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Face Masks and Popcorn

Posted on Wed Dec 20th, 2023 @ 10:28pm by Ensign Annika Wiseman

6,645 words; about a 33 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Lissa's Quarters, Deck 10
Timeline: TBD

Lissa had music playing in the background as she laid out bowls of candy and popcorn and waited for the girls to arrive. The last time they tried to have a girls night was fry (pleasantly) crashed by a few guys passing through, so Lissa invited her friends over for an indulgent night in.

Annika had finally escaped the insanity of the last few days, and she was going to be with the girls for once, she's managed to find some comfortable clothes, plus since the boys weren't likely going to be around so it was baggy sweats and bunny slippers for her, she did pack a small bag just in case, she pressed the door chime. the door hissed open, "Hey Girl, how'd you get rid of Mario or am I going to find out when they find the body?" she said with a laugh.

"Who's been talking to you?" Lissa asked playfully, yet she was staring at Annika curiously. "And what have they been saying? Quick, before the others get here. Also, you'd know if there was a body to hide, because you'd be helping me hide it."

Annika giggled as she walked in, "How long has is been a couple weeks?"

"Too long. Intel has kept you busy. And I have only heard rumors, which hurts my feelings, but are you seeing that Vulcan pilot?" Lissa asked. "Sit down, get comfy."

Sarah was next down the corridor, having changed into some comfy but cute clothes-a pair of loose yoga pants and a pink, flowy t-shirt. She had kissed her Vulcan good-bye after work, and while she'd normally had just made her way to the Mess hall, she was instead headed for Lissa's. She liked spending time with "the girls". It was fun, and a nice break from the time she spent with Sar. She rang the chime, and waited.

"Hi, Lissa," she said, presenting the Orion with some moon berries.

"Thanks for bringing this. It'll be a healthy reprieve from all the candy I ordered," Lissa said with a laugh. "Make yourself at home. What do you guys want to drink?" She asked both of them.

Annika sat back on the couch, "Get me a sea breeze, I need something that isn't overly Vulcan...not that its all bad."

Sarah laughed. "Tell me about it," she said. "Sar says that someday, he'll introduce me to some of his traditional drinks and stuff. He's making a real effort to learn about Human things," she said. "Can I have a white wine, please?" She asked Lissa.

Just then, the doorbell chimed again. "Must be the Counselor," Sarah said.

Outside the door was, indeed, the small redhead. "Hello!" She said, when Lissa opened the door. Like the rest, she was dressed casually, though for Feeva, that meant linen pants, a blouse, and her hair pulled back. She was older than the other girls, but there wasn't a lot of upward mobility for Counselors-it was a very popular rating, and you had a lot of competition. Feeva didn't mind; she never had grand plans.

Lissa opened a bottle of white wine she had and poured Sarah and herself a glass and ordered Annika's drink from the replicator and brought them over. "Fee, what are you drinking?" Lissa asked.

"Just a bit of wine, I don't hold alcohol well," she said, blushing a bit. "Thanks," she said, stepping into the room. "Hi, ladies," she said, sitting down.

Sarah saw her and smiled. "Hey, Feeva. How are you?"

"Good, thanks," Feeva said, relaxing a bit.

Annika took a sip of the cocktail as she did something came to her attention, she paused finishing her sip, "Lissa honey is that a pilots jacket?" with a bit of gushing.

"Um, not exactly," Lissa said smiling. She breezed by Fee and passed a glass of wine to her and then plopped down in an oversized chair and tucked her feet underneath her. "Cool isn't it?"

"Hey, what's Numbers real name again? I don't think I've heard it since they night we met them."

Annika got a little flushed "Strock." then she giggled "He's quite the charmer when he's not being 'logical'."

It only took the Counselor a moment to figure out what was going on. "Who's dating who?" She asked, sipping her drink.

"Strock is one of the pilots who came over with the Mendocino. And I am very interested to hear about how charming he is," Lissa winked at Annika.

Annika smiled "He's actually Mario's copilot, you know the guy you've been...Ahem....having fun with Lissa."

