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Chez Sandrine Part 3: Rack 'em Up

Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 7:15pm by Thrita sh'Qirhess

2,821 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: TBD after part 2

"Any of you want to play?" Zeke asked. "He held out a pool cue to the trio who had just ran off the bar's gigolo.

"This looks like fun! You'll have to explain the rules", Thrita said as she grabbed a pool cue. The staff twisted in her hands as she spun it to feel its weight distribution. Walking towards the table, she stretched out to rub the soft texture. Quickly moving her hand, she leaned forward to study potential angles towards openings. The balls were spread across the table, with some potentially hidden in pockets. "Aren't you like.. not supposed to hit one of them in?" Thrita had paused for a moment in thought, antennae still twisting with bemusement.

"I have," Vevi said. "But feel free to explain. I've had to learn to do things like this. Helps to blend in when I need information from a target." She said. She took a cue, and chalked it up, getting ready.

"The black 8-ball," Zeke pointed out. "Don't hit that into any of the pockets until last. We won't worry about calling shots. See how the balls are either striped or solid? We decide which team plays which type of ball by who gets a ball in a pocket first."

"We can show you how as we go along," Shan offered.

Vevi nodded. "It's pretty simple, once you figure it out," she said. "How about we split up? Myself and Lissa on one team, Zeke and Thrita on the other, and can play with...Zeke and Thrita. We'll be stripes," she said.

"I think I get it now." Thrita took a few steps back from the table, moving alongside Zeke. "Surely it can't be too tricky." She laughed nervously. "It should be easy enough to aim for the solids anyway." Her thoughts fixated on the upcoming game, confident in Zeke's ability. The chance to play an alien game excited her.

"We don't actually pick who is stripes vs solid until after the break and someone pockets a ball," Zeke reminded the group.

Vevi gave him a LOOK but moved into position.

Lissa removed the rack and stashed under the pool table. "So if we break first and happen to get a solid in on our break we have to play solids. Or vice versa," she said as she walked around to the side of the table.

"You two can go first if you want," Shan offered, standing away from the table.

Lissa looked at Vevi, "You wanna break or do you want me to?"

"I don't mind," she said, taking the stance. Placing her fingers against the green velveteen fabric, she brought an arm back, and, quickly, released. She watched in satisfaction as the white ball hit her target-#11 to the right pocket. Excellent.

The sound made Thrita jump. The fluidity of the first shot cast an anxiety into her which slowly began to build. Although she was glad Zeke was good at the game, she would have preferred to play alongside Shanir. She looked to him, resting the butt of her pool cue on her toe. "Hmm.. You'll have to help me with this", she said demurely.

Vevi heard the tone in Thrita's voice. OHHHHHH. It all made sense now. She smirked, but nodded. "Indeed, Shan, show us what you got," she said.

Shan gave a nod toward the table. "Vevi keeps going until she misses or scratches. She'll have to hit the white ball from where it is, and keep trying to hit more striped balls into the pockets." Shan put his arm around her waist. "We'll just sit back and watch until then."

Vevi nodded, and took her turn again. Alas, she didn't sink any more balls, so she shrugged. "Ah, well. You guys are up. Give it a try, Thrita. You're with friends, don't worry if you don't get it right the first time!"

Zeke nodded at Shan as he took a drink, "Go ahead."

"So now we have to start working on the solid colored balls, but try to avoid knocking the black 8-ball into a pocket." Shan walked over to where the cue ball had stopped and noticed an easy shot was set up already.

"Thrita, there's an easy shot right here if you want to go first. The red 3-ball is right in front of the side pocket, and you've got a clean shot." Shan pointed out the trajectory with his pool cue.

Vevi took a swig of her ale as she watched the others interact. She smiled. It was nice to be a part of a group thing. She sometimes felt like an outsider, being a Marine and all, and being unable to trust easily because of her job. She'd seen the worst in some people, and it jaded her a bit.

Not really wanting to go first, Thrita exhaled a nervous sound mixed between a grunt and a moan. "I guess so." Thrita had been spinning the cue from hand to hand, getting used to the weight. It reminded her of a staff, not different from ones she had trained with. Her hand pressed against the material and spread, eyes squinting as she winced and stared down the shot. She brought the cue back and rocked it between her fingers. It didn't feel or look as fluid as the last shot when she pushed forward against the white ball.

The sound clapped as the ball sped forwards, luckily kissing the 3-ball that sat not far from the pocket. Thrita jumped, knowing the shot was by total luck. "I did it!" Deep breathing showed the release of tension as she turned to Shan.

