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Second Date in Space

Posted on Wed Dec 6th, 2023 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić

2,211 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Lissa's Quarters, Deck 10
Timeline: MD C18 2030 hours

Lissa went back to her quarters for a shower after a long shift. She and Mario had talked about dinner tonight, assuming he didn't get wrapped up in something. She kicked off her boots and tapped her commbadge. She tried to think of something to say that wouldn't sound weird if he was with a group of people.

"Kerr to Pranjić, you still good for later?"

Mario dropped his helmet on the locker room bench as the comm rang out, "I am Ms Kerr." in an generic attempt to wait until Buster and Crunch had left, "I just got back from a patrol, so I'm going to grab a shower, give me fifteen." he said as he opened his locker.

"Ditto. Take your time." Lissa responded casually, but she realized she should probably hurry, so we she got off the comms, she quickly undressed so she could grab a quick shower and figure out what to even wear. She normally didn't put a ton of thought into such things, but this was kind of like a date.

Not wanting to look like she was trying too hard, she picked out a basic pair of slim fitting black pants with knee high boots and a dark purple top that fell off her shoulders.

Mario pulled a pair pants out of his locker an a slightly snug fitting shirt, he did his best to clean up after a seven hour flight, he even shaved for the second time today, as he combed his hair he looked in the mirror, he actually was trying to impress this woman, and not by being the Raven, but being himself. It felt weird but oddly rewarding, as he left the squadron ready room, he stopped at his 'desk' to grab his bomber jacket and the item he'd hidden under it and left. He made his way too Lissa's quarters, it was rare for Mario to feel excited, in fact, this was a rare thing for him to feel at all. He pressed the door chime.

Lissa startled at the chime, she had been debating on jewelry, if any. She slipped on a bracelet her mother had given her and called it a day. "Come in" she called out, signaling for the doors to open as she walked into the common area. She smiled when Mario stepped in. She smiled quite a bit, but there was a different sparkle in her eyes tonight. Still, she felt a bit nervous.

"How was your day? Can I get you anything?" she asked.

Mario smiled, he had to hold back for a moment, “A very long patrol in a cramped cockpit with Numbers, so yes I could use a drink, lime and soda water for now.” He said still holding his flight jacket along with the gift hidden inside.

"You got it," Lissa replied taking a few steps toward the replicator. "Did you want to go out or stay in?" She asked as she ordered his drink.

Mario looked at her as she walked over too the replicator, "We could, I really don't feel too social right now, I kinda want you to myself right now, plus I have something for you." he said sliding his hand inside his jacket.

"Oh you do?" Lissa asked, as she handed him his drink. "You didn't have to do that." She played it off casually, but she was more than a little curious about what he was hiding under his jacket.

Mario slid out the bundle, and unfolded it, it was a standard issue squadron jacket, "I figured you could use one of these, sorry there's no squadron patch, but it does have your name on it, plus I put the medical badge on it, makes it one of a kind for now." he said showing the matching name plate stitched into the chest.

"Aww this is so thoughtful," Lissa said excitedly as she looked over the jacket. "This is pretty awesome." She slipped the jacket on, and did a spin to show it off. "You're setting the bar pretty high for yourself kinda early," she teased, giving him a playful wink.

"Well I'm glad you like it, maybe one day I can get you up in the back seat of my fighter, but right now, how about a kiss?" Mario gushed.

Lissa closed the gap between them and slid her arms around his waist. "I see how you work," she said playfully, leaning forward so her lips met his.

Mario's hands slowly slid down her back to her hips, "In all the galaxy, in all the infinite places, you had to be where I was?"

Lissa smiled and nodded slowly, "Yeah, I think that's how this works," she said softly. Her hands were clasped behind his back as he shifted her weight playfully. "You getting hungry?" she asked, leaning in for another quick kiss before he could answer.

"I could eat, long as it's not ration bars." Mario said he said kissing her neck.

Lissa tilted her head, giving Mario better access to her neck. "You are like a drug," she moaned. "If you want dinner, you are going to have to stop that."

"You're right, it's hard to resist such an exotic and beautiful woman," he gave her a slight squeeze on her butt, "It's hard to do much on an empty stomach except hold you."

"Well, why don't you find us something from the replicator, and I'll uh... clear off the table." She glanced sheepishly at the PADDS and portable LCARS terminal on her table. "It'll just take a second."

Mario started to scroll through the menus, "Have you ever had Penne Rigate, I only ask because there's a half decent recipe here."

"Sure, but I haven't tried any since being here. Sounds good to me," Lissa stacked her mess of study materials on a nearby shelf. "Do you drink wine? I have a bottle of Tuscan red I'm a personal fan of, or there's some chardonnay in the cooler if you prefer white."

Mario keyed in the meal, "Red would fit better with the meal." seconds later as the dishes were ready, "we can eat..."

"I don't know a thing about wine and food pairing," she admitted. "When I go out on the ship it's usually synthehol and cocktails."

She brought the wine and a couple of glasses over before retrieving a glass of water for herself. "So you actually got to go out today?" she asked as she sat down.