Feeva nodded. "I see," Fee said, with a smile. "How do you guys even MEET these men?" She was truly curious. Maybe she should start dating again.

Sarah interjected. "Strock is also Vulcan, like Sar," she said. "So. Are you dating anyone? Commander Razka?" She sipped her drink innocently.

Feeva laughed. "No, we're not dating," she said. "We're friends, and parents, and that's it. But I might be interested in starting dating again. My husband's been dead long enough now." She smiled sadly. "He'd want me to be happy, I think, and Leena-my daughter-is bothering me about needing a father for things," she said. "The school is doing a father/daughter activity and of course, she doesn't have one, so I go, but I am clearly not a father."

Annika tried to sound reassuring, "You might get lucky arouond here, there seems to be plenty of single guys around."

"Why not Kas? Just not feeling it?" Lissa asked.

Feeva shrugged. "Not that, per se,'s not like that. Men can have female friends," she said. "Plus, he has a lot of loose ends he needs to tie up, and so do I," she said. "Our daughters are friends, and that's how it started." She paused a moment, turning to Annika. "Who's single? I am looking for something really stable...I have to think of Leena now." She sighed. It would be much easier if it WAS Kas-parents understood.

"Of course they can. Shan is one of my closest friends on board - present company excluded. And Zeke and I hang out some too. I wouldn't date either. Not that they aren't dateable. Just asking," Lissa said light-heartedly passing it off with a shrug. "Zeke is single actually. He's about your age. He was engaged once - to a trill who broke it off after he became joined. Took him a long time to get over it, but he seems to be putting himself out there finally."

Feeva smiled sadly. "That's unfortunate," she said.

"Who were you thinking of, Anni?" Lissa asked.

"Zeke is definitely at the top of that list, even if you two start slow and feel it out, otherwise there's an age gap, Like Mark Grayson from the squadron for example, he's 23, and when him and Kelly aren't flying he's the more responsible of the four since he's the maintenance coordinator."

Lissa laughed. "Don't be like that, I'm positive there are a lot of options, we just haven't met them all yet. Starfleet is full of singles. What about the new diplomatic officer? He's pretty cute."

Annika chimed in "Plus if I'm not mistaken we're doing a layover at a starbase for some crew rotations so who knows might join us."

Feeva smiled. "Zeke. Isn't he...Andorian?" She asked. "I think I've seen him around! I forgot we're heading for the Base. That might be a good time. Who is the new diplomatic officer? I don't hear about these things! I am pretty much away from everyone, in my little corner of Sickbay!"

"Zeke is Trill, not joined. He's 33. Played guitar and sang at a Ten-Forward thing a while back. I don't think you were there," Lissa clarified. "Zeke is in security, he's been on board for a while. Jorel Torin is our new Chief Diplomatic Officer. He just came on board when we met up with the Mendocino."

Feeva nodded. "OH!! That's likely why I was confused! Thank you. I have been busy enough with the negotiations with the planet's residents, I haven't had much time to meet the new arrivals yet." She filed the information away for later. She had also not had time to sit and read their psych workups, but she should get right on that tomorrow morning.

"The crew the Mendocino brought to us has been a pleasant addition, wouldn't you say, Annika?" Lissa teased. "Sarah, help me make her tell us more about Strock. I want to know if he's at all like Sar in the relationship department."

Sarah blushed. "Annika, have you two discussed, um...Pon Farr time yet?!" She asked. It was still too weird to talk about sexual things, even with her friends. "But's a bit awkward. He's a bit like a teenager on your first time, you know?"

Annika gave crooked smile back too the group "We have, I told him how ever it goes I'll handle the responsibility of it, he was up front in that he's not promised to anyone and has free choice of his mate."

"But like the day to day," Lissa inquired excitedly. "You said he was 'charming.' Tell us about it," Lissa cooed. She dug her hand into a bowl of popcorn and looked at Annika with interest. "We'll get back to setting up Fee in a minute."

