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Romulan 3: Getting their Bearings

Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 7:15pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Ensign Dramin & Ensign Annika Wiseman

2,532 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III - Duveek Settlement
Timeline: MD: C20, After Part 2

The rest of the away team finished the process so that they would have access to the Romulan systems, and apparently some locations. It was time for the crew to finally get into their work here.

"I promised you a tour," Kekana said once the crew had been properly granted access and shown how to log in. "Is anyone still interested?"

"I'd love to see this place! It seems like it's built in a pretty typical Romulan style and I've always been one for Romulan style and culture. Ensign Dramin, would you care to join us?" Jorel said, taking up the offer to tour the facilities.

"A tour? Of course!" Though Dramin tried for a smile and an enthusiastic outlook, there was still something about the way he carried himself that suggested there was something on his mind. Not that there wasn't constantly considering he was an attorney for god's sake, but there was still that matter of finding an opportune time to make known his reservations about their 'observer', as it were, and that opportunity seemed desperately far away - at least for now.

He did really not mind taking the tour, though. As much as Romulan architecture was as fatalist and angular and somewhat reminded him of the more forboding aspects of Ba'ul architecture back home, he did really not mind seeing more of the building.

"It would be my pleasure to show you around," Kekana responded. "Will anyone else be joining us?"

"I'll join you, I'm curious to see the differences." Annika said with a smile.

Kekana smiled warmly at the three who said they would be joining her on the tour. "Right this way, we'll head back out the way we came."

Naleema stayed behind in the Operations room with Commander Tomm, Lieutenant Zh'kahlol, and Ensign th'Kaasknik.

As Shan and Vevi were setting up their stations, Tomm chimed in, “We should closely examine the layout of the settlement. Evaluate for security concerns. Strengths, weaknesses, any opportunities to make enhancements to keep these people safe. Especially the children.”

Vevi nodded. "I can get on that right now," she said, standing up to move out. "Ruby and I can get to it," she said, patting the rifle as she headed out the door. Patrol was getting a little boring, but at least it was better than sitting around the Intel office or Security.

Naleema walked over and stood next to Commander Tomm. "I assure you, such evaluations have already been performed, but take a look for yourself. You have been given access."

Ensign Shan looked over his shoulder at the Chief Security Officer, "They were easy enough to find, Commander. I have them right here." It would also be simple enough to compare the maps they were seeing with what the Columbia's sensors put together once they got back to the ship, but Shan thought it best not to speak that part out loud.

“Thanks, Ensign. Definitely a time-saver. Let’s take a gander,” Kobi said.

Vevi was listening as much as she could as she walked with intent towards the horizon.

"We can use the maps in Astrometrics, Commander Tomm," she said, in a voice that was tinged with exasperation. Unlike Ensign Shan, Vevi had zero qualms about telling a Senior officer that they were both dumb and redundant.

“Very well, Lieutenant. An excellent suggestion that I should have thought about earlier. I’ll set up a link from the ship to the tricorders so all of us can make use of them.”

Vevi nodded, and shrugged lightly. "I'll continue on, then," she said, taking her post at the door.

The climate was arid as they stepped outside. "I apologize for the dust, we irrigate most of our water toward our crops. We've been able to establish a slightly different way of life here, but as you can imagine change is slow." Kekana stopped the group outside of a school yard.

"The Romulan people have valued privacy to the point of secrecy for centuries. This evolved to us even hiding from one another if you can imagine it. You would never see a schoolyard such as this on a Romulan world under the Empire's rule," Kekana explained.

Annika looked over at their Romulan guide, "You see a lot of this on earth, I remember playing like this myself."

"A more traditional school would not have a play area at all. The children would use a 'public name' and the teachers and other children would not know their true name. The only socialization would be on group projects in order to ingrain in our people the importance of working together for the good of the Empire," Kekana explained. "Our people still have some natural distrust of others - not just the Federation - of one another as well. It doesn't go away overnight. But we did want to attempt a more open society here."

