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Crossing Mutara - Part IV

Posted on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 3:27pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 3:28pm

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Bridge/USS Holana
Timeline: Following Part III

=/\= On =/\=

===Onboard the Holana===

Lieutenant Razka sat at the helm with Lieutenant Rodriguez monitoring the sensors. Razka's full attention was on the course in front of them. Rodriguez furrowed her brow, the readings were strange. She'd voyaged through nebulas in the Holana before, but she had never seen readings quite like this.

"Kas, I think there's another vessel in here with us, something is moving at warp speed."

"You've double-checked it," Kas asked as he looked at the readings. It wasn't a question he knew she wouldn't have disturbed his focus unless she was sure. He pressed the COMM.

"We have detected an object moving at warp in our direction." Kas said "From the readings the engines are not as advanced as ours. I doubt their sensors are picking up the smaller vessel in our convey, we can use that to our advantage."

Lieutenant Razka's call was transmitted over the bridge.

Jason snapped into action, the mass of overlays' and images filled the display in front of him, "Confirmed, I can't get a fix, it's moving at approximately warp seven or eight, it reads as Orion in origin, working on it."

"Orion hmm?" Ryhl's antennae twirled quizzically. "See what else you can find out about that class of vessel."

"Lt. Tomm, can we try to get it on screen? A good old fashioned look out of the window?" Kendri asked.

“Some ionic interference from the nebula, but I’ll be able to clear it up in a moment.” Tomm tapped a control to filter out the static. The clear image of the Orion vessel appeared on the viewscreen.

“There we are, Commander. That’s as good as it’s going to get taking out current position into account,” Kobi reported.

Ryhl thought for a split second as Kendri and Kobi spoke. "And Mister Tomm.. Red alert, shields up.. You should be able to extend them across the Holana."

“Aye, sir. Shields up, going to red alert. Extending shields successful. Holana should withstand the nebula and a good beating if it comes to that,” Tomm said.

Since they were traveling within the same warp bubble, the Columbia's advanced shield system should be able to cover the auxiliary craft.

Ryhl tapped his commbadge. =/\=Stay on course, Mister Kas. We can't afford to get turned around while we're in here. As you mentioned, they probably haven't spotted you. If the Columbia comes to a stop, try to sneak in position behind them and set up an alternate angle... But for now let's push forward.=/\=

=/\= Aye Sir=/\=

Ryhl looked down at the Nav screen, waiting to see the ship appear. A large blip appeared off the starboard rear nacelle of the ship.

Ensign Zek noticed it at his own navigational station and called out, "Contact.. Bearing 0-1-7-6 degrees."

"Miss Lyngstad... Can you pick them up on the Columbia's telemetry? Miss F'Rar, can you tie in the ship's telemetry readings to tactical's targeting scanners.."

Johanna switched sensors to a targeted scan on the bearing Ensign Zek had just called out. Yes, the Nebula did interfere but there definitely was something there. "Confirmed. Contact at bearing 0176." The telemetry allowed the Columbia to use the Holana's superior scanners to verify the contact.

"Very good", Ryhl said as he studied the contact once more. The shape of the starship appeared on the large main screen.

Paisley nodded. "Of course, sir," she said, tapping a few buttons. "Integration will take...five, four, three...seconds...NOW." She said. "Please ask Lts. Razka and if they can read it." She said.

"Thank you", Ryhl said to Paisley. "I'll check with them in one moment."

"Mister Elliot, have you found anything else out about that vessel?" Commander th'Zeles moved back to his seat and studied its image on the viewscreen.

Jason furrowed his brow, "I can confirm its' Orion in design, I can confirm it's undergone extensive modifications, but this one isn't in the list of known Orion ships, I'm starting a work up on this one, I can't confirm armament either, too much interference from the nebula for that."

A woman's voice came over the COMM.

=/\=Rodrigeuz to Columbia; I'm reading a large concentration of hydrogen in the course ahead. exercise extreme caution.=/\=

"That ship is starting to parallel our course plot, I'm getting some strange readings too." Jason commented.

"Hydrogen?" Kendri commented. "That could make for a bumpy ride."

=/\= Columbia to Rodriquez, This is Commander Chalan. Any idea how large this hydrogen pocket is, Lieutenant?=/\=

=/\=A hundred and fifty square kilometers, we're not taking a pocket it's more like large bubbles in a dense formation.=/\=

Ryhl tapped his commbadge, a look of concern crossing his face. =/\=Be sure to boost power to your internal dampeners to weather out this storm=/\= He couldn't help but feel concerned for the officers out there.

Ryhl continued. =/\=Also.. Lieutenant F'Rar was able to link tracking telemetry from the Columbia on the Orion vessel to the Holana. It should boost your readings of it.=/\=

"One hundred fifty kilometers, that's not bad," Kendri responded. Should be a short storm anyway," Kendri commented someone reassured.

Ryhl stared at the viewscreen, seeing areas of hazy space up ahead. "From what I can see, that distance might just be the first bubble."

As Ryhl prepared to ask Lieutenant Tomm to ready the torpedo launchers, Crewman Lasa spun around in her chair. "Captain.. We are receiving a low resolution burst in a low wave band.. It looks like some sort of transmission."

"Can you play it?" Ryhl quickly walked from the helm station towards the center chair. He adjusted his uniform shirt before slipping into the chilly seat.

"I can try, sir", she replied anxiously, spinning back into action with a flurry of tapping fingers.


Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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