Shan smiled excitedly for her. "Great job!" he said enthusiastically.

Zeke came from around the table and put his hand up to give Thrita a high five.

She instinctively slapped her palm against his. "Thanks! That one was easy though." he clasped onto his palm for a moment awkwardly, figuring he was offering some sort of handshake as he approached.

Vevi smiled. "Good! You got it. You'll get more comfortable as the night goest on," Vevi said, giving Zeke a half-assed high five. She wasn't a "high fiver".

"I'm sure I'll have a harder time as the game goes on", said Thrita as she examined the table. Although the balls had broken nicely across the table, many were still gathered in bunches. She looked back to the Marine. "Thanks though!" Her eyes met Vevi's and she felt her cheeks flush. A nervous smile escaped.

Vevi just nodded. This girl needed some more confidence. She didn't say anything, though, just waited for the others to play through.

Lissa patiently sat on a bar stool and watched Shan and Zeke study the table. There was a cluster of balls that had two solid balls on the perimeter. Zeke used his cue to point out a trajectory. "With some luck, knock both in there and there," he murmured to Shan.

Shan nodded, "It's a good shot, take it."

"No, I meant for Thrita. She should go again. She sank the last ball," Zeke commented to Shan. "Hey Thrita," Zeke called out a little louder. "Got a shot for you to try."

"Oh, it's my go again." Thrita walked back towards the table, studying the cluster with two balls on the edge. She placed her hand on the table and aimed once again. After sinking a solid, her hope was to aim for as many balls as possible in hopes of knocking on in. She released her shot, smashing into a solid ball which thunked into another. The cluster was spread apart as balls bounced off the siding. One solid moved towards the pocket but bounced off the edge. "So close," Thrita said as she looked from Zeke to Shan.

"Great work, ball is in a good spot for us," Shan said encouragingly.

"Absolutely," Zeke concurred as he grabbed a seat at a nearby table. "All's good."

Vevi smiled. "Excellent shot," she said. Yes, they were playing against each other, but they were on the same "team" at the end of the day. "Lissa, do you want go next, or?" She asked the Orion.

"Yeah sure." Lissa hopped off her bar stool and sized up the table. "You managed to put the cue ball in a really awkward spot too..." Lissa commented as she tried to figure out how she was going to angle her shot so that she didn't foul any of the nearby balls.

Lissa glanced up at Vevi, "Here goes nothing." Lissa couldn't get a lot of speed behind the ball, but she had a clear shot otherwise to knock the 13 ball into the side pocket. The white ball seemed to crawl across the table before it finally kissed the orange striped ball, barely knocking it into the pocket.

Lissa let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding and with it came a laugh. "Alright then. Here we go."

Vevi chuckled. "Sorry," she said, to Lissa. After Lissa cued up, Vevi finished her beer and headed to Thrita. "HI!! How are you doing?" She said.

Thrita smiled happily. "Hey! I'm doing well. Still getting used to this ship. We don't have places like this on our mining vessels. So what do you do on the Columbia? It seems like you're all such a tight-knit group."

Vevi nodded. "I remember," she said. "Or, well. I remember being told," she said. "I am the acting assistant chief of Intelligence and infiltration specialist," she said. "I know. A blue colored Andorian as an infiltration specialist, but it's worked out. Other assets know," she said.

"That's not so hard to believe", Thrita replied, wiping her hair from her eye with a wave. "Besides, I'm sure there's all sorts of tech and techniques to help you blend in. Even just clothing. It's nice getting to know everyone though. You've all done so much more than I have. Do you enjoy what you do?" The crew seemed more close-knit than she had imagined Starfleet personnel to be. There was a cold feeling aboard the Andorian ships she'd served on which she didn't seem to sense among this group.

Vevi nodded. "I do. I never thought it's what I'd gravitate to. Both my shreya and thavan are government workers, and my zhavey is an artist," she said. "So I thought I'd be doing something more...cerebral," she said. "But I've always preferred keeping active and this is a good way to do that, plus it's always exciting." She smiled. "What about you? How did you come to join the Fleet?"

As Thrita listened to the zhen, she became more interested. Her eyes glanced downwards to study her figure as she mentioned keeping active. Her eyes met Vevi's as a typical teal blush tinted her cheeks. "They sound like interesting people." She wondered if Vevi was also an artist. "Well.. I'm not actually in the fleet. I'm opening up a training center. You'll have to stop by." Her strong, but delicate hand wrapped around Vevi's arm and squeezed. "I hope to train others in the fighting styles of the Chaako Tiaani. In the process, I can refine my craft and really push myself. Maybe I can fight competitively someday. My thavan has really been pushing me to join the Fleet."

