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Senior Staff Luau Part 2: Fruity Drinks

Posted on Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 10:49pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 10:51pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD: C17

Kas walked into the holodeck, the Hybrid was wearing a loose sleeveless tunic that exposed a lot of his tattoos. Kas was also wearing a garment of his people that was fastened at the waist and draped to just above the knee. It looked similar to an earth garment called a kilt, human women often gave him odd looks and made jokes he didn't understand. Fee had an odd expression on her face he'd come by to walk her to the holodeck. He'd never been to a luau, he'd gone on hunts with Caitians and they had cooked the meat in a similar way. So he knew what to expect.

Feeva herself was wearing jorts (jean shorts), a Hawaiian print blouse, and sandals. Under it was her swimsuit, but just the regular Starfleet issue type. She was modest, sure, but she did like to swim, and had no qualms about her body in general. Her red hair was pulled back into two pigtail braids and she had some seashell-shaped earrings in.

She was teasing Kas gently about his "kilt." "Kilts are meant to be tartan, you're wearing a skirt," she said, as they entered. She looked around. It was already kind of busy.

"It's Tacqula a common Quath'Mar garment." Kas smiled. "Though I don't see anything wrong with anyone who wants wear a skirt where quite comfortable in warmer climates."

Feeva just shrugged. "I don't really mind," she said. "Go nude if you wish," she said. "I just don't really understand how it could be comfortable. Don't your thighs rub together?" She hardly wore dresses for that reason, and when she did, she wore shorts under them because nothing was worse than friction burns.

"Hello," she said, out loud, to no one in particular.

J.R waved to everyone, a set of tongs in his hand as he checked over the meat. Upon closer inspection, J.R. was not wearing a shirt, showing off his very toned chest, that were accented with scarring across his chest and some across his abs.

"Hey Kas, Love the Tattoos," J.R. called out as he saw Kas enter the holodeck.

"Thank You, Doctor." Kas smiled. "These markings are the social and spiritual symbols of my people. His smile wavered slightly, after his recent near-death experience he would traditionally add a 'Voi'Quth Claw' to the back of his neck... It wasn't the time to think about...

"You have some interesting marks as well." Kas commented, hoping to change the subject. He figured the man wouldn't mind seeing as the scars were full exposed.

J.R smiled. “Yeah, got quite a collection of them don’t I?”

He put down the tongs, and then points out some on his abs. “Back in the War, my MASH unit came under fire from Jem’Hadar. It got a bit hairy and I took a few hits from close quarters combat.”

He pointed to another one, “This one was from a mission into Breen Space, took a disruptor blast, nearly bought it.” He moves his hands up to his chest. “These are from some cosmetic work.”

"I see," Kas nodded. "You're a fortunate man Doctor."

Kas didn't like talking about the war... However, had asked the man about the scar...

Fee stood by, listening to the men's banter. "Hey, doc, it smells good. What is it?" She asked. She wasn't much for small talk, but she did her best. "Kas, do you want a drink?" She asked.

"Pork Ribs, Brisket, Some steaks, and sausages. They should be ready long before our suckling pig is." J.R. pointed to the massive pig roasting on the open spit.

J.R turned back to Kas. “You’re wondering about the one on my chest aren’t ya? That’s the only one that's not from War.”

"One moment Doctor." Kas said to JR, before turning to Fee and giving her a reassuring look, "I'd love a drink, just bring me whatever you think looks good."

"What happened to your chest?" Kas said.

Feeva simply nodded, looking around. She headed for the bar.

Speaking to the holo-bartender, a good-looking man who said his name was Ronan Dex, she smiled.

"Can I have a banana daiquiri, please?" He nodded, and then indicated Kas.

And for your friend?

"He said to surprise him. Probably a beer?" After a moment, she took the drinks, and headed back to hand off the drinks. After a quick sip of each, she decided she wanted the beer instead, and Kas was left holding something that looked like a yellow milkshake with a pink umbrella. "Sorry, I decided I liked this one better," she said, holding up the cup of something called "India Pale Ale."

