes. Are you looking for anything in particular? I can help you pick something if you are," she said. "Perhaps for a lady friend or something?" She asked. She was friendly, but still guarded. "I, personally, think I should look at some kind of gifts for our hosts. Lovely they've been, after all." She said.

Dramin blushed. "I- I don't actually have a lady friend, unfortunately." He replied. Even if he weren't normally buried up to his earholes in work, he wasn't good with people outside of work either - being shy and reserved didn't help. "Perhaps one day." Following a brief pause he added, "I am pleased that you have found your stay here pleasant. I am curious, what do Orions consider as traditional gifts?" He asked as they made their way towards a clothes shop a few metres in front of them.

She shrugged. "Usually, a slave or two," she said, seriously. "But we're trying to get away from that, luckily. Maybe...a plant? What is acceptable in these situations? We don't do, uh, much diplomacy around these parts," she said. "Something small, just a token of my thanks. I am not like the others-I joined up because I had nowhere else to go, and here I am." She shrugged a little bit.

"Nowhere else to go?" Dramin echoed. Perhaps clothes weren't the most appropriate shop to visit at this time, then - he redirected their path towards a smaller florist just up ahead. "That hardly sounds fair. If you don't mind me asking, what was your living situation like before you joined the Navy?" Not good, he suspected. Militaries often drew the most desperate individuals searching for some meaning to their lives - how exactly Vehnanneu fitted into that category was unclear.

She sighed. "My father was the captain of a slaver ship. Pissed off the wrong people, and...well. They killed him. And then my mother, who defended him. I raised my brother until we were both adults. We both joined up. He went one way, I went the other. Things happen, you know?" She stopped at the Florist. "Oooh, what's this place called in Standard?" She asked.

"This is a florist. Plants, most notably flowers, are usually sold here. Along with the necessary supplies for their care, of course." He said as he led her through the door and nodded to the young Caitian manning the shop. He then turned to his walking companion with a sigh. "I am sorry to hear that about your family." He said softly. "My own parents were taken from me far too soon as well. It hardly gets easier on oneself, no matter how much time passes, don't you agree?" Dramin did not dwell long on the thought. That wasn't what they were here for. He began to browse the shop's extensive selection of flowers. Of particular interest to him was a vibrant yellow bouquet of lilies from Betazed - or at least, that was what their label.

She smiled. "I see!! Thank you for bringing me here. This'll be perfect. No lady friend, huh? What about that girl in Ice the other day? You were looking at her. Surely, she is interesting. And pretty. If I swung that way, I'd steal her for myself," she said. "Betazed, if I remember right. Big black irises. Pretty caramel skin." She nodded. She ran a green hand over a nearby palm. "What's your favorite?" She asked.

Dramin could swear he felt his face heat up so powerfully he felt it at the tips of his ears - which was saying something, considering he didn't quite have ears. Had he been that easy to read? He'd seen her way across the lounge, laughing and talking with a group of friends. He could've sworn he'd looked at her for no more than a few seconds. Right? Right???

"Dinara is beautiful, yes. But I don't think she'd want someone like me." He mused, as he examined a small, knobbly bonsai tree with blue-yellow leaves. Perhaps this one he would get for himself, when they were done here. "I spend far too much time working, for one, out of necessity. Two, come now, look at me." Dramin gestured to himself, all weirdly slender arms and bald head with big baby blue eyes and strange digitigrade feet. "She- She deserves better. Someone who- who isn't quite as boring or busy or nervous or lacking in confidence or-"

Vehnanneu held up a hand for him to be quiet. "These are all simply excuses," she said. "You're not bad looking. Besides, how do you know what she deserves? Maybe her type is the shy, awkward type. I've seen it before," she said. "Let's see. You'll get her these," she said, picking up the Betazoid Lilies. "You'll find her tonight. We'll leave tomorrow, but I'll come with you. Sit in the back like Quasimodo. You'll give her the flowers, then say hello. See what happens. If it doesn't go well, I'll be there as a cover. If it goes fine, I go back home. No harm done." She gave him a LOOK as if to say "don't argue with me, I've made up your mind."

For a few seconds Dramin stood there rooted to the spot, hands hovering over the bouquet of yellow lilies. He wanted to open his mouth to tell her that no, you don't get it, I'm literally this misshapen gangly thing that hardly counts as humanoid - but something about Vehnanneu's tone suggested that saying that might be the worst thing he could do right now. She wanted to push him, clearly, have him come out of his comfort zone. The thought scared him a bit, actually.

