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Senior Staff Briefing Part 2

Posted on Sat Nov 25th, 2023 @ 7:42pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II

1,552 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD C16 0800 hours (after part one)

"A lot of thoughts are headed the Breen's way in all of this", said Ryhl. "Much more footwork has to take place before we can be certain. There does seem to be an organized effort to sabotage the success of the colony. It's great that the Mendocino's crew is taking over there, as I know you've got plenty on your plate." The Captain looked around to see who was next.

Rachel decided she'd follow Paisley "Operations has been of course helping out engineering, but we've also taken the time to continue analyzing the power signature we found on the planet, definitely a large weapons signature but until we go down in person it may be near impossible to pinpoint what exactly. But my presumption is larger munitions. On top of that I've been developing a rotating algorithm for jamming the communication of enemy fighters should the need arise. I've also had my team working to make it more directional and focused through the deflector array so we can add control for tactical should it become necessary. There is a likelihood it would affect our own fighters to an extent as well. On top of all that with the increase demand for power I've been working with Lieutenant Jerane in Engineering to see if we can harness more from the quantum core. We have some projections scaled out but putting it into practice and tapping from it will be an effort in itself. But if we can make it happen, I'll definitely be able to boost our defensive capabilities."

"If that system might affect our own fighters, we'll need to use caution. Depending on the amount of fighters that attacked us in this hypothetical situation, we might not launch fighters. In that case we could look into your system. I'd need to see tests and data before making any calls of course." Ryhl's eyes widened with a hint of excitement as his antennae swirled faster. "But it does sound exciting. Oh and the quantum core is basically on standby. We've been running off the main warp core." Odyssey class starships had both a standard warp core, as well as a quantum slipstream drive. "There's a lot more room to get into the Quantum core's power. We just haven't had a true need yet. It's something we'll keep track of though. Please keep my updated on your projections."

"Who's next? How about Science?" Ryhl looked to Johanna.

J.R sipped on his coffee before he set it down and added a touch more cream and sugar to it, stirring it quietly as he listened to the others. His cup was from the service that was laid out in the conference room, a white cup and saucer patterned after the cups from the Excelsior but reading “USS COLUMBIA” with the modern Starfleet Delta on it in the same blue as the pattern.

Johanna gave her report on what the Science Department had been able to discover. How they had worked to discover something that would neutralize the virus in the planetary water supply and how they could use the ship's systems to deploy it.

"And what's going on in the Medical Department? I understand the team discovered a nanovirus buried within the toxins. You all did well to find antibodies within a resistant patient. How is the implementation of the treatment going on the surface?" Ryhl looked to Dr. McEntyre. The good country doctor had stepped up at an important time. Dr. Takanashi had already put in an enormous effort. Ryhl wanted to give her time to relax as her pregnancy drew into its late stages.

J.R. set their cup down on the saucer. “We believe that the neurotoxin was the cause of the pyrocyte virus that was infecting the colonists. Based on this we’ve developed a vaccine based on compound C-34, with a pyrocyte booster after four hours from initial injection of the vaccine. So far we’re seeing generally positive results from the trials and believe that we may be close to a cure." The doctor leaned back in their chair as they spoke.

"C-34, hmm? I do need to read more into what you've done. Medical information has always been murky to me." Although Ryhl did okay with engineering and mechanical sciences, certain elements of biology had always perplexed him. "It's good to hear that trials are going well though. This means a lot to the Ferengi affected, down there."

Jorel was listening to everything that the other departments had going on at the moment, taking notes of everything going on. When the Doctor was done speaking, Jorel put his PADD down and looked around the room for a moment to make sure that nobody else was about to speak before putting in his update for the Diplomatic Department.

Jorel smiled as he spoke up and said, "Well, I've been slowly looking over everything that the Diplomatic Department has going on, as well as implications of everything going on between the various species within this part of the galaxy. While I'm still catching up, I've found that this ship has definitely had some experiences and I'd like to meet with each department over the next few weeks to get some insight to everything that has been happening. Just to get myself up to date and make sure that I'm not missing anything, if that's alright, Captain?"

"You and I are due for a gathering as well", Ryhl said while smiling to Jorel. "There are a few regional powers outside of Campor that we can reach out to. These colonists are a microcosm of those out here, yet they are our link back to the Beta Quadrant. We'll schedule time to meet with a Lurian ambassador who's been quite cordial to us."

Ayesha took the opportunity to stand and speak. She'd remained silent throughout, listening to the rest speak until now. "The hazard operations team is presently in the process of planning an operation to apprehend the individuals that critically injured lieutenant Elliot on his last mission. The identities of which-" She tapped on the large wall-mounted viewscreen, pulling up the personnel files of captain Memphis and his lackeys. "-we have ascertained with lieutenant Elliot's help." She nodded at the human. Even now her face did not betray the slightest hint of emotion. "Who are presently residing north of the main settlement on Campor. Captain Memphis-" She tapped on the profile of a human male in his forties, "-was apprehended by Lieutenant Elliot some years ago. It is entirely possible that he continues to hold some grudge against him - which is why he may have ordered his comrades, all former Starfleet personnel, to stage and plan the attack that left Elliot fighting for his life. We intend to stage an assault on their residences and bring them in to be court-martialed."

Jason shot a rather angry glance to the Pharaoni officer, "There is no evidence beyond the image of Brayden Tse, Captain Memphis' former chief engineer on the body camera footage, which connects him too the assault, not Mr. Memphis." attempting to restrain himself, "I strongly advise against further actions as this will result in escalation of on going violence on the colony." Jason said putting the captain in a difficult position.

Kendri eyed the Captain from across the table as Ayesha spoke. Her normally patient and controlled demeanor was tested as she learned the special ops team had been planning a raid without consulting the command team. She was ready to respond, but Ayesha had obviously struck a trigger with their intelligence officer who beat her to it.

When Kendri spoke up, it came out a little louder than she intended to. "Lieutenant Ayesha, it is premature to be planning raids on citizens on Campor III based on mere suspicion. That is not how Starfleet operates, and that is not how we will be proceeding today."

Ryhl understood the tension. He also knew Special Forces teams worked to the beat of a different drum. "Stand fast, Commander", he said as he looked to Ayesha. "We haven't even assigned team specialists to the Hazard team just yet. Such an operation is something that will be planned out in more detail. We're gathering information and planning for the next steps." Ryhl looked to Jason and then to Kendri. "But your information will not be discounted. I agree that now is not the time to stir tensions. We must continue to gather information, as long as it doesn't compromise us."

“And any such assignments would have to be approved by the Captain and myself, of course,” Commander Tomm interjected.

Ryhl looked around the room, the air momentarily stalling in silence before the meeting continued.

>> To Part Three >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Rachel Soros
Chief Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Special Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Toren II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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