Sarah smiled. She found Sar charming, too. As he became more comfortable with her and the other humans aboard, he was constantly doing cute things.

"Okay, I'll tell...some." Annika took a haul off her drink "I met Strock before I got my first assignment, I was invited to a dorm party on the far side of the main campus along with my room mate, I didn't count on it being full of pilots who had just graduated from some program they have to complete." catching her breath. "It was total chaos there, free flowing alcohol, maybe some other stuff and there he was, he was chatting with some other Vulcans and a classmate when I saw him, he was so fascinating, when I finally got the courage to talk to him we wound up talking until dawn, it wasn't something where we had some weird lust, but more of a... it's hard to explain, hell until he showed up I figured I wouldn't see him again, so yes he was my first, and yes he's thoughtful, but he does over do it some times, and I do find myself trying to find a balance in our relationship to be what he wants in a partner too but we're able to talk things out so it doesn't turn into a fight."

Feeva nodded a little. She had never dated a Vulcan, but she had gone on a date with a Romulan once at the academy, just before she'd met Eoin. But all the rest had been human.

"Maybe we'll all have to find an excuse to hang out one night," Lissa caught a sideways glance at Sarah. "I need to get know this Strock a little better, so how he's treating our Annika." Lissa said the words playfully, but with a hint of protectiveness.

"Fee too, with whoever she might permit to enjoy the pleasure of her company. I do have one question though..." Lissa said thoughtfully. "Are you sure Kas feels the same way? That it's just platonic, I mean. I'm wondering if you would want to find a way to let him know before you start dating is all."

Sarah smiled. "I have suggested to Sar that we double date, but he suggested his boss and Lt. Elliott," she said, pulling a face. "That would be fun but a little...awkward," she said. "I think he thinks it is respectful or something akin to that," she said. "Going with you would be fun," she said.

Next to Sarah, the redhead blushed a little. "I believe so. We've never discussed it, but neither has he acted in anything but a friendly way," she said. "I don't think he'd mind, and even if he DID, well, what I do in my spare time isn't his business," she said, with a shrug. "What's for dinner?"

"Taco bar if you guys are hungry," Lissa offered.

"In just a second, that does sound and smell good." Annika said looking up "So since we're talking about the flyboys' for the moment, I heard around the office Mario is trying to get you a ride in of of the birds." giggling "You know he's been working on it for two days, just to get a simple training flight with what was he called it..." Annika said standing up to walk over too the table "An interested party in aerial combat?" finishing with a giggle, "I hope that's not code for something."

Lissa laughed. "He's been talking about it. Not anything I expected to happen. At least not out here anyway. We're a little busy and most likely being watched." She was more than a little curious now. "What else have you heard?"

"Nothing I'm allowed to talk about sadly, there was a commotion about a tech or something, suddenly security is ramped up around the office, engineering and the hangar, I'm surprised there isn't a security detail outside the door."

"I was more interested in what Mario's been saying about me... if anything at all. I wouldn't ask you to spill confidential work stuff," Lissa said. "The whole thing has been a bit of a whirlwind. I'm sure I'm overthinking it. I just wasn't expecting anything like this to happen."

Lissa popped up from her seat to go over to the replicator and order the pre-programmed items. She put out the two lazy susans, one for hot toppings, the other for cold, shells, chips, and plates as well as some glasses of water for easy refills.

As she was setting everything out. "So Sarah, that was pretty random. Why do you have Ponn Farr on the brain?" Lissa asked.

She blushed. Oops. "Well. Sar said it's been enough time and he thinks any time in the next six months, and...welll. I am a little. Nervous." She said. She was worried that she wouldn't be enough for him.

Annika started to fix a plate, "This was a good idea Lissa," looking to Sarah "Sar clearly has eyes for you so don't worry, eat tacos and live for the moment!"

"Wow," Lissa remarked. "That is a lot. You've only been dating about a month now, and Pon Farr in six months or less? Annika's right, I wouldn't be worried about what Sar thinks. I don't think Vulcan men think much at all then anyway. But that's a lot for you, right?" Lissa asked with concern. "I know you said you weren't very experienced before. I would imagine sex during Pon Farr gets a little... wild?"

