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A Quiet Evening In

Posted on Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 2:36pm by Ensign Sar

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Sar's Quarters
Timeline: MD C22, 2140 hours

Sar sat quietly in a fairly Spartan room. A nice view of the planet Campor III and the surrounding star system could se seen from a fairly small window. One painting hung on the otherwise bare walls. Two chairs sat alongside a round table made of replicated Vulcan stone. A sofa like lounger sat on the opposite wall facing a wide bed. Sar's personal room section connected to a central suite space that was shared with a roommate. A door alongside the lounger led into a central space complete with a bathroom, kitchen and central lounging area.

Gentle music of stringed Vulcan instruments played a gentle melody that the Vulcan found inspiring. In his hand was a PADD. While working on the planet's surface, a colonist told Sar about the literary works of a Vulcan settler named Shalan. The works were inspired by life on the planet, providing Sar a unique window into life on the planet.

Sar felt at complete peace. He was in control of his mind state and emotions. A poetically bland pot of plomeek tea had just been brewed, with no distracting aroma in the air. Sar read the PADD while lifting his tea mug with his left hand.

Unlike her boyfriend, Sarah bet Ira was...anxious. Something was happening in her head, and she didn't know what. It was almost as if she'd been exposed to some kind of temporal activity. The young woman paced the corridors outside of Engineering, looking for Sar. Finally, his boss had taken pity on her, and told her he'd already left for the day. She quickly took off towards his quarters, hoping he'd be alone.

She rang the chime, and then spoke, loudly. "Sar? I am sorry if I am interrupting. I need your help," she said. Hopefully, he'd let her in and wouldn't be too upset.

He set his things down, moving quickly and with concern. "Come in." The door to his private room opened, Sar moving to greet her. "Greetings, my heart's desire. What seems to be troubling you." He moved to embrace her.

She didn't wait for him, instead, she shut the door firmly behind her and pushed him (gently) against the wall, kissing him squarely. "I don't know, something is wrong, but also, it's right," she said. She was normally logical, calm, careful. Right now? She was wild and maybe a little anxious. "It's been like that in increasing intensity since the sleepover," she explained, starting to undress him. "You want to...move this along?" She was desperate for him, but she didn't know why. They were moving at what she thought was a good pace, usually-they had made out a few times but otherwise, they had yet to have physical intimacy other than some cuddling and hugs, which she was fine with and felt comfortable-until this morning. She'd barely been able to make it through her work, and she knew that her coworkers knew.

The Vulcan kissed back as he was tackled. His eyelids hung low in an accidentally seductive gaze that fixated on Sarah as she kissed and spoke. "I believe we have made our intentions clear." They paused to kiss. "There is no more need for..." Their hands embraced and their bodies drew closer. "Delays." His land hand broke free to wrap around her lower back, guiding her towards the lounger. The clouds of the planet below reflected the golden light of the star above. Not only did it give the clouds a glimmering sheen, it cast a warm glow back into the room on their bodies as they began to undress. Sar moved to lift her shirt after his own had been tugged over his head.

She nodded, but allowed him to guide her to the lounger. Something in the mess in her head went off, but she ignored it. She trusted him, fully, but still worried about what people would think. Except...there were no people here. She told herself to relax, and then her shirt was off. She shivered lightly at the subtle shift in the temperature. He kept his quarters cooler than she did, but a lot. Enough that her body picked up on it, though. She reminded herself to shut up, and began to move her hands over his bare skin. Overthinking would kill the mood, but she was...still into it. She removed more clothing until she was fully bare. What now? With human men, it was...different. Less caring, perhaps. Still, whatever mind fuckery was happening took back over again, and she moved against him. The logical part of her remaining brain cells let him take the lead.

Sar left lingering kisses along her body as he laid her down. Soft lips pressed down the side of her neck, upwards to peck in a path leading behind her ear. Another kisses quickly pressed to her lips with passion, tearing away to kiss and suckle where her collarbone met her neck. His hand which held hers pulled it back behind her head and trapped it. His kisses worked their way up to her jawline, working up along its side to kiss underneath her chin before returning to her lips.

Sarah just let the feelings happen. She kissed him in kind, her lips trailing over his collarbones and chest, hands following, exploring the nooks and crannies. She let out a few sighs of pleasure and then kissed him squarely. She ran her soft hands across his face, his ears, and through his hair. "Sar..." she moaned softly. It was gentle, and slow, and sweet. And she was gone in the moment, her mind at ease and her body warm to his touch. She didn't have the words but the feeling was...pure. Love. Or something like it?

His ears were especially sensitive to her touch, unlocking a level of passion he kept well reserved underneath a complex web of suppression, only accessed only during the most special moments of his life. Sar's kisses continued to work lower, his head disappearing under her grip. He kissed back upwards, taking her in his arms and pulling her towards him. Soft silken pants still shielded her from his full form.

Curious eyes looked over her body, meeting with her own gaze. He wondered what seemed to have driven her to him at this moment, holding her close.

She let out some pleasurable sounds as he caressed her gently, and then smiled when he looked at her. "I don't know what's happening, but this is...good," she said. She returned to kissing him, shifting her body under his gently.

He kissed her lips before responding. "Our telepathic bond is finally forming." Their lips pressed together once more. "The force drew you to me." They kissed once more. "Because I needed you."

"Is that what it is?" She asked. It made more sense than Temporal beings, at any rate.

As Sar then rolled over, Sar fell out of his loose fitting pants. They embraced under the light of the golden star.

Fade to black....THEN

The long, squat shadow of a Type-11 shuttlecraft flew briskly past the Vulcan's window. It sped towards the planet at high impulse. Inside, a security team was set to monitor activity on the planet's surface. The runabout punctured Campor III's atmosphere, glowing from the heat within and buckling under the grinding stress of its gravitational forces.

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar 
Engineering Officer 
USS Columbia 


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