As the group looked over everything and Jorel saw the way that the Romulans built up their schools on the colony, it peaked his interests as he asked, "What's the typical Romulan schooling like? Do they start at a young age and graduate at a certain age? I'm just curious as to how your people work and teach your young."

"That has also changed quite a bit since we left the empire," Kekana responded openly, giving the diplomat a warm smile as she spoke. "Under the Empire a child's schooling was first decided on what I believe might most closely be translated as a caste or family status. Children of tradesmen are generally limited to learn that trade, and their schooling is focused on only teaching them that trade. Positions of high status are passed down through family lines, and those children receive a very different education than the common people."

Kekana continued, "As you can imagine, that would be detrimental here with a small population. We've pooled our resources, and with some help from the Federation outpost here, we've put together a curriculum similar to your own. We are still very new at it," she admitted.

"Well, is there anything that we might be able to help out with while we're here? We've got some up-to-date information from the Federation that the Federation outpost might not have access to quite yet, since this is a bit of the way out there," Jorel offered up, wanting to be able to help the Romulans out to the best of his abilities.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Lieutenant Torin. I know how busy you must be. You're welcome to take a look at our curriculum and if there is time, perhaps visit a classroom," Kekana offered.

"Yeah, if that wouldn't be too much of a bother to you or any of the students, I would love to see how they learn and what they're learning about these days," Jorel replied, curious to see what the Romulan students were currently learning.

"You would be most welcome," Kekana replied. "Perhaps you would even consider speaking to the children for a few minutes. Some do hope for the possibility to serve in Starfleet, or at least jobs within the Federation. Tomorrow or the day after perhaps?" Kekana suggested. "I can show you our business district next if you like."

"Yeah, I'd love to come talk to them whenever you can get me in to meet with them. I don't want to take away from any of their valuable learning, though. I know how important education is for every young person," Jorel replied with a smile on his face, loving the fact that he would be able to talk to the children about the Federation.

Annika looked around, she was starting to get bored with all of this pointless wandering. She was beginning to regret joining the part of the mission and having other second thoughts.

Back in the Control Room, Vevi was listening, but her senses were on alert. Always. She was aware of everyone's location, and occasionally, she'd step out into the corridor to do a sweep. It might be overkill, but she didn't care. Her antennae helped, but her gut helped more. She could FEEL something was off, but she couldn't place it. Yet.

As the Andorian walked back from what had been multiple trips into the hallway, Naleema finally addressed her. Naleema was standing at her station and raised a curious eyebrow at the Andorian. "Are you expecting someone, Lieutenant?"

Vevi shook her head. "No. Should I be?" She asked. She raised an eyebrow, and twitched an antennae. She still couldn't quite place what was making her feel so on edge, but she had no doubt she'd figure it out soon. "What about you, Naleema?? Are YOU expecting company?"

"I am not the one checking the door every thirty minutes," Naleema responded coolly. One eyebrow raised on an otherwise expressionless face.

Vevi shot the woman a nasty look. "It is my JOB," she said, coolly. "If anyone comes or goes, I need to know about it. It keeps you alive. Unless you wish to die, but then I want that opportunity to myself," she said. "Do you have any more stupid questions, or are you going to pay closer attention to Commander Tomm here before we're BOTH escorted out?" She said.

Kobi was in a corner of the control room where he could hear what sounded like a one-sided heated exchange. Vevi was raising her voice to the Romulan Naleema. Tomm approached immediately to diffuse the situation, only to find the conversation abruptly come to an end.

“Is everything all right over here? Lieutenant? Naleema?” Kobi asked. “What’s going on?”

The away team had arrived back in the government building and on their way to join the others. Jorel was walking around another corner when he heard someone ask what was going on and he asked, "Is everything okay over here?"