"I hope so, not that there isn't some serious passion without the insane hormones to begin with." Annika noted

Sarah cringed. "Yah, I've only had one other boyfriend. At the Academy! He was in the science program," she said. "Noah Wiseberg," she said. "We had sex a few times wasn't. I don't know. I didn't LOVE him, you know?! I feel like...well. I feel like Sar makes me happy, and yes, he's a little awkward and sometimes I think he is an alien who just beamed on the ship yesterday-I mean, obviously he's an ALIEN but you know what I mean-and the rest of the time, I don't know what to think. I just know that I like to see him, and he makes me smile and I worry when he's on missions, and I think about him at work, and...." She trailed off. She turned to Feeva, and through a mouthful of beans and rice, spoke.
"You're the Counselor. What do you think?"

Feeva had been happy when the topic switched to someone else instead of her. She was methodically building a taco, like she'd remembered her human friends and husband explaining-meat first, then the cheese (so it would melt), and then the beans, tomatoes, lettuce, and sauce on top. She'd developed a fondness for the food over the years. She stopped, and looked at Sarah.

"I think that if you feel safe and comfortable, then do that. If you ever feel uncomfortable, voice that. If he cares about you, he'll respect it. I've met your man Sar twice, and he seems like a nice, respectful young man, so I don't anticipate any problems. As for the actual act itself, I don't know. My training doesn't cover that kind of thing. On Vissia, we're a bit more promiscuous within our own culture, but it's only because we don't fear unwanted pregnancy or something. We have to have a special procedure done when it's time to procreate," she said. "So it's all for recreation the rest of the time." She shrugged and bit into the taco. "Hope that helps."

Sarah nodded, but shrank back a little. She wasn't used to this kind of talk yet. "Thank you," she murmured and then turned to Lissa, pleading with the Orion to change the subject.

"Don't be so uncomfortable, Sarah. It's all in good fun. At least none of our bosses can stroll by this time," she said laughing.

Sarah gave her a LOOK. “I know. Thank goodness. It’s just… I’m still trying to learn how to be less… uptight. It’s difficult because of how I was raised. We have cultural expectations and it’s a bit hard to break out of that.”

"That's why I'm workin' on you," Lissa said patting Sarah on the arm playfully. She took her plate of tacos back to to plush chair she'd been sitting on. "So after we eat, I have these face masks from Betazed we can try out if you wanna."

"They have facemasks on Betazed?" Sarah said. "One of my roommates at the Academy was Betazed. She always had perfect skin. It's not fair," Sarah said.

Feeva smiled. "I am not sure they'll work with my ridges," she said, running a hand over the protrusion on her face. "But I am willing to try!" She said. "So, Lissa's having fun with a pilot. Annika, you're dating a Vulcan who is also a pilot? Sarah is with Sar, I remember from the first day on Campor," she said. She was trying to make sure she was understanding everything correctly. She really needed to get out more. "Ok, I got it. Let's do the face masks, and then...we can play a game. I remember when I was a girl, about seven, just after my mom left, my father's sister came to help him care for me until he was on his feet. She used to teach me card games and things. Would that be fun? Am I being awkward again?" She giggled. "Sorry, like I said, I was raised by my dad, and I didn't have any siblings," she said.

"I'm up for a game later," Lissa commented. She got quiet for a second wondering why Fee said that she was having fun, but implied the other two were more serious. "Anyway, before we get too far away from the subject, are we setting you up with someone or not, Fee?"

Feeva blushed, but nodded. "Ok..." she said. "Yes, that would be a experiment," she said, not entirely convinced still. "The tacos are really good, Lissa. Thank you," she said.

Annika took a mouthful, she hadn't had tacos in a while and almost started drooling as she ate she let out a moan, "Oh...that was what the witch doctor ordered, I think I've eaten just about every major Vulcan delicacy of late so having some good old street food is a much needed break."

