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Senior Staff Luau Part 1: Aloha!

Posted on Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 1:49pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 3:17pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD: C17

Island music seemed to be coming from everywhere. The black sand from the beach drew a sharp contrast to the fiery oranges and reds of the sunset. Kendri was toying with a holographic server, a tall and muscular male , with dark dreads. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and he had several tribal tattoos on his biceps. He handed her a drink served in a coconut shell.

"Thank you, Ronan," she said with a playful wink. As he walked away, she laughed. Finding little ways to entertain herself while she waited for the others to arrive.

Paisley showed up, dragging Jason along. She was wearing a sarong style skirt over a bikini that showed off her curves, even though she was a bit self-conscious about her boobs-they were smaller than she'd like them to be, but it couldn't be helped, she supposed. The olive green color of her swimsuit highlighted the slight grey tinge of her skin, but also enhanced the piercing blue of her eyes. Over the bikini top, she wore one of Jason's button-downs, open-only HINTING at modesty, of course. Otherwise, she had on sandals-which she'd ditch ASAP, preferring bare feet. She had painted her toenails (toe claws?) to match the green palm fronds of the sarong, and her black hair was back in a low, slicked-back ponytail.

Johanna arrived. She was wearing a Hawaiian shirt over a black bikini top. She had on short shorts and hi-top tennis shoes. "Hey everybody. I heard that some sort of party was going on here."

Captain th'Zeles splashed about waist deep in the shallows. Orange, blue and black colors mimicking a sunset were met with white hibiscus flowers. The pattern spread from his board shorts to a lightweight Hawaiian shirt over a black t-shirt. The Captain tried to splash water towards Johanna, but she was too far away. Foamy water splashed onto the dark sand as the Andorian chuckled. "Welcome to the festivities!" Although Ryhl had splashed towards the others, he clearly seemed to trying to keep his shirt dry. Water occasionally splashed at his hem.

J.R was closely watching the large sucking pig rotating slowly on the spit. He was wearing what would commonly be referred to as short shorts, in a mesh fabric. Surprisingly, they looked really good on him, accenting his hips and thighs. He smiled and waved at the others as they came in.

"Hey Doc." Johanna knew he was one of the Doctors onboard, but did not know his name. "Nice lunch over there." Johanna looked at the suckling pig on the spit. "I'm Johanna." She held out her hand.

J.R. reached out a hand to take the offered hand of Johanna, “J.R. How do you do?” He smiled shaking her hand. “This is only a little bit, the smoker over there.” He nodded his head towards a giant smoker.

“Has briskets, ribs and sausages on it, and will probably be ready before our friend here,” he said referring to the pig on the spit.

"Yummy. Can't beat good ribs. My Dad made great ribs. He did all the outdoor cooking; Mom did the indoor cooking. His sauce was an old family recipe; the first ingredient was beer! Anyways, I'm gonna go get a drink. See you around." Johanna walked over to the bar and ordered a nice traditional banana daiquiri.

Now that the senior staff was arriving, Kendri bid farewell to her new hologram friend and went around to mingle. She was wearing a long floral dress with spaghetti straps and slit in the side that went up to her hip. The dress was dark teal and printed with bright orange flowers.

Jason walked on the loose sand, The much needed break from the hectic pace of the last few days was a welcome diversion, The rather extensive band tattoo that wrapped around his leg was in plain view, the intricate line work and symbols were very visible, along with the extensive collection that hadn't been visible in past gatherings including two that only Paisley had seen previously. He found the drinks, grabbing a beer, he looked out over the ocean view almost blankly.

Paisley found him, wandering the sand. "A penny for your thoughts?" She asked. "We should go say hello to the others..." She trailed off. She got herself a beer, as well, while waiting for him.

In the moment Jason looked over to Paisley, "Sometimes it's about the little things." he said smiling, "Let's go socialize."

"Absolutely it is," she said. She kissed him quickly before she let him pull her away.

