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Ensigns Only: Ladies Night (Kinda) Part 1

Posted on Sun Sep 3rd, 2023 @ 4:02pm by

1,827 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 19: Restaurants
Timeline: MD 27: After Mutara Crossing

Annika and Ivitha were gathered in Lissa's quarters as the three decided what to do.

"Shan told me the boys were going to Ice, so we won't go there, we'll let them have their fun," Lissa stated. "Annika, how are things with Kelson? Should we find out what he's doing tonight and 'accidentally' bump into him?" she asked, her voice oozing with false innocence?

Annika was sitting on the small couch, still mentally fried from having it dropped on her she would be on the bridge tomorrow, "I'm still trying to process I have a shift on the bridge tomorrow, I need any kind of distraction."

"I don't see why not." Ivitha had situated herself on the couch as well, antennae twitching as she smiled a dazzling white smile. "Anyone got any idea what he's up to? Special insider infp and such?"

Lissa tilted her head slightly, "Computer, where is Kelson Neil currently located?" she asked.

"Deck 19, Promenade," the computer responded flatly.

Deck 19 had an area dedicated to shops and restaurants and the promenade was the walking path that connected the entertainment section of the deck giving it a different feel from the rest of the ship.

"Well?" Lissa asked, drawing out the question as she looked at the girls with a mischievous smile.

Annika snapping out of that haze "Count me in!"

"Count me in, too." Ivy grinned and stood. "Let's go give him the surprise of his life, shall we?"

When they stepped off the turbolift to Deck 19 Lissa commented, "I've only seen his personnel profile picture, I don't think I've seen him in person, so you guys have to keep your eyes open for him."

Annika looked around, "I don't see him..."

Sarah was already on the Promenade, looking at the sole art/music/misc shop that it had. She was looking for some resin for her violin bow, and it looked like she was going to have to wait for some to be ordered. Darn. The kind from the replicator was sub-par, in her opinion, and gummed up the hairs on the bow instead of made them hum like they should. She exited the shop after placing her order, and ran into a trio of other women. "Hello!!" She said. She was new, so she remembered to introduce herself, her Standard punctuated by stilted words with a heavy accent. "I am Sarah bet Ira. Ops. What's good around here, for a meal?" She asked.

"Let's skip the replimat if possible", the Lieutenant said "the pub over there has decent food including something called mozza sticks." Annika making a motion toward her left.

"Ops you said? Do you know Shan then?" Lissa asked casually. She was still keeping an eye out for anyone who might look like Kelson to walk by. They should have asked the computer again where he was when they got off the turbo lift. He could have stopped into any one of the restaurants by now. "Actually, give me a minute. I'm sorry. I really need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back," Lissa said, running off and leaving Ivitha and Annika with Sarah.

Sarah blinked. They were all talking so fast-but she shook he head. "I am sorry, I do not know a Shan," she said. "I've only been here one day," she said.

Ivitha watched her leave with a snicker. "She's not actually going to the bathroom to go to the bathroom. I just feel it." She commented playfully.

Lissa did go to the bathroom, checked to make sure the stalls were empty, and whispered as she asked the computer where Kelson Neil was. Jumping when the computer answered loudly. "Damnit, can't you read the room?" she asked as she ran out of the bathroom, slowing it to a speed walk as she approached the girls.

"Actually, we were talking earlier about trying out this barbecue place tonight, they also have wings and pizzas and stuff," she looked at Annika and nodded at her to go along with what she was saying. "You could join us if you want?" Lissa offered.

"That does sound good." Annika commented.

Sarah smiled. "Thank you, that would be nice," she said. "Lead the way," she said. It hadn't taken Sarah long to figure out that Lissa was on a scouting mission for a beau. She could appreciate that. "Do you know if they have anything beef or chicken? I am Jewish, and I don't eat pork," she said.

"Oh yeah, you never had wings before? That's chicken. Most of the meat is replicated anyway," Lissa commented with a shrug. "Pizza's good too, you can put whatever you want on it." Lissa turned to the others and spoke a little louder, "Really I just heard this place has a nice view. Is that what you guys heard?" she said winking at them.

Sarah snorted. "I've not had wings. I don't eat much American food," she said. "I just never had the opportunity." She said. "Even at the Academy, it was difficult unless I used the replicator, to keep Kosher." She said. "I will try it, though! I try everything once." She said. "Maybe the view will get even better, if your man brings a friend or three," she said, with a smirk.

"There's beef brisket on the menu, not sure how kosher, that does look tempting." Annika said as they passed the menu by the front of the restaurant.

