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Dinner from the Ferengi, To Thank Our Starfleet Guests, Part 2

Posted on Thu Dec 7th, 2023 @ 9:08pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Crewman Ki'ana

1,150 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III
Timeline: MD: C17 1930 Hours, After Part 1

Ryhl's attention turned to the officers as they ate. They seemed to really be reacting to the selection on display. As he approached the food, he started with a Jalapeño popper and one of the bacon-wrapped dates. He took a little of the Trill salad and finally added a small wing slug.

Ryhl approached Kobi and the others. "Mister Tomm, I have to say I'm excited to try Trill food for the first time." Ryhl poked his fork at the Grakizh meat and fresh vegetables, taking the first bite. "Mmm.." It took him a moment to chew. "Flavorful. Very fragrant. Fresh too. Do you have any good memories with food growing up?"

“Yes, sir. I was explaining earlier to Kephi that syto beans, especially dip, was a treat. It’s wonderful with toasted bread or fresh raw vegetables. I enjoy it very much. I remember as a child, Kobi, me, before I was joined, I loved Senaran egg broth. Similar to Terran chicken soup. Like a comfort food, especially if you were sick. And then, my first host Tajod was a frequent drinker of Balso tonic. I’ve tried it, and, Captain, to be honest with you, it’s terrible.”

Ryhl smiled as he listened to Tomm speak. He tried to visualize the officer as a child, enjoying comfort food. "Terrible, huh?" A few chuckles escaped happily. "Sometimes the best foods are the ones that grow on you. I think I heard you order the syto bean dip just now." He looked at the security chief's plate. "It looks delicious! You know back on Andoria, our favorite soup when you're ill is esh'esh. It's usually too salty for offworlders, but it's so good to my people."

“It’s fun to try new things, different food especially. Suppose one has to be wary of allergies and such, but certainly one of the reasons we’re out here. To seek out new life and new food and libations?,” Kobi joked.

Ryhl chuckled for a few moments at the thought. "I know what you mean. There's no point in exploring the stars if we stick to the same food. You'll definitely have to show me some of the best Trill dishes in the replicator bank. I bet there's a lot to try."

Nez approached Kobi Tomm, overhearing the conversation. "Oh great! You made use of the server. Don't hesitate to ask. I'm at everyone's disposal as well." The Ferengi walked among the crowd. "How can I be of service to anyone? I want you all to feel at home. You know, this gives me a chance to speak for my people. Thank you for helping us with the medical crisis. I live outside of Grabok, so I wasn't;t affected. But I had friends who were and..." A flutter of emotion crept into his voice as it wavered. "I want you to know that it means a lot to us. Thank you."

A tear streamed down the normally chipper Ferengi's cheek.

“Now, now, Mr. Nez. It’s alright. Your people have done a remarkable thing here. Building this colony, these extraordinary structures. Starfleet just wanted to make sure nothing happens to them and everything else you accomplished.”

"Thanks for that, sir", Nez replied. "You know, a lot of us Ferengi here are a bit different. Many have adapted to the liberal ways of Grand Nagus Rom. Profit is key, but there is another side to life. Me? I know its hard to believe. But I'm a former enlisted Marine. I was based on Hawkeye Island for a few years. Sometimes it feels like people still see me as some Ferengi. But your crew has really made me, made all of us, feel welcome."

“Nez, I admit it hasn’t always been easy. At least for me. I haven’t always trusted your species. I’ve had my dealings with the Ferengi and it hasn’t always been pleasant. But you and your community have shown us the best of what the Ferengi can be. So I should return the thanks,” Tomm said.

"Experiences foster trust. Limited dealings lead to less exposure. A lot has changed for those of us who live on the fringes of Ferengi society. For those like us, we believe community can lead to greater profits. It's a risky investment strategy. I always say buy the fear! Sell the hype." Nez had begun opening up to Kobi, speaking quickly. "One day ideas like ours will go more mainstream."

“That’s a very healthy way to look at it, Nez. You don’t always need a starship to explore, you know. I believe, and I think my crewmates will agree, that the Federation and Starfleet is all about people. Endeavors like this enables different cultures to expand our knowledge and “explore” what’s here….and here,” Tomm said as he pointed to his head and his heart.

“That’s the best part of the job, Nez.”

"Oh, my goodness. This is excellent!" Ki'ana piped up from her seat just a little further down the table. She had no idea why she deserved to join this dinner with the commissioned officers, considering she wasn't one and hadn't done much for a while, but she thought she might as well just take the chance. Before her sat a bowl of Kelpien grabi stew, now mostly eaten. Never had she ever expected to find food from her homeworld so far out and of such good quality, but then again perhaps Ferengi did know how to source nearly anything with their business smarts. "Can I get another bowl when I'm done please?" She asked the next server that passed by her. He seemed a little scared of her, the young Ferengi male, judging by the way he looked at her.

"Sure thing", said the diminutive man as he clasped his hands. "Would you be needing anything else? Perhaps a drink?" An anxious smile revealed small, pointy teeth.

"Fredalia iced tea, please." Ki'ana smiled at the Ferengi. "Just one glass. And could I also get a turkey leg if you somehow have any?"

The Ferengi bowed after entering her order on a PADD. "The turkey will take quite some time to prepare. Such food needs time to be made fresh. Have no worries, we'll bring this out to you when it's ready. I will return with your drink shortly."

"There's no rush at all. Take your time with it, don't worry!" Ki'ana smiled a disarmingly bright smile at the much shorter Ferengi. He was comically short, almost - average height for his species, from her textbooks, but that hardly detracted from the hilarity of it.

>> Part 3 >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Cadet Ki'ana
Academy Nursing Student
USS Columbia


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