Ryhl splashed through the water, walking closer to the shore until the water lapped at his knee. He couldn't decide if he wanted to actually go for a full swim, but loved the sensation of the holographic water around him. His head spun, studying the drinks being served at the holographic bar. The Andorian splashed out onto the sand, approaching the bar happily. "I'll have one of those coconut drinks", he asked the barkeep. An easygoing smile, a polite nod and warm greetings accompanied the tropical cocktail.

"Pina colada, eh?" Ryhl repeated the name the barkeep had called it. It tasted sweet, yet subtle on his palate. "Delicious."

Jorel walked into the holodeck and let the doors shut behind him. He was curious as to what a "luau" was because even though he spent time on Earth, he wasn't entirely sure what this was. He came into the holodeck to see a beach setting with beach music from Earth.

Jorel walked around to a table and took a drink from it, taking a sip of it. It was fruity and it tasted good. He walked around and saw someone that looked like the Captain of the ship. Jorel walked over to him and introduced himself as he said, "Captain? I'm Jorel, the new Diplomat onboard. It's nice to finally meet you!"

It took Ryhl a moment to realize who the man was. "Jorel! Lieutenant Jorel, great to meet you." Ryhl patted his back in the excitement, moving close and offering his hand for a shake. "Welcome to the party! We're just celebrating tonight. How are you settling into your quarters?"

The Captain was excited to have a diplomat on board. His own diplomatic skills had been shown to lack a certain finesse. It was something he hoped to improve in the future.

Jorel just shrugged his shoulders as he replied to the captain's questions. "They're way bigger than I would have ever expected on a starship. This place is huge! I just know that I'll have plenty of space to work and I'm just glad that I get to work on an Odyssey Class Starship with such an amazing crew. Still haven't had the chance to get my medical visit in yet, but the bio scanners made sure I wasn't carrying anything crazy onboard."

Kendri approached the Captain and new Chief Diplomatic Officer. "We are especially glad to have you aboard. I promise we do more than party around here. But, I'm glad you had this planned, so you could meet most of the senior staff on an informal level," she said with a smile, still holding her mostly gone pina colada in it's coconut shell cup.

Ryhl burst into laughter, "What, me had this planned?" He took a moment to chuckle once more. "I mentioned the luau once in passing, but the crew put this wonderful party together. I appreciate it."

"Sometimes, it's good to just take some time for yourself and enjoy the small things in life. Not going to lie, it does look like an amazing party and I'm glad that I could experience it with you guys!" Jorel replied, taking everything in once more.

"So have you had a chance to meet any of the other senior staff?" Kendri asked. "That's Kas, Commander Razka, our Chief Flight Operations officer. He brought Feeva Drylo with him, she's one of our counselors on board," Kendri said gesturing to the new arrivals. "Oh, and please call me Kendri, when we aren't on duty, or are behind closed doors. I prefer it - for a number of reasons, but I won't bore you with them."

Jorel looked around the party as the XO pointed out the various people that Jorel hadn't met quite yet. Jorel was excited to meet all of them, so he was glad that he came to the holodeck once he heard that there was a party happening.

"Who else is here? I know this was for the senior staff, so who else do we have here tonight?" Jorel asked inquisitively.

"In addition to those mentioned, we have Miss Lyngstad, our Chief Science Officer, basketball player and musician.. And Miss F'Rar, our kind and caring Chief Engineer. Doctor McEntyre really has a passion for his work." Ryhl noticeably didn't mention any officers by their first names. Unlike Kendri, he didn't feel comfortable referring to the crew so casually. He wished he could open up, but stuck to his ways despite the tension. "Others too. The best way to find out is to get out there and meet them", Ryhl said through a grin. "Let's walk and talk."

Jorel nodded gently and said, "I would absolutely love that! I'm glad that I came onboard when I did and was able to come to this party, so that I could meet everyone."

"You'll find the Columbia is a very social place. We're happy to have you." Ryhl grinned, eyes looking over the officers with warmth. "This group is special. I'd be lost without this crew right here."

>> Part Two >>

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Ayesha
Chief Special Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Toren II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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