Thrita smirked and bit her lip, trying to hide the playfully embarrassing identity of her father from the Marine.

Vevi smiled. "Ooh, that sounds interesting. I'll be your first client! It's been a while, but I need to get back into the old ways," she said. "My parents would be pleased, anyway." She shrugged. "I am sure your father means well, but it isn't for everyone," she said. "Tell him you want to be a Marine. I'll bet he changes his tune QUICKLY," she said, with a laugh. Her parent unit had, but they quickly got over it. They supported her now, especially when they saw the passion and grace that she had learned and earned.

"Do you need another drink?" Vevi asked Thrita.

"Yes please.." Thrita noticed Vevi had been drinking an ale. "You know? I want to try a human ale. Something unique. Can you pick me out a nice one?"

Vevi nodded. "Sure. You want something a bit stronger, or lighter?" She asked. She glanced at the menu. "An IPA is in-between. I'll see what they have." She left the group a moment, sidling up to the bar. A bit later, she returned, a Belgian ale in one hand (for her), and Thrita's IPA in the other. She handed the beer off to the woman. "Here ya go. Hazy IPA," she said.

Lissa managed to sink four balls during her turn with the cue stick, bringing their total to five. "Yeah!" she exclaimed even though her last shot was a miss, it was still a good run. She jumped to give Zeke a high five.

"Impressive, Lissa," Shan commented. He raised his hand for a high five as well even though he was on the other team. "You set us up for quite a challenge."

"Wow. The table looks like all solids now." Thrita laughed heartily, slightly buzzed from the drink. "You're good Lissa." She turned to Shan. "At least the table's cleared up a bit, huh?" She had hoped to study Lissa's technique but had been distracted by the Marine.

Shan laughed softly, "It's a popular past time at the Academy. She is good though." Shan gave her a light kiss on the cheek. "I guess it's my turn now. I apologize if I don't match up to Nurse Kerr over there."

Thrita stepped in closer, turning to line up with him. She leaned forward to quickly peck him on the lips and clasp her palm around the top of his hand as it held the cue. "I'm sure you'll do fine. It's fun anyway!" She stepped to the side to let Shanir approach the table.

Lissa lifted her drink toward Shan in acknowledgement as he took the pool cue and examined the table for a shot.

As Vevi returned with her drink, Thrita grinned. "You know, if I told Ry... my thavan... that I wanted to join the Marines.. He'd probably take me to the department and try to get me to enlist right here." Her eyes widened nervously, embarrassed that she had almost dropped her guard so easily.

Vevi laughed. "He'd have to go through a bunch of hoops, I don't care who he is," she said, not having caught the woman's slip up, instead a bit confused about what was actually happening. Thrita seemed to be flirting, but also with Shan. Mixed signals weren't something that Vevi was good with.

"He would jump through the hoops and break down all doors", Thrita laughed and took a deep breath. She noticed a slight look in her eyes at the way she looked at her and Shanir. A look of innocence rested in her eyes at the look, unwavering and steady. "The funny thing is that Shan and I found out we were bonded after meeting at Ice. Our parents bonded us together in our youth. Shan, my thavan and I talked it over. We even reached out to the others. Our chan is uncertain, but it sounds like our zhen might back out." A look of pensiveness washed over her for a moment before she continued. "But at least they're letting us make our own way, right Shan?"

Shan had been watching Lissa play, and had just finished making his first shot, so he had not picked up on Thrita's subtle flirtatiousness with Vevi. Not that he was prone to be a jealous type anyway. He paused for a moment, "I'm sorry, what was that?" he asked setting the cue aside, his attention now fully on Thrita so he didn't miss the question a second time.

"I was just telling Vevi about our bondgroup. My thavan came up and I was speaking on how I'm grateful that he's allowed us flexibility in our bondgroup." Thrita took a deep breath, looking from Shanir to Vevi as the turquoise blush brightened her cerulean cheeks.

Lissa had been watching closely only since her turn at the table had ended, but she'd seen enough to pick up on what Thrita was putting out there and was smiling as she tried to pretend she was focusing elsewhere. She nudged Zeke. "Maybe we need to go get a drink somewhere else after this game," she whispered, her eyes dancing with laughter that she was holding back.

"How many times am I going to be your buddy while you play wingman anyway? Can't these people figure it out on their own?" He asked as he fiddled with a straw.

Lissa held her hands up in innocence. "I swear, I did not see this coming."


>> PART 4>>


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