Sarah snorted. "Pok Tar isn't your favorite, Annika?" She teased. Sarah had tried some of Sar's once. It wasn't terrible, but it was an acquired taste she was getting used to. "Gespar isn't bad," she said. "It's kind of like pineapple, to me," she shared, with a shrug. The red fruit was pretty good. "Have Strock try some human foods. Sar has tried my Matzo soup. He seemed to like it," she suggested.

Feeva laughed. "It is important, when mixing cultures, that each partner gives a little and takes a little," she said. "My late husband was Human. It DID take a bit of time to get used to some things-while Vissia is a Federation member, I am only the third Vissian to serve in the Fleet and Humans are a bit...strange to me, still, even." She said. "It took a bit of time to get used to the flavors, and the noise, and the...HUMANNESS."

"Hey, what's wrong with humans?" Lissa asked defensively. Even though she was half-Orion and often mistaken for a full Orion, other than her mother, her human family was all she'd ever known.

"Nothing is wrong with humans. They're just different and I had to learn to overcome my own uncomfortableness-caused by the newness- with them," Feeva replied. "Every day is a learning lesson," she said. "The cultures are just so different that I have to really pay attention to people to learn and teach new things," she said.

"Also, Vulcan food is bland. And so is Matzo soup - no offense. Wonder how the guys would respond to chili or chips and salsa." Lissa said the food items with gusto, as if she were selling them herself.

Sarah laughed. "It can be bland! Mine is good, but the kind from the replicator isn't great," she said. She smiled at Feeva; she didn't mind being labeled as strange. She thought, sometimes, that the others were equally strange. They were all learning to interact.

Annika giggled, "Ever seen a Vulcan try to eat a plate of poutine? that was entertaining." refering to a recent culinary cultural exchange between her and Strock.

Lissa shrugged. "That seems like a fair transition food."

"What is Poutine?" Feeva asked Annika. She hadn't heard of it; though Annika was also human, her husband had been from America.

Annika looked over at Feeva, "The best description is French fries, cheese curds and gravy as heavy as it sounds it's delightful, there's so many different versions too." she said followed by a mighty chomp on a taco.

"It's not better than tacos, but with a Vulcan palate..." Lissa shrugged.

Feeva nodded. "I'd like to try that someday," she said. She finished the taco she had made, and started to make a second. "Yes, back on the Starbase I transferred from, we had a few Vulcan crew mates, and their food seemed...bland," she said. "Not that I can say much, we don't do a lot of spice on Vissia but I have grown to like it," she said. She finished her second taco, and stood to recycle her things.

Annika sat back for a moment, "I'm not going to over indulge, at the moment." she took off the bunny slippers and sat crosslegged on the couch, "those were awesome Lissa."

Sarah nodded. She'd only eaten one taco herself, but she'd had a pile of chips. "Yes, it was really good. I forget how much I miss food from Home sometimes," she said. While tacos weren't, of course, a cultural dish of either Romania nor Jews, it WAS from Earth, and she was a fan of that cuisine that she'd learned about in school.

Lissa brought out four individually wrapped face masks and a bowl of cucumber slices soaking in cold water in her cooler. She carefully peeled back the packaging revealing the mask.

"So you put these on your face like this," Lissa held the one that was still packaged and pretended to lay it over her face. "There's holes for your noes, eyes, and mouth. And we can easily take out more if you need, Fee. Anyway, it'll feel a bit like silicone at first, but then it will dissolve into your skin like a lotion in 5-7 minutes or so. It feels really good," Lissa explained.

"And so does this." Lissa took two slices of cucumbers and put them in front of her eyes. "While your are waiting for the mask to dissolve, this feels great, and helps with tired, puffy eyes."

Ooh. Feeva settled back down, and took one of the packets. "We'll see, thanks!" She said, opening the packet and unfolding the squishy mask. She felt it in her fingers. Actually, Leena might think something like this is fun. She'd have to look more into it. She spread it across her face, poking her fingers into the various holes. She used the nose piece on her ridge, and it worked OK. Then, Lissa handed out some cucumber slices. "Do my eyes look tired?" She said.

