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Crossing Mutara - Part V

Posted on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 3:53pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,464 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Main Bridge
Timeline: Following Part IV

=/\= On =/\=

"Is this how Starfleet greets its allies? This is Captain Vaivvennaa of the Orion Space Navy. We're on a long term assignment combating a rash of smugglers in this part of the nebula. If you like we can help guide you through this sector."

As the message faded out, Ryhl asked, "Let's try to open a channel along those waves. Lieutenant Harper", Ryhl said to the Operations officer seated alongside Edwin. "Try boosting power to our alternate communications relays."

"Aye, Captain," Harper responded, his hands dancing in the are over the ops panel as he manipulated the controls on the holographic screen. "Our comms do seem to be negatively impacted by distance. Boosting the signal now, but as they move closer, we should have a clearer channel. Try it now, Sir."

"Thank you Lieutenant", Ryhl said in response as he turned to Jason. "Lieutenant Elliot, I want you to keep an ear on things. Do we think this story checks out? Let's see what information we can gather on this officer.. Erm? Captain Vaivienna", Ryhl clearly mispronounced.

"I'm not completely certain, a portion of the clans have begun to move away from piracy over the last few years." Jason replied.

"I know you'll be keeping a watchful eye on things as well", Ryhl said to Kobi Tomm with a nod and a smirk. "Inform the extra security teams of the Orion ship's presence. Take whatever actions you feel are necessary to prepare the ship.. Just in case."

“Understood, sir. Relaying message and instructions now.”
Tomm transmitted the proper orders to his security reinforcements and waited for acknowledgement. It took just 45 seconds for his teams to report they were ready.

“Captain, all teams have responded and are on standby,” Tomm said

"Great work", Ryhl responded as he turned back to the viewscreen. "Okay.. That's enough stalling", Ryhl tapped a comm button embedded in the chair's arm. As he said the Orion's name, he tried to carefully say it in her accent.

=/\=Captain Vaivvennaa.. I am Commander Ryhl th'Zeles of the USS Columbia. We are passing through this sector of space, en route to the distant Alpha Quadrant. What are your intentions for us?=/\=

Ryhl turned to Kendri. "Let's see what they say.. I want your thoughts on the Orions."

A reply from the Orion vessel was patched through immediately. The woman's voice was playful but dominant.

=/\=Commander.. We don't see many Federation vessels passing through Mutara. We came to investigate and assist there were some emergency. It sounds like you have a long trip ahead. We can help guide you. Perhaps you might even let some of us explore the wonderful facilities aboard the Odyssey class. Our transporters have been ruggedized to this environment.=/\=

The message trailed off, only for a second burst from the Orion captain. =/\=Besides.. It would be rude if you didn't invite us.=/\=

The Holana was first to hit the rough patch, a massive bubble of rough hydrogen ionization. It wasn't long until the Columbia also rocked in the dense patch of space matter.

The Commander tapped his commbadge to reach Lieutenant Razka. =/\= th'Zeles to Razka... If you can find a way to avoid these bubbles but keep track of the heading, feel free.=/\=

=/\=I can get us around the worst of it, Veers is doing an excellent job, Sir.=/\=

Edwin smiled when he heard his Chief's words, but he didn't look away from his station.

Ryhl turned to his staff. "I need opinions.. X.O.". He shifted in his seat, turning towards Kendri. "What are your thoughts? Should we invite them over?"

"If we're scheduling an in person visit, I would rather talk to them on our turf than vice versa," Kendri responded.

"I'd also like opinions from Security and Intel on this. As a matter of fact, all senior staff. We'd have a few hours to spare with them. Starfleet IS looking to continue building upon a good relationship with the Orions. Does anyone have any reservations about working with them? Any areas in your departments you'd want guarded.. or off limits?"

"The intel safe has biometrics so there's nothing of consequence for us." Jason commented.

"That's good to know", Ryhl replied. "I definitely want you to monitor them, along with Mister Tomm."

Paisley sighed. "Relations between the Cardassians and Orions are always touch and go, but recently, it's been more touch than go. I am fine with it; I don't think they'll need or want access to anything that concerns me or my team. I am ok with it," she said, shrugging lightly. Engineering was hardly affected by this kind of thing unless it was clear that they were a true threat. Then, of course, she'd tighten up everything, and post a guard at all possible internal entrances. That was overkill for today, though.

Jason decided to throw a card on the table "Most of the Orion's I've met aren't all bad, just never given a fair break, lets' play nice."

Ryhl smirked at Jason's sentiment. "I would agree with that."

Johanna said, "I don't really have any objections to Orions touring any place in Sciences. As long as at least one of my team is there with them to answer questions."

"Not to be indelicate, Captain," Kendri began,"But if we are talking about giving them a tour of the ship, what about pheromones? It's one thing to inoculate a few males who we know are going to be in a conference room with our guests. But, if we are going to be walking them around the ship, who knows what kind of impact that could have. There have been a few disastrous incidents in Starfleet history starting with just a few Orion women and a few low ranking male officers," Kendri pointed out. "Nurse Kerr may have some insight."

Jason paused, "I'll need a booster." hoping to avoid too many questions.

Ryhl burst into laughter which he quickly restrained. Jason's timing caught him off guard. "Yes, I believe Nurse Kerr would be the best consultant before any get together. I know they also make pheromone suppressants, which could be used to treat the women before boarding. Let's see how our potential guests feel about the idea."

Ryhl tapped the comm button once again. =/\=Captain.. This is Commander th'Zeles again.. We would be delighted to welcome you aboard. Who knows? Maybe we'll even be of service to you in our limited time together.. There's just one thing. We have to take precautions before you interact with the crew. The Columbia has an Orion nurse. How would you feel about being treated before arrival?=/\=

It took a few moments for the reply to arrive. The low-resolution messages were audio only.

=/\= Commander! How rude? You should never ask a lady about her pheromones...=/\= Her voice was playful and flirtatious. =/\= Our crew will satisfy your requirements. We'll tell you when our shuttle is ready. You'll need to drop out of warp.=/\=

Ryhl tapped. =/\=Understood, Captain. We'll try to find a spot outside of these rough patches.=/\=

As if on cue, another patch of dense material appeared ahead of the Holana. This dense stretch of matter was too large to avoid.

=/\=Very well then. I shall prepare a diplomatic party for departure.=/\=

Ryhl smiled as he replied. =/\=Excellent! The crew of the Columbia is looking forward to meeting you.=/\=

"Well... Looks like we're having guests." Ryhl turned to Kendri. "Please share our plans for the visitors with Doctor Takanashi and Nurse Kerr.. It should be a lively visit."

The Holana lead the Columbia through the brunt of the hydrogen bubbles. Ensign Croft and her fighters escorted close behind, flying bravely through almost exclusively visual sensors. Not far behind was the Columbia, tailed by the Orion Space Navy's vessel.

Along the corridors and bulkheads of the Odyssey class starship, crew braced themselves for these tense few hours through the Mutara Nebula. A chance to mingle with Orion spacefarers could provide a unique opportunity for those lucky enough to encounter them.

It wouldn't be long until the Orion officers explored the Columbia, dressed in their stark white uniforms.

Hydrogen ions packed tight around the convoy, bubbles thickening before a break in the turbulence slowly began to open up. This would be only the first hazardous gas they would encounter along their journey.

The brave officers of the Flight Control department selflessly blazed a trail through hazardous space to guide the mothership.


Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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