Crewman Ki'ana

Name Ki'ana

Position Nurse

Rank Crewman


  • 7 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Dec 28th, 2023 @ 6:21am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Kelpien
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 60kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Purple
Physical Description Slender and lithe yet undoubtedly feminine, Ki'ana is a pleasant visage to meet in the hallway, with a sweet smile and gentle lilac eyes that never seem to blink, not while she's paying attention to you, anyway.


Spouse None
Children None
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ki'ana strives to befriend literally everyone. No, really. Growing up in a rural community where everyone knew everyone else, she tries very hard indeed to see the good in everyone and anyone she sees, even that effort is misplaced. Her peers say that she radiates girl-next-door vibes, which certainly helps her goal of getting along with everyone very nicely indeed.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Friendly
+ Hardworking

- Tries too hard to make everyone comfortable with her
- Somewhat of a people pleaser
Ambitions - Start up a kindness campaign with her captain's permission... when she's earned her commission. Of course, plans always change.
- Commit every page of Starfleet's nursing manual to memory. She's only halfway there at the moment!
Hobbies & Interests - The violin, which she picked up at Starfleet Academy. She was part of the Academy's violin ensemble before resigning to concentrate on her training and studies. She continues to play occasionally for relaxation today.
- Long, slow walks, preferrably with someone else, be it a friend, a colleague or more.

Personal History Many Kelpien children would've loved to have a childhood like Ki'ana's. Ki'ana was lucky to grow up in a well-to-do family in the capital city of Kaminar. Not once did she ever have to worry about getting sick or not having enough food on the table at mealtimes - which was unfortunately one of the factors that contributed to her treatment in school. Many of her classmates hailed from humble backgrounds and assumed her to be disconnected from them due to her privileged background. This was, of course, a harmful (and ultimately wrong) assumption - Ki'ana would, unfortunately, spend the first many years of student life shunned by her classmates and being accused of being out of touch with her less privileged peers. Which she was, really, sort of.

Things turned on their head when she and her parents chartered a civilian vessel to Risa when she was nineteen years old. They never made the full journey -