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Apres-Ski Bar, Part 1: Eight Crazy Nights/Christmas

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 1:06pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Sar & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 1:07pm

1,469 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodecks
Timeline: 1900 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Once again, the Holodecks had been transformed into a warm, wintry scene. This was more of a "fireside" type of setting-a large stone fireplace roared behind a large living room, set with an oversized love seat, matching sofa, and two armchairs. On a console table, a large, 9-armed Chanukiah sat, one candle ready. It was the main one, the one that would light the other eight. It was called the Shamash. Sarah would light it once the others arrived. For now, she stood next to Sar, dressed in a blue, sparkly skirt and a silver sweater. "Have you heard of a Menorah? This is a version of that, called a Chanukiah. We use them specifically at Hanukkah." In the corner was a brilliantly lit pine tree. Later, the children would make their own ornaments and things to decorate it with. The lights were the plain gold kind, and it had garland already attached. Sounds of fake snowfall and such could be heard.

"I have heard of this difference, indeed. Listening to your perspective on the holiday has special significance and meaning however." His research had shown him many mistakenly confuse the Chanukiah for a Menorah, with the difference in the number of branched. It had always seemed so clinical to Sar until this moment. Sar inwardly felt a sense of connection, as the holiday and culture was shared.

//^\\Tomm to Chalan. Um…Kendri, there’s a holiday thing running in Holodeck 2. I was hoping we could go together. What do you think? //^\\

Kendri was already getting dressed for the event. She had encouraged Sarah and Sar to join the newly formed holiday committee after various Halloween celebrations had been a success - including one that they had put together. Kendri tapped her commbadge. "I was just on my there. I'll be there in a few minutes," she replied as she pulled on a pair of ivory colored boots trimmed with fake fur around the calves.

“That’s great. I’ll see you soon, then. Tomm out,” said Kobi.

<> What to wear…., Kobi thought. He was not big on fashion, that was certain. At the same time, he wanted to look presentable, but maintain the casual look and feel of the occasion. He found a charcoal gray pair of pants with a light blue pullover. Tomm finished off his outfit with black loafers.
(He should've borrowed that dumb vest from Damian).

Less than ten minutes later Kendri approached from the port corridor wearing a cream colored sweater and olive green pants along with her fur-trimmed boots.

Sarah saw both of the senior officers enter, and moved a bit away from Sar. "Ma'am! Nice to see you. Feel free to make yourself comfortable somewhere. The other Holosuite has an outdoor winter wonderland scene! Sort of a ski lodge situation," the young woman said. "A bar, apres ski activities, and goodies, plus you can actually play in the snow if you'd like." She smiled. She and the other junior officers had worked hard on this kind of thing. "Commander Tomm, it's nice to see you, as well. I hope you have a good time this evening. I am glad you were able to join us finally!" She smiled, but elbowed the Vulcan in the side so he'd pipe up, too.

“Thanks, Ensign….Sarah. You can call me Kobi. We’re off duty, so I don’t see the need to stand on ceremony. I promised myself I would get out and about more, so…here I am.”

Sarah nodded. It was too weird to call senior officers by their first names. Plus, she'd been raised to be polite and she was pretty sure that her Mother could hear her from Space, all the way back on Earth. Jewish mothers had a way of knowing.

Kobi stood almost shoulder to shoulder with Kendri and could smell her perfume. They had been out socially before, but he hadn’t noticed her wearing any perfume previously. Why had she decided to put it on tonight? It was….intoxicating.

"We are filled with gratitude at your decision to join us, Commander," Sar said as he took a step forward. He stood rigid, basically at attention for Kobi and Kendri. "I have come to appreciate the nuances of social interaction and its benefits towards working relationships with my senior officers and crew mates. "And you as well, Ma'am." His pale khaki eyes turned to Kendri. "We have once again provided a wide range of festive entertainment. Please let myself or Ensign bet Ira know if we can be of any extra assistance."

“At ease, Mr. Sar. We commend your efforts in putting this together. It really is beautiful. The holiday atmosphere is palpable. Makes one appreciate the winter holidays even more. I’ve read about such festivities, and have seen pictures and various holo-renderings, but this is truly remarkable. Well done,” Kobi said as he looked around in marvel and wonder.

Kendri smiled warmly as she looked around. "You two really bring a lot of detail into these events - and programs. I'm glad you decided to plan this. I hope you enjoyed working on it?"

Sarah nodded. "We do. Sar has been discussing it for a few weeks-making sure that no one's holiday is left out. It's really quite...sweet," she said.

"Not only is inclusivity important to the group psyche", Sar started. "Experiencing new cultures and sharing things held important to oneself can help individuals bond into a close-knit group."

Sarah smiled at him.

“Kendri, have you ever seen anything like this?” Tomm asked.

"They did a fantastic job at Halloween too, you should have been there," Kendri commented, giving the young officers looks of approval.

"Thank you," Sarah said, beaming. "I really recommend starting with the après-ski bar and then enjoying some time by the fire. Later on, there will be a small spread of traditional Holiday foods, both Hanukkah and Christmas, and some from various races' holidays, too!" She nodded once.

“Something to consider. Thanks, Sarah. Hmmmm…. don’t look now, but here comes lightning in a bottle,” Tomm said referring to Paisley’s entrance to the party.

Next through the door was Paisley. Because of course it was, and, per usual, she was hauling a rather reticent looking Jason with her. "Look, Kendri is already here. I told you we were late!" Paisley firmly believed that no party really began until she got there, but still. It didn't look good for the Chief Engineer to be late to things. She was dressed in a blue and black striped dress, tall blue heels, and her black hair was slicked back, secured with a sparkly clip. She took the word "party" seriously. She smiled when she saw Kobi Tomm.

"Holy shit, Kobi Tomm lives!! I won't have to set Kendri up with the holograms again!"

Kendri took a deep breath and shook her head at Paisley. "Seriously, you have to just stop," she said playfully. Paisley shrugged innocently.

"Stop what?! Ronan Dex was hot!" She said. "Anyway, I promised Jason I will, so. Lucky you, I guess," she said.

Kobi smiled to himself, lowered his head, and shook it. “Good evening, Paisley. So lovely to see you, too.”

She smiled a red-lipsticked smile and then continued. "Hey, Sarah. Sar. Both of you look nice tonight. Bar open yet?" She asked.

Sarah smiled. "Yes, ma'am, it is, right through there," she said, pointing at the nearby holosuite. "I was just telling...Kobi and Chalan here that I recommend the Après-ski area for drinks and chats and games. It should be really cozy, and there's a delicious peppermint martini on special tonight," she said.

"The ski area does sound quite fetching. Commander, I hope you feel welcome here. Please inform me if I can tend to your needs." Sar offered an attentive gaze.

Paisley smiled. Peppermint martini? Fancccyyy. "Thank you. Sar," she nodded, having seen the man just a few hours earlier. She turned back to Kobi and Kendri. "Thanks, Kobi. You look nice, as well. Kendri, you, too. Come by later, I have a few dresses you might want to try on," she said. Kendri could really stand to dress better-no WONDER Kobi didn't want to be seen in public with her! She smiled at her own boyfriend.

"How about a peppermint martini?" She held out her hand so he could lead her away.


Captain Ryhl th'Zeles 
Commanding Officer 
USS Columbia 

Commander Chalan Kendri 
First Officer 
USS Columbia 

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia 

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer 
USS Columbia 

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer 
USS Columbia 

Lieutenant Jorel Torin II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar 
Engineering Officer 
USS Columbia 


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