Mario sat down "They changed the standby to a full patrol of the system and planet below, you'd think we were on the edge of war with all of the tension at times."

"It's been a powder keg since we arrived, I'm not surprised," Lissa said taking a bite. She chewed for a minute and swallowed. "I was down at the Klingon settlement when they had a ship explode causing a domino effect with the other vessels nearby. I've never seen a fire like that - so many injured. And later that night their governor was assassinated by a drone. Point blank. Just like that. and the Ferengi virus wasn't entirely biological - nanites."

"Anyway, someone is up to no good, and we're here for it." Lissa stopped and looked at Mario for a moment. "It's good the Mendocino arrived when it did. For more reasons than one."

Mario smiled "The feeling is very mutual."

"So what made you decide to be a pilot?" Lissa asked.

Mario with a mouthful of pasta looked at Lissa, swallowing "My dad was a cargo pilot, he did mostly in system runs, I got to go along when I was fourteen and fell in love with it, I've had my pilot's license since I was sixteen, and when I went into fighter school I found myself at home." he paused to lift the glass of wine, "What lead to you becoming a nurse?"

Lissa took a sip of her wine. "Well, I'm not stopping there. After I spent a year with the interspecies medical exchange, I decided to get a medical degree. Too thirsty for knowledge I guess."

Lissa smiled. "It was a number of things really. I like to help people. I've always been interested in science and medicine and medical anomalies. I like to think I handle myself well in a crisis." She used her fork to move her food around a bit on her plate. "I was done with the academy though and didn't want to sit around the classroom anymore. Dr. Takanashi offered to take me on. It's great - she really challenges me."

"What does your dad do now?" she asked, finally taking another bite.

"Dad still flies at the least two too three times a week, the trips aren't as big these days but he's still out there, I haven't been home in over a year but my sister does the majority of the flights these days, same trips from the New Berlin colony back to earth, I haven't really talked to her since my last time near earth which was just before I got the orders too report here." Mario said as he scooped up some of the pasta.

"Where is home for you?" Lissa asked curiously. "I grew up on starships. My dad would take my mom and me to his parents house. And my parents have a place on Earth now, but they didn't settle there until I was almost 18. I guess I've always called home where ever I am at the time."

Mario smiled, "The Croatian region in the Balkans on earth, lakes, ancient castles, massive forests, beaches, it's quite wonderful at times."

"It sounds beautiful," Lissa agreed. "Sounds like you got to grow up with the best of both worlds."

"It feels great some days, Judging by that slight southern drawl you grew up on earth?' Mario said with an impish grin.

"Not really. Starfleet brat," Lissa responded. "We only got back here and there really. By the time I was old enough to remember anyway my dad had made Captain, so he didn't take much time off. My dad's family is really the only family we have. My mom... well we don't have contact with anyone from Orion." Lissa decided to leave the details of that out for now. No need to get all weird they were even through their second date... first date... Whatever this was.

"My dad did grow up in Kentucky. My grandparents still have land there. I guess I didn't realize I had a ... 'drawl' did you call it?" Lissa giggled. "It's beautiful out there. Lots of grassy hills, they have horses and those old round rail wood style fences around the pasture. When we'd get to go back I'd fill up a sack with apples and sugar cubes and go out to feed them."

Mario looked over at Lissa, he slid his hand out to touch hers. "It's nice to have some calm before the storm ... especially right now."

Lissa looked at Mario's hand touching hers, and smiled. "Before the storm? Feels like it's been pretty stormy since we got here. Are we expecting something...." Lissa's voice trailed off. She wasn't quite sure how to finish her question.

Mario kissed her hand, "I've been down this road once already, you can't anticipate what could happen, focus on what's in front of you and right now that's me, here, now, and I'm not going anywhere...except maybe Kentucky..." Mario smiled looking into her eyes.

Lissa felt butterflies in her stomach as Mario kissed her hand and talked about visiting Kentucky. She couldn't help but smile when he looked at her like that. "Really? I was thinking Croatia sounded lovely," she said matching his gaze. She let out a small laugh unexpectedly.

Mario smiled, "We can do both, I suddenly want to get back to earth now ... With you."

Lissa leaned in toward Mario. "Well, while we wait for that opportunity, there's also something romantic about being out here exploring the reaches of the galaxy." She leaned in further, brushing her nose against his before pulling back.

Mario closed his grip on her hand, he'd actually felt something for once, he knew what was next, he leaned over the table and kissed her on the lips, he just let the moment go for whatever was next, he stood up then scooped Lissa up from her chair at the table. "I think we'll skip to dessert."

Lissa nodded, "Yeah, I'd like that."

Lissa giggled as Mario carried her into the bedroom. "I'm too heavy, stop," she protested.

Mario made his way to the bed carrying Lissa in his arms, he laid her down one the bed, he felt her arms holding on, he rolled on to the bed pulling her on top of him in the process, he stared hard into her eyes, "In all the galaxy I end up here and there you are," He started running hands down to her hips "things feel complete."

Lissa stopped laughing but didn't stop smiling. She wasn't sure what to say in response, so rather than rack her brain for something to say, she brought her lips to his hoping he'd settle for a kiss.



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