Sarah was familiar with face mask and things. She took the packet and spread it out, following with the cucumber. She reclined back, and sighed. "Ah, nice. No, you don't, Feeva. You look great. How old are you, anyway? We should've had our nails done," she said.

Feeva chuckled. "I am thirty three," she said. "I took a year off of my career to have Leena," she said, explaining why she was still only a JG.

"Oh, I have nail stuff," Lissa commented. "Let me grab it."

She came back out with a box of colors. "You just dip your fingers in, and seal it under the light. The color will only adhere to your nail. What color do you want, Sarah? I'll get you started while you relax," Lissa offered.

Annika looked over at the manicure in progress, "I should get my nails done, but I have a feeling that meeting that the Lieutenant's had with the Captain is going to ruin any manicure I get."

"Why do you say that?" Lissa passed the box to Annika so she could see the colors.

Annika decided to dish, "Mario and Jason were in the office behind locked doors for two hours, when they marched out they kicked all the NCO's out, told me and Vevi we had the rest of the day off and they left to meet with the Captain, when they came back they mentioned something about a B-S-B, what ever that is."

"Did you try looking it up?" Lissa asked. She was examining a peach colored polish and passed it over for Annika to look at.

Looking at the color like 'this is cute' Annika returned to the question, "I got two military slang terms and a reference to some music group from earth's history, so I don't know with any certainty."

"Unless they were pulling one over on you, I doubt it's anything to do with music. You said Mario was there too?" Lissa tried to play it cool, but she was intrigued now.

"They're both in the bullpen at the office, I thought I smelled pizza when I was walking by the office on my way here." Annika paused seeing a metallic blue shade and picking it up, "I don't know if this means anything but Mario said something about the Blackburn what ever that means."

Sarah sat up, one of the cucumber slices falling off her face like a cartoon. "Ooh, let me see. I wonder what Sar will say when I show up for our date tomorrow with colored fingernails," she said. "Got any yellow? I don't think that Lt. Soros will care much, do you? Or maybe red? That's considered natural, right?"

Feeva sat up, too, but was more careful than Sarah. She took the cucumber slices carefully off of her face, and put them in the recycler. "That IS nice!" She said, rubbing her face a bit. It was softer already. "Oh, nail polish. I learned about this at the Academy. A couple of the girls I shared a room with painted a different color every week!! I didn't do it as often, but it's fun. I bet my daughter would love it." She said. She sat back down. "Is there a light pink? My job is more...people focused so I can't have anything too garish," she said.

"I don't have yellow, but there are a few reds," Lissa said reaching for a few jars and handing them to Sarah. "I wouldn't say 'natural' but it's common enough that it won't make you stand out too much if that's what you are worried about."

She turned back to Annika. "I haven't really asked Mario a lot about his work. I know he's been out flying a lot, and it hasn't been training exercises. I didn't want to seem too nosy," she said with a shrug.

Annika looked at Feeva, "Try the candy pink, it's subtle but still fun." she looked at Lissa "If the boys were up to something stupid Strock would tell me in his own way, so don't worry too much, now where did that blue I picked out go?"

Feeva nodded. "Thanks!" She said. She rifled around the colors, but ended up changing her mind, and opting for a nice purple. She listened to the others talk for a minute.
"Does he tend to take many risks?" She asked Annika. She wasn't trying to be "a counselor" but sometimes, she couldn't help it.

Sarah took the reds that Lissa handed her. She picked one, and got to work. "I think that's part of the appeal, Feeva. They like the danger their men get into," she said. "My Sar doesn't get into too much trouble. Both myself and his boss would kill him."

Feeva nodded. "My husband was an Engineer, so. He wasn't prone to too much danger usually." She looked at her hand. It looked good.

"Strock?" Lissa asked from her spot on the floor between the girls. "Being a pilot is an inherently risky job, but I can't imagine he's one to take more risks than is logical." Lissa shuffled through the colors and handled Annika the blue. "Unless he's V'tosh ka'tur?"