Vevi looked from the Romulan to the officers. "I think we're done here, unless this...woman has more critique of how I do my job. Maybe she needs an explanation of exactly what it is that security officers do? You'll take care of that, won't you, Lt. Torin," she asked, stepping outside of the door to collect herself for a moment. She fiddled with the ribbons on her shoulder for a bit, then re-entered the room. She had figured out why she was on edge. She crossed the room and bent to speak quietly to Commander Tomm. "I need a secure channel back to the Columbia. My boss and you, please," she said. "I think...Naleema knows more than she is saying."

"You win the prize for understatement of the day Vevi" Annika said she didn't like something from minute one about this.

Jorel just told the other officer of the Romulan guard to wait there for a moment while he sorted everything out as he walked to where Commander Tomm and Lieutenant Vevi were talking for a moment. He looked at the two officers and said, "What in the world is going on over here? We're trying to make friends. Not start the next intergalactic war with the Romulans."

Vevi looked at Jorel. "Lt. Torin, I was just telling the Commander here, and Ensign Wiseman here that I think the one called Naleema is hiding something. I'd like permission to trail her. I can make it look professional-I've tailed PLENTY of people," she said. She had put emphasis on Annika's rank mostly to be a bitch, but also to highlight that she had more experience than the other woman, though the ranks were similar. "I just need an hour or so. I don't want to start a war, either, Sirs, but I need to know more. I'd assume you'd WANT to know more, Commander," she said.

Annika looked around, she was done with this mission and a few other things, "I think I'm good."

Naleema crossed her arms as if in boredom and looked over at Kekana. The women could hear everything the Starfleet officers were saying despite their hushed whispers. "I know that humans with their dull senses often underestimate how well other races can see and hear, but I would have thought the Andorian would not have been so obvious," Naleema commented dryly.

"Don't antagonize her further," Kekana said hushing her like a mother might a child.

"Further? I did nothing to antagonize her the first time. She was pacing the floor and checking the hall as if we were keeping her like a caged animal when she's free to come and go as she pleases. I simply inquired into her restlessness," Naleema responded. "Typical Andorian, paranoid and quick-tempered. I don't know why the humans are in league with them."

"There is no Empire. Our best chance of survival is to get along with the Federation, whether you like it or not, Commander," Kekana commented.

Kekana to her credit did not show frustration with Commander Naleema. Nor was she showing concern about the conversation the Starfleet officers were having not so discreetly in their command center. Lieutenant Torin had seemed trustworthy. If he were true, then their relationship with Starfleet would be fruitful. If he were not, then it best they learn now so that the colony could continue to fend for itself.

Jorel just looked over his shoulders at the Romulans that were a few paces away, talking amongst themselves. While he didn't trust them either, he didn't want to mess something up. This was one of his first few tests of being the Senior Diplomat, so he looked at his team and whispered, "Look, I don't trust her either. But, we can't just go around accusing them of something without proof. Maybe, talk to some of the people that work with her, especially the ones that work with her on a daily basis. See if there's anything that they've might have noticed lately, even before they knew that we were coming, okay? Gather whatever intel you can about her and come see us within the next hour or so. I'm going to work with the others and take them up on that offer of touring the schools."

The Andorran's antennae drooped a moment, and hazel eyes flashed as she thought a moment. "Alright," she conceded. " I can do that," she said. "Annika, are you coming?" She stowed her rifle over her shoulder, and headed out of the room, ignoring Naleema and Kekena as she did. She made her way down the corridor in the opposite direction. She had a plan

"No I'm good to go back too the ship, I've seen everything." Annika said acting uninterested.

"Okay, just let us know when you get back up there and sent everything about our meetings thus far back to the ship and all," Jorel said, knowing and understanding what she may be doing.


Commander Chalan Kendri 
First Officer 
USS Columbia 

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer 
USS Columbia 

Lieutenant Jorel Torin II 
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia 

1st Lieutenant Vevi Zh'kahlol 
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia 

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir th'Kaasnik 
Operations Officer
USS Columbia 

Ensign Annika Wiseman 
Intelligence Officer 
USS Columbia 


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