"Thank you," Kas took the cup and smelled the beverage. "A human ale, I like the flavor of these. Good choice."

Feeva smiled. "Of course!" She said. "Doctor, it's lovely to see you out of Medical," she said. Feeva's office was, obviously, in the medical unit, and while she was the Acting Chief Counselor, she mostly kept to herself. "Are you getting prepared to take over for Dr. Takanashi?" She asked him.

"Doc, mind if I introduce Commander Razka here to the new guy?" She said. "He understands how shy I am; I might shut down and he'll talk for me," she explained.

Kas smiled down at Feea, "You do better than you give yourself credit."

She smiled, but blushed a little bit.

Kas smiled. "Will have to talk more later, Doctor." He walked away with Fee.

Perhaps the most surprising arrival of all was Ayesha, who'd chosen to wear a white and gold bikini with a sarong wrapped round her waist. When the Pharaoni had arrived was unclear - but she looked surprisingly well-rested and content given how much work she'd been putting in of late. "Don't expect to see me at these get-togethers all that often." She said coolly, accepting a glass of fizzy red drink from one of the holographic waiters. "But I suppose tonight we've all earned a break. How is everyone?" She asked, addressing the rest.

Ryhl leads Kendri and Jorel towards Johanna. "Miss Lyngstad, we were just talking about you. This is Lieutenant Jorel, our new Chief Diplomat."

"Nothing bad I hope." Johanna said to the Captain. She then turned to Jorel. "Lieutenant, glad to meet you." She took a swig of her banana daiquiri as she held out her hand to Jorel.

"Johanna and two ensigns saved my life just a few days ago, she's a hero," Kendri bragged before sipping down the last of her pina colada.

"You are very welcome." Johanna did not really think she was a hero; she was just doing her job. But it was nice when other people acknowledged you. It was not something she had gotten a lot of in StarFleet.

"You've all done so much." Ryhl ran his finger along the husk of the coconut shell. "I never thought this supply run would have turned into such a mess. It's nice to unwind together a little." Ryhl had spent a lot of time worrying about the officers under his command. He grappled with anxiety over the thought that his decisions could potentially put others at risk.

One of the holographic members of the luau walked by with some drinks, where Jorel got one. As he took a sip of the drink and heard Johanna introduce herself and the others, Jorel said, "It's nice to meet all of you! If you ever need a good diplomat or have any sort of diplomatic issues, feel free to come talk to me."

"I'll definitely be needing your help," Ryhl said with slight nervous laughter.

Paisley was standing at Jason's side, looking around. She spotted Kendri and headed to greet her friend. "Hey, Kendri, hopping party," she said. "What's going on?" She said. She snatched a drink from one of the waiters passing by. She'd already finished her beer. She was careful, but she was also a party girl and that part of her wouldn't quite die out yet. Her eyes made a quick scan of the place for Tomm. He was missing this?! She shook her head lightly, but decided to leave Kendri alone about it for a bit. Maybe after another drink...

Just in time, thought Kendri, as she also grabbed a drink from the server making his rounds. Kendri shrugged. "It's a luau. Hula dancers during dinner. When it gets dark there is some kind of story teller and fire-knife dancing."

"I didn't actually mean "what" in the general sense, but in the personal. We've not had much time for one of our dinners," she said. She was mildly aware that her friend was annoyed at her attempts to set her up with the Security chief, but she didn't care much. She just liked everyone to be happy, and she truly believed that came from having a romantic partner. Such a shame that Kendri wasn't lesbian; Jason would've been left far behind.

Kendri paused a beat. She'd been really caught up with work, perhaps on purpose. "Nothing that you'd find interesting," She finally responded, trying to put a playful lilt back into her voice.

"Interesting," commented Johanna as she watched the hula dancers. You had to be pretty coordinated to do what they did. She could hop around on a stage while playing power chords and singing, but hula dancing was a whole other skill set.

>> Part Three >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Special Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Toren II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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