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Apres-Ski Bar, Part 2: Eight Crazy Nights/Christmas

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 1:11pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Sar & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 1:20pm

1,525 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: Holodecks
Timeline: 1900 hours


Jason hated any form of formal event, "I think I'll stick with soda and lime for now." he said fighting with the collar of his shirt.

Sar walked with Sarah and Paisley. "I look forward to sharing this experience with you," Sar said to Sarah as they moved between areas.

Kendri saw Jason tugging at his shirt collar. "I feel you there. Wish her luck trying to get me to put on a dress."

Paisley shrugged. "Well, I'll have the martini, then," she said. She stopped to help him with his shirt. "I won't make you stay long," she said. "I promise," she said. "Just a drink and a quick glance at the others, and we can go, ok?" She said. She knew he hated things like this. SHE thrived on this kind of thing, but he didn't.

Jason looked in her eyes, "It's not that, just not my normal thing..." pausing "You look beautiful by the way, the only reason I'm not in a rush to leave."

Jorel walked into the holodeck in a well-fitted traditional El-Aurian outfit that his mother had given him upon graduation from the academy. He walked up behind the crowd that was gathering and said, "I sure as heck hope so. An open bar and wonderful people are amazing as always."

Paisley smiled. "Hey, Jorel. That's where we're headed. Sarah bet Ira said it's over here," she said, walking that direction.

“Kendri…. let’s get a drink. NOT a peppermint martini, thank you. We can take a walking tour of the place. There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk with you about,” Kobi said as he led Kendri up to the bar.

“Gin and tonic,” Tomm told the bartender. She nodded and grabbed a glass and began mixing the drink and set it on the counter.

"Can I get you anything?" the server asked Kendri who had been looking at the cocktail menu.

"I'll try the eggnog martini I think," Kendri told the holographic water with a smile.

Jorel just chuckled when he heard someone say no peppermint martinis. But, nobody said that they couldn't have the peppermint mocha with a splash of something else with it. Jorel waited for his turn with the bartender and said, "Can I get a peppermint mocha with a splash of something extra, if you catch my drift? Thank you very much!"

He looked around and got a few glances and replied, "Don't diss it until you try it out."

"I'd put peppermint in a mocha before a martini," Kendri commented. "Mint has never really been my thing though. At least not in food. Toothpaste sure," she said with a chuckle as the waiter brought her the drink she had ordered.

Paisley simply shook her head, and took the drink that was handed to her, replete with a mini candy cane. She sipped it. "Delicious," she said. "Are you sure you don't want to try it?" She asked Jason. "Kendri? Come on!!" She shook her head. "So, you use human toothpaste?" The Carjoran asked. She still used the Jumja root-flavored paste that was usually given to children.

"I don't really think about that, I think I just use a mint one." Jason replied, his mind wasn't the swirl it usually was in recent weeks.

Paisley giggled. "I know, I can taste it on you when you kiss me," she said.

Jason felt his face flush, "I know, you can't seem to get enough." winking.

Paisley laughed. "Neither can you, and that's why I like you," she said, playfully. She turned around to kiss him again. "Alright, let's go look at the snow," she said, wrinkling her nose. "They know I am half-Cardassian, right?! We lizard people do NOT do snow..." she complained.

"You might not survive living at my house on earth, especially since it get's fairly cold in the winter months." Jason commented as he looked around, "It might be funny to see you on a set of skis."

She laughed. "I have actually always wanted to try that sport," she said. "We don't have anything similar on Cardassia, and I don't recall ever living in a place on Earth where it snowed. As I said, we prefer warmth," she said. "Daddy would pick places like Florida, and the Tropics, and Southern California," she said. "Not that we lived on Earth that long anyway each time," she said. It had been mostly tactical/political moves on her father's part, or an attempt to appease his current female companion.

The holodeck entrance flashed open. In walked the Captain, dressed in a green velour suit. It came complete with a fuzzy white collar and sleeves. Shiny black buttons fastened the tunic top. A large black belt was fastened with a golden buckle. Ryhl looked around the room as he entered, nodding to Jason and Paisley before heading to the bar.

"Bartender! What do you have today?" Ryhl grabbed a drink menu and began to read.

"Festive drinks are the order of the day." The bartender offered a courteous smile.

"I'm not one to ignore orders." Ryhl smirked as he set down the menu. "The sugarplum spritz sounds delicious." It was a blend of plum wine, cherry syrup, lemon and a splash of bitters. It came garnished with a sugared plum slice. The captain looked forward to the drink.

"Right away, Captain. Enjoy yourself! Happy holidays."

"Thanks! Happy holidays to you as well." The drink came up a few moments later. Ryhl approached Jorel, drink in hand. "There's my favorite diplomat. Tell me, Mister Torin. How are you doing? Are you enjoying the holiday atmosphere?" He offered his hand to shake as he looked to Jorel.

Jorel had sat down at the open bar, taking a few sips of his drink when he heard the Captain come by and ask him a question. He thought about it for a moment and said, "It has been fun. It has helped to get me away from the crazy bits of having to do reports and other parts of my duty, even if it's just for a night. So, thank you for that."

"That's good to hear." Ryhl quickly sipped the drink. It was tart and bitter, but sweet. "There's something to be said about these human holidays. It's nice to end the year with a bit of reflection, surrounded by good people. He realized Jorel was partially El-Aurian. "So tell me. You must have taken some beautiful hikes in your life? What are some of your favorite sights that you've seen? I always enjoy getting out in nature with a nice pair of boots and a backpack."

"You should really climb Mount Everett on Earth. If you don't mind the cold, that is! It was one of the first things that I did between my Freshmen and Sophomore year at the Academy, mainly because so many people said I couldn't do it. But, I proved them wrong by climbing it not once, but twice in the time that I was at the Academy. It was so freaking beautiful to see the sky from that altitude and feel the oxygen in your lungs. But, how about you. What's the most adventurous place you've been, sir?" Jorel asked the senior officer, curious to see what he came back with.

"You've climbed Everest? Twice?! That must have been amazing." Ryhl spent a few moments trying to visualize a perspective from the side of the alien mountain. "I'll have to try to make time for that climb." He smirked while reminiscing. "I've climbed a few cliffs and mountains across Irinari province. But that's just home. When I was younger, I flew a shuttle down to Gamma Trianguli VI. We had to set up a comms relay in the jungle. Lived there for a few weeks. Being among the jungle was unforgettable." The mission took place on an uninhabited section of the planet. "We really adapted our way of life to fit the jungle. I even tagged along on a mission to monitor a volcano. I haven't seen one before or since."

"Say.. Are you up for a walk? I want to get out in the snow while we can." Ryhl shifted in his seat and started to stand.

"Yeah, I'd love to take a walk sir as long as you lead the way," Jorel replied, getting up and letting the CO lead the way.

"Certainly", Ryhl took in the sights of the ski lounge once more, pausing to finish his drink. There was something warm and charming about it. He looked out of the window as they moved towards the door. It's portrayal of the wintry landscape outside reminded the Captain of his home world. The officers left, laughing in conversation.


Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Torin II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia


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