Crewman Yaves Lasa

Name Yaves Lasa

Position Yeoman

Rank Crewman


  • 9 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 8:40pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bolian
Age 19

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 131 lbs
Hair Color none
Eye Color Foliage Green
Physical Description Crewman Yaves Lasa possesses a youthful appearance, radiating an aura of bright cheerfulness. Her large, misty green eyes are captivating, while swift to engage with the gaze of others. Accentuating their delightful features are heart-shaped purple lips that effortlessly curve into a smile. She radiates warmth and friendliness.

A Bolian physical attribute distinguishes Yaves from many. A light blue line with a golden shimmer traverses her body, starting from her forehead and gracefully descending down the middle of her neck. This iridescent mark is an intriguing characteristic that sets her apart, eliciting curiosity and fascination.

With a height of 5'7", Yaves stands with an elegant and lithe figure, displaying a balance of strength and grace. Her movements are purposeful, conveying a sense of determination, yet accompanied by an innate agility.

Yaves' expressions effortlessly transition between chipper and resolute, reflecting her adaptable and dynamic nature. Whether brimming with enthusiasm or displaying unwavering resolve, Yaves’ facial expressions mirror her positive outlook and unwavering determination.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Zairr Lasa (49) - Executive at Bank of Bolias
Mother Vyxis Lasa (48) - Performer
Brother(s) Loss Lasa (26) - Merchant
Orlagg Lasa (23)- Painter, Explorer
Sister(s) Kythira Lasa (21) - Dancer
Other Family Cousins include the Traff and Ziraf families..

Personality & Traits

General Overview Crewman Yaves Lasa is characterized by her innocence and idyllic view of the world. With an unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of people and organizations, she maintains an optimistic outlook that uplifts those around her. Yaves possesses a genuine and sincere nature, always striving to see the positive aspects in every situation and person she encounters.

As an enlisted crewman, Yaves has found her place in the Operations department. Her skills continue to grow and flourish. In her role as a Yeoman, she serves as the trusted assistant to Commander th'Zeles aboard the USS Columbia. Her mission is to support the CO with efficiency, diligence, and a genuine desire to contribute.

Yaves approaches her duties with a sense of dedication and earnestness, striving to exceed expectations and ensure that all tasks are completed meticulously. Her enthusiasm and eagerness to learn make her an asset to the team. She embraces opportunities for personal and professional growth with an open mind and a willingness to take on new challenges.

Despite the challenges and complexities of life aboard a starship, Yaves remains steadfast in her optimistic outlook. She can be angered when provoked. Yaves also has a competitive side. She can accidentally come off as arrogant or full of herself.

She is more confident on her viewpoints and positions than she is confident in herself. She may feel doubts or anxieties about herself, but is staunch in what she believes.

Crewman Lasa hopes to make the most of the Columbia assignment. She hopes to be more than an assistant. Her plans are to grow her Ops skills along with many more. As a young enlistee, Yaves sees this posting as the start of a long career.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
* Optimistic Outlook: Yaves's unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of people and organizations brings a positive and uplifting energy to her work. Her optimistic outlook inspires others and helps to foster a harmonious and cooperative work environment.
* Dedication and Diligence: Yaves approaches her duties with a strong sense of dedication and earnestness. She strives to exceed expectations and ensures that all tasks are completed meticulously. Her commitment to excellence and attention to detail make her a valuable asset to the team.
* Enthusiasm and Eagerness to Learn: Yaves's genuine enthusiasm and eagerness to learn are key strengths. She embraces opportunities for personal and professional growth, consistently seeking to expand her knowledge and skills. Her open-mindedness and willingness to take on new challenges contribute to her continual growth and development.

* Anger when Provoked: While Yaves is generally optimistic and positive, she can be susceptible to anger when provoked. This emotional response may sometimes cloud her judgment or affect her ability to remain composed in challenging situations.
* Accidental Arrogance: Yaves's competitive nature and confidence in her viewpoints can sometimes come across as arrogance or a sense of being full of herself. Although unintended, this trait may occasionally create misunderstandings or tensions with others. She is quick to make rivals with her female peers.
* Self-Doubt and Anxiety: Despite her strong convictions and confidence in her beliefs, Yaves may experience moments of self-doubt and anxiety about herself. These internal struggles can sometimes undermine her self-assurance, but she remains steadfast in her convictions and determination to make a meaningful contribution.

Yaves aspires to make the most of her assignment aboard the USS Columbia, seeing it as the beginning of a long and fulfilling career. Her ambition extends beyond being an assistant, as she hopes to continue growing her skills in Operations and pursuing further opportunities for personal and professional development.
Ambitions Yaves Lasa's ambitions reflect her determination and drive to excel in her Starfleet career. While she initially aspired to become an Engineering Officer and attend Starfleet Academy, her journey took a different path when she was unable to secure enrollment due to the class being full. Undeterred by this setback, Yaves made the decision to enlist and gain practical experience as a Crewman.

