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Captain's Away: Pt 3 What the Ferengi want..

Posted on Fri Sep 22nd, 2023 @ 7:24pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Crewman Yaves Lasa

1,695 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD, C2 1300 Hours

On the Bridge of the Columbia, Commander Chalan Kendri Was waiting for Commander Tomm to prepare his team of investigators to send to the surface before making her next move. It appeared that the crew of the Columbia were not going to be given the luxury of easing into their mission on Campor III.

"I think we better hold off on hosting any guests for the foreseeable future," Kendri announced. "Ensign bet Ira, hail Daimon Kratagg of the Marauder Biratis and patch it through to the Captain's Ready Room. She scanned the Bridge crew. "Lt. Sava, you have the Bridge, Tomm you're with me," Kendri announced as she made her way to the Ready Room.

Sarah nodded. "Yes, ma'am," she said. She pressed a button, and the Ferengi captain appeared in front of them, larger than life. "Ma'am..." she said, quietly.

Kendri paused seeing the Daimon on the mainscreen. She turned, "Apologies, Daimon, Kratagg," Kendri announced, presenting him with her wrists pressed together. "Let's take this conversation to a private office." Kendri casually reached over the ensign's shoulder and pressed a couple of buttons so that she could clearly see what she was doing. She squeezed her shoulder gently before briskly walking to the Ready Room and quickly turning the screen on.

Kendri took a seat in the Captain's chair in the Ready Room and took a heavy breath. She had never sat here before. She knew he trusted her to do this, but the weight of her Captain being on the ground in a potentially precarious situation while she was in command of the Columbia began to sink in - all by the simple action of taking a call in the Ready Room.

The Daimon was now on the viewscreen in the privacy of the Captain's Ready Room, the First Officer sat poised with the Security Chief at her side.

"Daimon Kratagg, I'm sure your ship's sensors detected the explosion coming from a flight vessel inside the planet's atmosphere just now," Commander Chalan inquired.

"We did", Kratagg replied, sensing the change in the Commander's locale. "Do you have more information? We don't usually pay much attention as to what happens in Duveek". A look of surprise crossed his features as he leaned forward intently.

Outside of the Columbia, a shuttle returned to the bay of Kratagg's Marauder. Kendri could see an officer approach the Ferengi and whisper inaudibly in his ear. Kratagg acknowledged the diminutive orange man before flicking his wrist to whisk him away. "I must admit. Life isn't always easy on the homestead." His facial features pulled back into a twisted smile. "Are we still on for the gathering tomorrow?" The smile dropped into a look of concern.

"I'm afraid we'll need to postpone, though I assure you that once our investigation is completed, it will be our delight to give you the reception that you deserve," Kendri stated. "Some of our crew were nearby when the vessel exploded, so we have a bit of a personal interest in finding out what happened."

Kendri sat back in her chair. "So, if you were to come across any useful information, it would be quite valuable to us," Kendri suggested coyly.

On Kendri's words, the Daimon's advisor returned to whisper into his lobe once again. Kratagg nodded before speaking.

"This is a terrible turn of events", Kratagg said. "Not only for the lost Romulan.. I guess we'll still get together in due time". The Daimon added an accepting nod.

"As far as information, some of our settlers may have the sorts of connections that might... provide what you're looking for."

Kratagg looked off in thought for about two seconds before returning to focus. "There is just one small matter.. If I may just borrow your lobes for a second... We've been awaiting the Columbia's arrival. You see, the Ferengi settlement of Grabok was left off the equipment roster."

The Daimon knew the Commander had limited time. This meant he had to quickly execute his pitch. "You see, we're just a fledgling township.. This is only our first year.. We have little representation here with the other Ferengi because of this."

"We'd hoped to use some of this equipment to support a new medical facility. There've been a rash of illnesses lately.. It's starting to become worrisome", Kratagg admitted as he frowned.

Kendri narrowed her eyes as she looked into the screen, "We might be able to help, if you tell me how you know a Romulan was lost in the explosion," she said firmly. Of course the Federation would help regardless, but the Ferengi had information, and when one was in a position to barter with a Ferengi, the path of least resistance was to use the currency you had.

Daimon Kratagg's impish features twisted upwards into a toothy grin. "The destructed signature matched that of a micro artificial singularity core. The size of the particulate matter and husk matches Romulan shuttle or fighter craft. Further scans showed some of their latest fighters are in the area. Each flown by a crew of one."