"Its no more risky than any away mission, I should know." Annika replied.

"Are you going or something?" Lissa asked. She kept her position on the floor, but put her legs and feet up on the chair she had been sitting in while she painted her nails.

Sarah watched. "Yeah, Annika. What's going on?" She asked. "What do you think?" She held up her hands for the other ladies to look at. "I think Sar might hate it. He doesn't like anything too ostentatious," she said.

Feeva chuckled. "He's in for a rude awakening; the whole Fleet is ostentatious," she said. Wait until they met a Betazed, or a few Bajorans. "It looks nice," she said.

Lissa rolled over on her side to take a look. "Very nice, red looks good on you," Lissa agreed.

"I think Sar might find it 'Stimulating'," Annika said with a giggle "Then again, I think Mario will be tripping over his boots over you Lissa."

Lissa popped off from the floor and sat back in the chair and looked at Annika. "You think so?" Lissa asked, a far away look in her eyes. "I didn't really think I was looking, but things just kinda. And well... I really like him," she admitted.

"He's head over heels for you, I'm surprised he hasn't planned a romantic weekend next time we put into port or a starbase." Annika said with a smile.

Lissa smiled. "That would be nice. IF we get to a starbase. It feels like we've been stuck out here for a while."

Annika nodded, "I know the feeling holodecks and recycled air are okay but yeah I wouldn't mind a break, a beach somewhere or something."

"I live for beaches. Anything on the water is my jam," Lissa said excited at Annika's mention of one. "What about you guys?" Lissa asked Sarah and Fee.

Sarah nodded, absently. "I heard that our next stop IS a Starbase, but near to the AQ. Well, Sar heard it from his boss, and told me," she said. "Yes, I like beaches. Romania has a few; we have a large lake. In the summertime, it is quite warm. Very cold and snowy in the wintertime," she said. "So I'd like somewhere climate controlled, maybe. With lots of food and shopping." Anything she could do to spend time with her Vulcan.

Feeva smiled. "Anything would be a nice break from floating out here," she said. "Of course, I wouldn't go exploring the nightlife much, but I would like a starbase. More things for Leena to do; they generally cancel the classes that week, and so she'll need some entertainment. Probably Keena, too," she said. "Vissia is a moderately warm climate. I'd like something with seasons," she said. "But at least it's never extreme in one way or the other, though we don't use climate control systems," she said. She finished painting her fingernails the pale purple. "What color did you pick, Lissa?" She asked.

"This cherry red, like it?" Lissa said showing off her nails. "I'll have to find something to match for my date with Mario later this week."

Annika giggled "Very subtle like you at times" she pulled her one arm inside her sweatshirt and after some awkward movements her arm reemerged with her bra, "FREEDOM!!" as she launched it at her bag.

"It is nice," Feeva said, nodding encouragingly. "It looks nice with your skin, actually," she said. She looked to the side as Annika yelled. After she realized what was happening, she laughed. "Yes, they are quite uncomfortable, aren't they?" She asked. Her boobs weren't large enough to require underwire bras, and so she was fine with her chemises or sport styles.

Behind Feeva, Sarah followed suit, quickly pulling off her bra, but unlike Anni, she didn't launch it around the room. She quietly hid it in her bag quickly, and then settled back down.

"Back to Feeva," she said. "Since we're all three partnered now, let's focus on her," she said.

"So, you're saying it's not like that with Kas...." Lissa said circling back. "You wanna go on some dates?"

Feeva made a face.

"WHY back to me?" She whimpered. "Yes, I would like that. Really, at this point, I would take someone with enough brain cells to watch Leena and make sure she stays alive long enough for me to take a nap," she joked. "But since I DO have Leena, it needs to be someone really mature and Ok with the extra baggage. A lot of men aren't," she said. She had learned that in the past year.

Annika smiled, "I'm glad you include your daughter in decisions about your romantic life, I don't know if I'd want to see anyone with a young kid or someone that they wouldn't get along with." She paused to take a drink "I don't know what I'd do truthfully if I wound up alone with a child, you need to give yourself some credit for doing what you have too this point Feeva."