With a newfound perspective and a hunger for knowledge, Yaves sees her current assignment aboard the USS Columbia as an opportunity to build a strong foundation and expand her skills in the Operations department. She is dedicated to honing her abilities and gaining valuable firsthand experience, knowing that each step in her career will contribute to her overall growth as an officer.

Yaves remains focused on her long-term goal of becoming an Engineering Officer, and she understands that the path to achieving it may require additional dedication and perseverance. She plans to use her time in service to not only develop her technical skills but also to foster connections and learn from experienced officers who can guide her along the way.

While her journey may have taken an unexpected turn, Yaves maintains an optimistic outlook, viewing her enlistment as an opportunity to gain valuable experience and broaden her perspective before pursuing her dream of attending the Academy. She is determined to prove herself as a capable and dedicated member of Starfleet, constantly seeking opportunities for growth and advancement.

Yaves's ambitions extend beyond personal goals; she also strives to make a positive impact on those around her. She aims to be a source of inspiration and support for her fellow crewmates, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. With her drive, optimism, and eagerness to learn, Yaves is well-positioned to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in her journey to becoming an Engineering Officer.
Hobbies & Interests Yaves Lasa's vibrant personality is reflected in her eclectic range of hobbies and interests. She possesses a natural curiosity and a desire to explore the unknown, which extends beyond her professional pursuits.
One of Yaves's favorite pastimes is experimenting with cooking alien recipes. Fascinated by the diverse culinary traditions of different species in the galaxy, she loves trying her hand at recreating their dishes. However, her enthusiasm often exceeds her culinary skills, leading to amusing kitchen mishaps. Despite the occasional kitchen disasters, Yaves maintains a lighthearted approach and embraces the learning process, always eager to improve her culinary repertoire.

Beyond her culinary adventures, Yaves has a keen interest in exploring diverse cultures and traditions. She enjoys immersing herself in the traditions and customs of alien species, whether through literature, music, or art. She finds joy in discovering new perspectives and understanding the rich tapestry of the galaxy's civilizations.

Yaves also has a penchant for quirky hobbies that showcase her creative and imaginative side. She has a knack for crafting unique pieces, from intricate beaded jewelry to colorful knitted accessories. Her creative projects are an outlet for her artistic expression and a way to bring joy to others through thoughtful handmade gifts.

Additionally, Yaves has a fondness for stargazing and astronomy. She finds solace in observing the vast expanse of the cosmos, marveling at the wonders of distant celestial bodies. Whether it's taking a moment to appreciate a breathtaking starry night or delving into scientific literature about the mysteries of the universe, she finds a sense of awe and inspiration in the beauty of the cosmos.

Yaves's hobbies and interests reflect her adventurous spirit and her desire to explore and appreciate the world around her. They serve as a source of relaxation, creativity, and personal growth, adding depth to her vibrant and multifaceted personality.

Personal History Yaves Lasa was born in the year 2377 on the beautiful planet of Bolarus IX. Growing up in a prominent Bolian household, she experienced a life of privilege and opportunity. Her father, a respected figure in the financial sector, serves as a top banker with the prestigious 'Bank of Bolias'. This upbringing exposed Yaves to the world of commerce and instilled in her an early appreciation for business and economic systems.

Crewman Lasa's mother is a remarkable woman who left an indelible mark on the Rasara region of Bolarus IX. Renowned for her exceptional talent, she still is a multifaceted performer, captivating audiences with her mesmerizing dance routines and enthralling acting performances. With grace, elegance, and a magnetic stage presence, she brings stories to life in dramatic fashion.

Her mother's passion for the arts was infectious, and it inspired Yaves from a young age. The vibrant energy of the performances, the rich cultural expressions, and the deep emotional connections that her mother created through her artistry left a lasting impression on Yaves' creative spirit. She learned to appreciate the power of storytelling and the ability of artistic expression to bridge gaps and connect people from different backgrounds.

From a young age, Yaves showed a natural curiosity and aptitude for technology and engineering. Her inquisitive nature led her to tinker with various gadgets and devices, often disassembling and reassembling them to better understand their inner workings. Fascinated by the complexities of engineering, she spent countless hours experimenting and learning about different systems. She was constantly honing her skills while developing a deep understanding of the subject. Her parents made sure their daughter attended the best schools and had great tutors.

As Yaves entered her teenage years, she set her sights on attending Starfleet Academy to pursue her passion for engineering. However, due to a high volume of applicants, she was not accepted into the Academy at that time. Undeterred by this setback, Yaves decided to take a different path and enlisted in Starfleet. She recognized that practical experience and knowledge learned as a crewman would only enhance her future prospects.
Service Record April-July 2394: Starfleet - Basic Training Course
July-November 2394: Starfleet - Advanced Training School, Operations
Dec 2394-Dec 2395: Starbase 400 - Damage Control Specialist
2396-Present: USS Columbia - Yeoman