His eyes stared into the screen as his smile closed. Kratagg's heart raced as he internally fought to keep his composure. Jarring orange eyes carried a look of playful innocence.

"Mmmhmm," Kendri said sternly, clearly not impressed. "What else. We'll know if you're holding back."

"Commander", Kratagg said in a tone which tilted towards anxious. "People are becoming very ill. We're fighting to treat everybody, but we can't seem to contain the spread. If we can't get help soon, we'll lose people."

The Ferengi that stood beside the Daimon backed away, aggressive look spread across his features. He could be seen talking to another seated Ferengi off to the side of the viewscreen.

"What happened to the Romulans is a tragedy, but so is what's happening in Grabok. All we need is a little medicine and better equipment." Somewhat of a more sincere look was carried in Kratagg's glance. His apparently natural scowl remained.

Kendri sighed and looked over at Tomm, then at the screen. "We offer our assistance. But it is a condition of our aid that you share everything you know about what is going on down on Campor III, and anything in the surrounding area that may be useful. If you are holding information back, you are endangering not only our team, but yourselves as well. Do you understand this?" Kendri asked, The sternness in her demand clear.

"Hold back information? Me?!" Kratagg looked shocked and appalled, eyes widening dramatically. "If you believe something appears off kilter.. We would gladly assist in getting to the bottom of.. any situation." The Daimon seemed somewhat caught off guard that something deeper could be going on.

“Perhaps a couple of hours in interrogation will shake loose anything he’s withholding, Commander,” Tomm interjected.

“I can guarantee anything we want to know, you will freely volunteer, Kratagg. This is not my first go around with a Ferengi.”

Of course, it could also be part of his suspicious act.

"In order for me to assemble a proper team, I'll also need you to send me coordinates for your community, information about your medical facility, anything that your doctors and scientists have been able to discover thus far, and any other security risks in your area," Kendri explained. "Once we have assessed the situation we will be able to inform you of our expected arrival."

"We'll send the exact coordinates to Grabok, along with more information on our community. We're located far inland in an area with high foliage and lots of rain. You'll see we're not far from the equator." His open grin returned. "Feels like Feringinar sometimes.. Our growing hospital doesn't even have a name.. It's just.. 'The Hospital' or even 'The Facility'."

The Ferengi advisor had been listening and instructed the seated officer to send the information to the Columbia.

"We built it near grasslands first cleared for agriculture. As the structure grew, so too did the capabilities. But the place is so short staffed. This wave of illness is also putting our equipment to the test."

Kendri nodded, "Send us specifications for your medical equipment. We will have our technical crew test and compensate for any compatibility issues ahead of arrival," Kendri responded. "We will keep in contact. Is there anything else?" she asked.

"That should be all Commander", Kratagg said as a look of satisfaction and maybe even sincerity crept over his features. "I'll see to it our specifications are sent immediately." He nodded and offered a restrained smile. "Fair well."

The comm channel closed and Kendri looked over at Tomm. "This is already the third request for medical aid, and we haven't even been here a full two days," she commented, a concerned look on her face. "Any thoughts."

“The thing that concerns me most is manpower. The requests are a little out of the ordinary, would you agree? I can’t just leave bare bones Security on Columbia; at the same time, these people need supplies and equipment in addition to Security oversight. Are there locals we can procure to assist in the aid effort?," Kobi posed to Kendri.

"We know that intel is worried about a security threat. Without figuring that out, I don't want to to put our work in anyone's hands that we don't know. We're set to be here a while. We may just have to triage the missions. Not tackle it all at once," Kendri suggested. She made a loose fist with her right hand and pressed her forefinger to her lips as some of the Ferengi data started coming in.

"We'll have Commander Lyngstrad and Dr. Takanashi take a look at this as well and talk to the Captain once he returns," Kendri stood up. "We should get back to the Bridge."

“Good plan, Commander. Better to do this in stages. Ready to go when you are, Kendri,” affirmed Kobi.

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer, USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Security Chief, USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Ops Officer, USS Columbia

Crewman Yaves Lasa
Yeoman, USS Columbia

special guest CO Rhyl th'Zeles writing Daimon Kratagg >


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