"A friend or three? Now that sounds exciting!" Ivitha grinned, antennae twitching excitedly. "Also, what's kosher?"

"Kosher is a religious practice in which a Rabbi ensures the food was grown, processed, and cooked in accordance with our teachings," she said. "My people are Jewish." It was the simplest reply she could think of. "Beef is ok; it is ritualistically clean," Sarah replied. "And it has both cloven hooves AND chews the cud." Unlike a pig, which had cloven hooves but did not eat its own excrement.

As they walked in Lissa spotted Kelson at the bar and tapped Annika on the arm to get her attention. "I say we sit here," Lissa said grabbing a chair at a high-top table not far at all from where Kelson was sitting with a friend of his.

Annika took a seat and looked over, "Whose that he's with?"

"He in science, but I don't know his name," Lissa responded. "I've seen him around in uniform on my deck a lot. Must be into some biological research or something."

Sarah followed behind the three, and looked at where the others were looking. The two men were quite good looking, but rather Goyish. "Which one is the one you like?" She asked, quietly.

Annika leaned in "The one with the big arms." followed by a giggle.

"So, have you like talked to him yet?" Lissa prodded. "We could invite them over here."

Sarah nodded. "Ask them to come over, Lissa," she said. "That would be...funny." She had to think of the word but it came quickly. When she was nervous, it was less easy for her to switch between languages. "He IS cute. Who is the one with him?" Sarah asked.

Annika went red with embarrassment, "With all the extra time I spend doing my weapons certification this would just get weird, and it's already weird enough."

Sarah shrugged, but stood up. "Just do a say? A fast second? A moment!" She crossed to the table where the two men sat, and invited them over, under the guise of her being new and wanting them to help her to choose something. She returned to the table as the men got the chairs and pushed the tables together. "Thank you, it's very nice of you to help the new girl," she said. "I am Ensign Sarah bat Ira, Operations. This is...Annika Wiseman, who has a Jewish name but isn't. This is Ivithia," Sarah wasn't going to try her name-she'd butcher it, for sure, with her strong Romanian accent. "And finally, Lissa Kerr," Sarah said, pointing to each woman in turn. "Which one of you is Kelson? Why don't sit between me and Annika, then? There we go!" She was a bit pushy now; the "Jewish Mother Hen guilt" game was strong. "Who's your friend?"

Annika felt her face flush, having Kelson here just made her feel even more awkward than the normal, she tried to focus on the drink she'd just been served while she tried too try and collect herself.

Lissa kicked Annika softly under the table. "Kelson Neil," Lissa said extending her hand to the red haired officer who was wearing a black t-shirt and gray pants. "I'm Lissa - Nurse Kerr. And I think you've been dodging your onboarding physical. I was just telling my friends here that I have suspicions you may secretly be a species 8472, or maybe a Q in disguise."

"Have you met my friends Ivitha and Annika?" she asked. "Annika here is an intelligence officer with a medical background you know. If you are hiding something, she'll find it." Lissa said playfully directing his attention toward Annika.

"Your friend is funny," Kelson said. "I guess I better go get that physical. Hi, I'm Kelson Neil," he said extending a hand to Ivitha and Annika.

"Annika Wiseman." she replied shaking Kelson's hand.

"Your friend said Intelligence with a medical background? That's interesting. I'm sure useful with all these militaries not wanting to follow the interplanetary agreements against biogenic warfare." Kelson commented.

Annika snickered, "It was a staffing error, it's not all bad though, better hours at the moment."

Quickly diverting Kelson's attention from herself, Lissa looked at the other officer, "Have I seen you on Deck 12 a lot lately? I was guessing you must be in biological sciences or something. You know Ivitha here is also in the science department," Lissa said putting a hand on Ivitha's arm. "Maybe you guys will work together at some point. What what was your name again?"

The officer had wavy blonde hair and striking blue eyes. He responded to Lissa's questions, "Alex Foley, and yes you have seen me on Deck 12. We've been working on live vaccines for a flu outbreak in the polika population on Jinara. It doesn't appear to be zoonotic, but we're using the biohazard waste facilities as a precaution anyway."

"So which division of science are you in? I haven't seen you around yet?" Alex asked Ivitha.

"Anthropology. I love learning about people and the way they live. It's fascinating, by the way, learning about completely new civilizations and how they operate," Ivitha replied with a brilliant smile. "And yes, I haven't seen you around - which is a crying shame, really. I didn't know there were people this good-looking working with me." She sent a flirtatious wink his way.

Ensign Daisheless Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Science Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia


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