"Alright." With shaking hands he picked up the bouquet and held it almost gingerly, inspecting the flowers for any minute imperfections. "Um. Computer, locate-"

"There." The Caitian shopowner smiled a catty smile and pointed behind him. "Been hearing you two talk. She's a regular."

Shit. Dramin's eyes widened as he caught sight of the very person they'd been talking about, walking alone through the door...

Vehn smiled. "GO," she said. She leaned against the counter to watch.

Dinara entered the Florist's shop. She was looking for a few specific things. She wanted a bouquet for her quarters, to liven things up. She wanted a green plant for her office, too. She also wanted a little succulent to give her bestie. She was often in here; she loved plants. She really should've been a botanist. She spotted the strange looking fellow-she'd seen him here and there, but they hadn't had a chance to formally meet. She brushed some of her wild curls away from her face, and looked at the selection. She greeted the Caitian warmly from the doorway. "Hello again, M'Nia. I see you have company," she said, with a big smile.

Dramin's ganglia were squirming in his head. No, really. Danger. But then again they always did that whenever he was about to venture into something new and unknown, urging him to escape, shy away and be safe. Against every inch of his body screaming at him to simply stay where he was he forced himself to take a step forward and greet the pretty young Betazoid. "Um. H-Hello. M- My name is Dramin, and I- uhm. We've talked once or twice, um." His hands were definitely shaking as he held out the bouquet of yellow lilies. Poor nervous little stringpole. "I- I'm- These are for you. I've always thought you're very, very pretty." He swallowed thickly, praying to whichever cosmic omnipresent force there existed in the universe that she wouldn't slap him and run. "A-And I would love to get to know you better."

Dinara smiled. "Oooh, Betazoid lilies. They're so pretty. Thank you. Dramin. How interesting. I would like to get to know you, too," she said, shyly. "How did you know I'd like these? Also! You're a man, maybe you can help me. I am looking for a plant as a gift for a friend. A male friend. He's Vulcan, we work together. He's married, so it's not that kind of thing. What would you suggest? Something that isn't like...too forward." She was a bit nervous and rambled herself. "Is that Orion your friend?" She pointed. "We can all three go to the pizza place next door..." she suggested.

A couple of things stunned Dramin to his core. No, really. He hadn't expected the interaction to go this well at all. For one he had never thought of Dinara as the nervous type, what with the vibrancy and warmth that exuded from her like an aura. To see her rambling and very nervous indeed in front of him was surprising, to say the least. He glanced backwards at the smirking Orion officer. Well, she'd gotten what she wanted, at least.

"She is, and we could." He straightened up and turned a little woodenly towards a rack of plants nearby. "Um. I'd recommend-"

"He's a Vulcan, isn't he? Try Vulcan deserrrt lily." The white-furred Caitian shopkeeper pointed to a bouquet of sandy-colored flowers in a small pot. "Those are rrrare on Vulcan or so I hearrr. So I bring them in frrrom time to time."

Dramin turned back to both women. Upstaged by the shopkeeper. Wonderful. "I think that's a lovely idea." He mused. Heat rose gently to his cheeks, painting them pink.

Dinara gave the Caitian a LOOK. "Thank you, M'Nia. That's a perfect idea. Miss, do you want to join us for pizza?" She asked Vehnanneu.

The Orion smirked, but shook her head. "I am afraid I can't, sugar. You two enjoy yourselves, though. I'll find my way back. I am going to charm M'Nia here," she said, indicating the Cat woman. "Wait, Dramin, this is for you," she said, presenting him with a Traveler's Palm. "Good luck in your travels about the Universe. Put this in your quarters. It's supposed to be for safety, and good luck," she said. "You've been a wonderful host, and it was good to meet you," she said.

"It was good meeting you as well." Dramin smiled back at his charming Orion companion as she proceeded to chat up the very interested-looking Caitian shopkeeper. He should've figured.

"Well, um. What would you like to eat?" He asked the Betazoid. Excitement and trepidation bubbled in a funny stew in his belly as he thought ahead to what exactly he should do while they were together. It wasn't as if he'd had any practice before literally now.

She tossed a few Latinum pieces at M'Nia, and pulled Dramin along, gently, but with urgency. "Sausage and green peppers!! With a cracker crust. Let's go. I am starving!!" She said, with a little laugh. The pizzeria was next door to the florist, and she was a regular there, too.



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