"She's a sweet little girl," Lissa commented. "So is Kas's daughter, though she has a pension for sneaking out of class and giving her teachers near heart attacks," Lissa said with a laugh.

Annika looked over at Lissa "She sounds like trouble." picking up her drink.

Feeva nodded. "She can be a handful," Feeva said. "I actually was quite upset at her and Kas the first time we'd met. Keena had taken my girl up a tree, and they'd fallen out," she said. She smiled a little. "It's better now; I have learned to calm down a bit. SHe's all I have left of Eoin, though, and I can be a little...overbearing. But you're right, Anni, I absolutely wouldn't want to date someone with a young child if I didn't have one of my own. So I understand that sentiment," she said. She sighed.

"It is easier to date other single parents," she said. "But it's not impossible. At the Starbase I transferred from, I had gone out once with a Science officer. Tom Clarke," she said. "But it didn't get serious enough to meet Leena before I transferred out." She said.

"I need another drink!" Annika said "Maybe easy isn't what you need, maybe something in the middle, doesn't have to be a single dad but not someone who isn't afraid to try."

Lissa smiled mischievously. "If you want, of course. I'm sure there are plenty of guys on board who would line up for a chance to try to win your heart, and Leena's."

Feeva smiled. "Yeah, sure!! There's no harm in trying, of course," she said. She was a little uncertain, really. "What's next?" She said, admiring her fingers for a moment.

Annika spoke up, "We could watch some old movies, I have a small projector in my bag."

"Get it out, I'll grab some blankets and pillows," Lissa said. "But, Fee is that what you were really asking? Cause, what's next could be dinner with a hot scientist or an engineer by next Saturday if you tell us what you're looking for," she said calling over her shoulder as she went to her bedroom and starting throwing pillows out to the girls.

Sarah laughed. "Movies are good," she said. "Don't let them railroad you, Feeva. They'll be here all night, arguing about which man is best," she said.

Fee nodded. "Don't worry. Well, I guess my type and good looking, but not...modely, you know? I don't care about age, so much, but obviously old enough," she said. "You know, normal stuff, I guess." She shrugged. She'd never really thought about it in this way-she just liked who she had.

Annika picked up her bag stuffing her bra inside as she pulled the projector out, "I'm assuming that normal stuff rules out pilots, marines and most intelligence officers." annika said as he made some adjustments "So I've got a couple of early horror movies and some rom-com's?"

"Why wouldn't Marines and Intel be normal?" Feeva asked, blinking. Had she missed a cue? "Oh..."she was cut off.

"Sarah's choice!" Lissa called out over a pile of blankets she held in her arms as she walked back in the room and started passing them out.

Sarah nodded. "Rom-com, duh," Sarah said. "I don't like horror flicks. I don't like being scared on purpose," she said. "BUT if I am outvoted, I'll just hold on tightly to Lissa," she said, grabbing the Orion's arm dramatically.

Annika looked at the small display "I think you'll like this one..." she said as the images popped up on the wall "Pass me a blanket." Annika said as she sat down again "I think this one is called 'Sleepless in Seattle'"

Sarah nodded. "I've heard of this one!!" She said. "Tom Hanks. He was cute. A lot of the old Earth actors are," she said. She handed Anni a blanket, and settled in to watch.

Feeva looked interested in the movie. "I've not heard of it," she said. "I don't usually get a chance to watch rom-coms; it's always holocartoons," she said. She sighed, but also settled in for the movie.

"As much as things have changed in society, they haven't, plus you might find some common ground with one of the characters Fee." Annika said as she covered herself with the blanket.

Feeva raised an eyebrow, but nodded. "OH! Ok, let's watch it!!" She smiled and then sipped the rest of her drink.

Lissa stretched out the floor, her head on a pillow as the movie began playing and let out a yawn. Such a strange time when Earth was just humans, she thought. But these old movies were a nice way to pass the time on a lazy evening.


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